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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-218172 · Issue 716398

Text analytics character limit set to avoid memory issues

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.3

Utility nodes were unstable related to searching, and email listener threads became stuck during Rule-based Text Annotation (RUTA) and natural language processing (NLP) work on incoming emails. This happened when the system experienced high memory consumption or exceeded memory usage when using text analytics. This has been resolved by setting the default maximum character limit for NLP analysis to 25,000 characters to avoid RUTA memory issues. If text is provided > 25,000 characters, the system will consider only the top 25,000 characters and a flag will appear on NLPOutcome to indicate text has been limited. This character limit is configurable, but if the configuration is set in excess of 25,000 a warning will be shown prior to saving the change.

INC-223376 · Issue 723575

JMX authentication enabled by default for embedded Kafka and Cassandra

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.3

For on-premises clients, a potential vulnerability for a Remote Code Execution using the JMX interface on Cassandra and Kafka using exposed network ports has been mitigated by enabling JMX authentication by default for embedded Kafka and Cassandra.

INC-229717 · Issue 730667

Cassandra startup calls reordered to avoid deadlock

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.3

Nodes received a service request but it became stuck. This was traced to a deadlock related to CassandraSessionCache.getSession, and has been resolved by reordering the method calls used to initialize the Cassandra session to delay adding the session change listener and avoid a deadlock scenario.

INC-192935 · Issue 688463

Added deferred loading for email cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When there were a significant number of email interactions on an email case, delays were seen when loading the case in the UI. Investigation traced this to a high number of database calls along with the BLOBs also being open. To improve performance, the new rule pyDeferLoadEmails has been added which toggles the UI and loads emails faster. In addition, the button label has been modified to read "View all emails" in place of "Show all" while defer load is enabled.

INC-199790 · Issue 700647

GetAllEmailWork temp page renamed to avoid conflict

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The default Email manager portal was not displaying new email triage cases. Investigation showed that because the GetAllEmailWork and CaseBreadCrumbPopulate activities were using a common name for the clipboard page "TempPage", when CaseBreadCrumbPopulate removed the TempPage clipboard page as one of its steps a null pointer exception occurred for GetAllEmailWork. To resolve this, an update has been made to rename "TempPage" to "TempPageET" for GetAllEmailWork so the names will not conflict.

INC-202878 · Issue 713791

Handling updated for social messaging items with very large embedded images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Job scheduler was running out of memory while handling large/multiple files, causing nodes to crash while handling Social Messaging items. Inline images were also not being sent in the ACK email. Investigation traced this to a custom job scheduler and activity used to create PDFs from email communication and send the PDFs to a third-party system. This used the standard Email Triage/PegaSocial functionality for the emails, which were stored as instances of PegaSocial-Message. The custom Job scheduler and activity then leveraged the Data Page D_pxEmailPosts to retrieve the emails in order to harvest the text from the emails. The issue occurred when a number of the emails had multiple or large embedded images in them, meaning the PegaSocial-Message instances are very large. This resulted in the node running out of memory and crashing. To resolve this, code has been added to support inline images in ACK email and the complete message from Pulse will be used instead of the original message as the email body for the ACK email.

INC-208818 · Issue 704708

Corrected intelligent routing in email channel

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Intelligent language-based routing in the email bot channel was not working as expected when given a condition to direct messages to a different operator based on language. Messages were placed in the Inbound Correspondence work basket instead. This was traced to the getRoutingActions API using the incorrect property from .pxAnalysis, and has been resolved.

INC-211417 · Issue 711612

Updated URL construction for inline images for better performance

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

System slowness was seen, and inline images were not getting displayed when the case was opened. This has been resolved by modifying pyExtractHtmlFromAttachment to ensure the image source URL is built in a consistent way whether or not there is a cache to call from.

INC-212549 · Issue 706072

HTML attachments conditionally shown in email listener cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When Rich text/html (non-plain text) emails were ingested in email, the original mail was not getting added to the case. Investigation showed that the pzCreateTriageWork activity had an explicit delete step to remove any attachment that started with 'email-content'. Since the HTML attachment name starts with 'email-content', it was deleted in above activity. This has been resolved by adding a when rule named 'pyLinkEmailTriageContentHTML' which will conditionally show email-content.html.

INC-212966 · Issue 713956

Support added for email attachments stored in repositories

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Attachments sent through email were received as corrupted. To resolve this, support has been added for retrieving content attachment file content from external repositories using data page D_pzGetExtStorageContent[ContentLocation:.pyContentLocation,RepositoryName:.pyStoredInRepository].pyFileSource

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