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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-220642 · Issue 717033

Updated context handling for executing data transforms in dataflows

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

When performing a sort operation in a data transform on a page list and invoking the Data transform through a Data flow, a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException was generated on the sort step even though the data was correct. Investigation showed that the dataflows were using a different execution context than the context used for regular activity execution. An update has been made to ensure the correct context is being used while executing data transforms in dataflows.

INC-202878 · Issue 713792

Handling updated for social messaging items with very large embedded images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Job scheduler was running out of memory while handling large/multiple files, causing nodes to crash while handling Social Messaging items. Inline images were also not being sent in the ACK email. Investigation traced this to a custom job scheduler and activity used to create PDFs from email communication and send the PDFs to a third-party system. This used the standard Email Triage/PegaSocial functionality for the emails, which were stored as instances of PegaSocial-Message. The custom Job scheduler and activity then leveraged the Data Page D_pxEmailPosts to retrieve the emails in order to harvest the text from the emails. The issue occurred when a number of the emails had multiple or large embedded images in them, meaning the PegaSocial-Message instances are very large. This resulted in the node running out of memory and crashing. To resolve this, code has been added to support inline images in ACK email and the complete message from Pulse will be used instead of the original message as the email body for the ACK email.

INC-211974 · Issue 706616

UpgradeInteractionCase modified to update work page on save

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

After update, service cases were failing to unpend when using a custom data transform that accessed the D_CorrespondenceCase data page. Investigation showed the D_CorrespondenceCase data page was internally using the D_pxGetInteractionCaseDetails data page; this call upgraded and saved and committed the case but this commit released the lock which the custom data transform had acquired. Because this happened before accessing the CorrespondenceCase datapage, it led to an error while committing the service case details. To resolve this, the postprocessing activity "pyUpgradeInteractionCase" of D_pxGetInteractionCaseDetails has been modified to write the update on the work page as soon as a save is performed.

INC-202111 · Issue 710105

Logging extended for PRPCPropertyInfoProvider

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

In order to assist with diagnosing issues with Kafka and JSON, additional logging has been added for PRPCPropertyInfoProvider.

INC-208976 · Issue 719166

Enhanced SSA metrics made available

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

In order to better diagnose delays related to the time when a Campaign is scheduled to start and the time when the Dataflow actually starts to run, an update has been made which will generate detailed metrics to cover some of the strategy execution key performance intensive areas. Additional lower level internal metrics related to SSA engine execution have also been made available by way of a DSS to collect more runtime insight for diagnosis. To enable the collection of these Level 2 SSA internal metrics, set the dataflow/shape/strategy/detailed_metrics/level2 DSS in the Pega-DecisionEngine rule set to 'true'. A comprehensive set of enhanced metrics will be available in Pega 8.8.

INC-213217 · Issue 714194

Updated context handling for executing data transforms in dataflows

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

When performing a sort operation in a data transform on a page list and invoking the Data transform through a Data flow, a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException was generated on the sort step even though the data was correct. Investigation showed that the dataflows were using a different execution context than the context used for regular activity execution. An update has been made to ensure the correct context is being used while executing data transforms in dataflows.

INC-215601 · Issue 721524

Explicit Kerberos renewal added for HDFS

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

When using WebSphere/IBM with Hadoop connectivity, the Kerberos credentials were expiring after 7 days and causing connectivity failures. Investigation showed the Apache Hadoop HDFS Client was not renewing the ticket even when there were operation calls every few hours. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added to the Pega HDFS client which will explicitly tell Hadoop authentication layer to check for Kerberos ticket renewal instead of relying on Hadoop built-in logic.

INC-217290 · Issue 721376

Added support for creating predictive models in Production

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

While creating a new predictive model rule in Prediction studio, the case was going into broken process after selecting the template with the error message "Error loading D_ProjectList , Reason : No databases defined in properties file:/". This was an unexpected use case for creating models in Production level, and has been resolved by updating the flows to turn off the draft mode in this scenario.

INC-217728 · Issue 712733

Made CommitLog messages more resilient to class change

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Persistent class mismatch exceptions were seen while refreshing the ADM models after updating from Pega 8.5. This was caused by changes to the Cassandra adm_commitlog message schema which caused the commit log messages generated to be incompatible with the deserialisation logic present in higher versions of Pega, but as the commit log messages had a time to live of 24 hours the issue self-resolved. However, this has been resolved by setting serialVersionUID for the ModelParameters class so CommitLog messages are now compatible with future minor and patch releases.

INC-217991 · Issue 714333

Display of 'check all' check box made configurable

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

A new overridable 'when' rule pyShowSelectAllCBInSurvey has been added to allow customizing a survey to hide the 'Select all' checkbox in the ComplexQuestionCheckboxTemplate section.

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