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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-C8023 · Issue 350229

Updated dataflow used after pause/continue

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When using an event dataflow that has a Kafka dataset as the source, running the flow, pausing it, and importing updated rules was resulting in the resumed flow still using the old rules. This was a known limitation in the data flow metrics management where when a run was resumed, the previous metrics were "merged" with new metrics. In cases where the structure of a data flow changed between pause/resume, merge failed silently and new metrics were not saved to the database. The metric management has now been updated to merge metrics correctly: in case of a data flow structure update (e.g. shapes added/removed), after the data flow is run, stage metrics will be cleared up as it is not possible to match them with the new structure, and all other metrics will be properly resumed from the "paused" position (e.g. number of processed records, throughput etc.).

INC-181148 · Issue 663164

Documentation updated for altering data type to Timestamp to avoid duplicate data in Decision Hub

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

By default, the pxOutComeTime column has a Date data type in the pr_data_ih_fact table. This may cause duplicate data issues. To resolve this, the 8.5 and 8.6 installation and upgrade guides for Pega Customer Decision Hub have been updated to include a new procedure "Modifying column definitions to use the TIMESTAMP datatype in an Oracle database". Performing this procedure will allow users to avoid the duplicate data issue. All documents are available from the Pega Customer Decision Hub product page.

SR-D26976 · Issue 507215

Filter added to ensure correct context for proposition strategy rules

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

Given two applications (ex App1 and App2) hosted on the same domain where App2 was built on App1, trying to create a strategy rule in App1 and do a test run strategy using the propositional data component which internally uses App2 propositions generated the error: Failed to find a 'RULE-DECISION-DECISIONPARAMETERS' with the name 'GROUP_2'. There were 1 rules with this name in the rulebase, but none matched this request." Investigation showed the strategy was using the PropositionNoCacheUtils and PropositionTools java classes to load the propositions during run time. In these classes, the group classes were browsed from the db irrespective of the application context, causing the strategy run to fail as it was not able to access the decision data rules in other applications which shared the same SR class as the current application. To resolve this, a filter has been added to the PropositionNoCacheUtils and PropositionTools java classes to filter out the groups that are not in the current application context.

SR-D31103 · Issue 502980

VBD insert process updated for better retry handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

When restarting Data Flow and VBD nodes, the VBD client can encounter some exceptions indicating components in the stack are temporarily unavailable. In most cases the VBD client retries, but there are some cases where it did not and data flow failures occurred. To resolve this, the code has been updated to remove logging of the VBD cluster status during a retry, and the retry duration has been made configurable.

SR-D37163 · Issue 505479

Corrected Decision Data import filter behavior

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

After upgrade, if a Decision data import referred another component to filter out the import, it did not work. This has been corrected.

SR-D38492 · Issue 505491

Batching now enabled when using IH Summary shape in substrategies

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

Batching was not being enabled when using IH Summary shape in substrategies. This was traced to the IH_SUMMARY_CACHE field not automatically being passed to sub-strategies, and has been corrected.

SR-D39956 · Issue 511639

Corrected method IF use with shortcut function

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

After upgrade, method IF was not working as expected when used in an expression like "@if(.totalorders_120days>0,(.remakeorders_120days/.totalorders_120days)<0.3,false)". This was caused by a missed use case for the combination of an exception-generating function in combination with a shortcut function (i.e. ternary, and, or), and has been resolved.

SR-D47713 · Issue 511972

Corrected issue with strategy framework testing

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

Issues were seen in creating a dataflow to test the strategy framework shipped with the Pega Marketing product. It was not possible to use a data transform to test this strategy because it is in the shipped PegaMKTEngine ruleset. Investigation showed the value of appliedToClass was retrieved from "pyRunOnDataFlowClassName" instead of from the running strategy, and this has been resolved.

INC-172785 · Issue 662335

Adaptive model retry mechanism enabled

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

Adaptive models were missing from the Model Management page as well as in the Prediction studio while similar models for the same proposition, only differing by the Channel name, were visible. This was traced to data not being synchronized between the database and Cassandra. The pegadata.pr_data_adm_factory database table did not contain the record of the missing channel, but Cassandra did. Since the current Cassandra adm_scoringmodel contained model information, the system still believed the model was present. In order to ensure Cassandra and the database table are in sync, an update has been made to enable the retry mechanism "SyncFactoryKeysTask" to create the ADM model in factory table by periodically looking for scoring models without factories or an entry in adm_meta.

INC-173596 · Issue 660221

Google OAuth and Spring versions updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

The Google-oauth-client jar has been upgraded to version 1.31.1, and SpringFramework libraries have been updated to version 5.3.9 .

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