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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-A1705 · Issue 205449

Fixed scrumboard intermittent failure

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

After upgrading, it was seen that the scrumboard would intermittently fail to load, partially displaying and then hanging if the columns did not fit within the window boundaries due to the number of elements. This was traced to an error in the functionality that resizes parts of the scrumboard, and has been fixed.

SR-A4995 · Issue 213355

Fixed flow line distortion in Process Modeler

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.9

When clicking through to a subprocess from a parent flow (by clicking the + sign in the blue subprocess shape), flow lines in the subprocess were shown in a distorted fashion. When opening the same flow in a separate tab (by right clicking the blue subprocess shape and selecting Open Flow) the flow lines were correctly painted. This was an issue caused by the different renderings of the flow depending on whether there was a click through to it (with the + on the parent flow?s subprocess shape), or the subflow was opened in a separate tab (with open Flow). After the Process Modeler saved and checked-in the flow, the connector lines were re-drawn in ways that were non-intuitive and hard to interpret due to the edge routing in PM being calculated off incorrect input data that was taking into account shapes that were not represented on the screen. To fix this, the system now ensures the edges are routed without taking into account any shapes not represented on the canvas.

SR-A6740 · Issue 214445

Bulk delete activity added for ADM models

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

In order to support the deletion of ADM models in bulk, an enhancement has been added to remove the unwanted models from the database provided a list of them is given as input. The activity pxDeleteModelsByCriteria has been created; "Used to delete ADM models in bulk. Models to be deleted are determined by the criteria selected by this Activity's parameters; a model is deleted if it matches all selected criteria."

SR-A8236 · Issue 217334

Data flow respects vertical scalability settings

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

The number of threads per node specified in Decision->Simulation Settings->Topology landing page was not taken into account by data flow execution, leading to the inability to configure vertical scalability per PRPC node and/or exclude certain nodes from data flow execution. This was an error where the configuration was being ignored and a default value was always used, and has been corrected.

SR-A5666 · Issue 215313

Flow Image available in "WhereAmI" option of iframe

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

In some cases, it was not possible to see a flow canvas when the request was made from external system (e.g.. calling Pega URL from iframe). The framework was not taking into account the case where the frame was embedded in a document from a different domain. The cause of this issue is that the iframe and the parent frame have different origins, which prevents Viewer Data registering correctly. The system has been updated to detect whether the parent frame has the same origin as iframe, then choose correct the parent context to register Viewer Data. The object used to contain viewer data should be created in the right context in order to avoid cross origin exceptions.

SR-A7256 · Issue 218467

Flow image resolution now set by default

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

In some flows with widely spaced shapes, the resolution of the flow image was insufficient- i.e., the text inside the flow shapes is not legible. The flow image is captured at a user defined zoom level, causing the captured flow images to have non-uniform resolution. The image capture now is done at a default origin and zoom level. The image capture will then restore the user selected zoom level after the capture happens.

SR-A9615 · Issue 218861

Resolved NPE in batch processing Decision data flows

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

A null pointer exception was being thrown when accessing the batch processing function for Decision data flows if the 'initservices/dnode' dynamic system was set to false. This was traced to a failure of the Flow Action pre-processing activity attempting to call DNodeServiceListener to initialize it, and a check has been added so the Data flow run manager will now try to initialize each time it is asked for an instance if it was not initialized already.

SR-A733 · Issue 207631

Edited Propositions retain format

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

When updating a Proposition using the "Edit" button, the format was lost, however updating the proposition using the "Bulk Edit"-> 'Edit in Excel' button preserved the formatting. This has been addressed by making the default UI control for the text values a Text Area, which maintains the multi-line format.

SR-A6547 · Issue 217014

Updated handling for empty keys in DataSet-Execute

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

When executing a 'delete by keys' operation in a DataSet-Execute method, passing empty keys would intermittently cause the whole dataset to be truncated or deleted. To create a more robust execution environment, when a Dataset-Execute is called and no key is passed it will trigger a delete statement matching the key value to null.

SR-A6629 · Issue 216162

Updated group authentication for populating Batch Processing landing page

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

pyApplication and pyApplicationVersion were not getting populated when running a data flow from the Batch Processing landing page that used information from system pages. This was an issue with the system pages not being included in the proper authentication group, and has been resolved.

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