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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-213549 · Issue 710160

Resolved error for custom relative dates

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

An error was seen when parsing the [Date Property] [is before/after] [Last/Next x days] while using a custom amount of number of days in Customer Decision Hub (CDH). This was due to the system not supporting the [Last/Next x days] feature for SSA, but only detecting this during parsing for the prefixed values for Proposition Filters and not custom values. As the parser did not realize the construct referring to the relative date was not supported, it created an SSA that caused an exception during execution. This has been resolved.

INC-199790 · Issue 700646

GetAllEmailWork temp page renamed to avoid conflict

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

The default Email manager portal was not displaying new email triage cases. Investigation showed that because the GetAllEmailWork and CaseBreadCrumbPopulate activities were using a common name for the clipboard page "TempPage", when CaseBreadCrumbPopulate removed the TempPage clipboard page as one of its steps a null pointer exception occurred for GetAllEmailWork. To resolve this, an update has been made to rename "TempPage" to "TempPageET" for GetAllEmailWork so the names will not conflict.

INC-211417 · Issue 711611

Updated URL construction for inline images for better performance

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

System slowness was seen, and inline images were not getting displayed when the case was opened. This has been resolved by modifying pyExtractHtmlFromAttachment to ensure the image source URL is built in a consistent way whether or not there is a cache to call from.

INC-212549 · Issue 706074

HTML attachments conditionally shown in email listener cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

When Rich text/html (non-plain text) emails were ingested in email, the original mail was not getting added to the case. Investigation showed that the pzCreateTriageWork activity had an explicit delete step to remove any attachment that started with 'email-content'. Since the HTML attachment name starts with 'email-content', it was deleted in above activity. This has been resolved by adding an update to conditionally show email-content.html.

INC-214294 · Issue 710826

PopulateEmailClientWorkFilter correctly resolves field value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

The first item in the Email manager queue selection dropdown was 'DefaultWorklist', instead of 'Default worklist' or other formatted text. Investigation showed the New Page was not created for the temp results in pzPopulateEmailClientWorkFilter Activity, preventing it from resolving the customized/available field values, and this has been resolved.

INC-214367 · Issue 708410

Handling added for infinite loop in GetEmailConversations

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

An infinite loop issue where a clipboard page was repeatedly added to a page list in pxGetEmailConversations was causing an out of memory condition that resulted in unavailable nodes. This has been resolved by adding boundary conditions to avoid a loop, and a fail-safe mechanism to exit an infinite loop if one does occur.

INC-214836 · Issue 709759

Handling added for infinite loop in GetEmailConversations

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

An infinite loop issue where a clipboard page was repeatedly added to a page list in pxGetEmailConversations was causing an out of memory condition that resulted in unavailable nodes. This has been resolved by adding boundary conditions to avoid a loop, and a fail-safe mechanism to exit an infinite loop if one does occur.

INC-179727 · Issue 704545

Modified batch requestor handling to ensure cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

A large buildup of batch requestors was seen, and restarting the node did not clear it. Investigation showed that in the case of one class reading a DSS value, a Pega requestor was being created when it was unable to retrieve any Pega context, and this requestor was not cleaned up afterwards. To resolve this, an update has been made to the way the requestor and Pega context is being created along with ensuring it will be cleaned up properly after use.

INC-180246 · Issue 664947

Support for apostrophe added to keyword tokenization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

A keyword containing an apostrophe was not detected properly in Text extraction model. This has been resolved by updating the annotator used in the tokenization.

INC-192826 · Issue 685797

PMML updated for nested 'if'

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Running a model on the openscoring API and the Pega PMML model gave different results. This has been resolved by updating the handling for nested 'if' in PMML.

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