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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-160102 · Issue 627687

Updated resource file paths for mobile images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After upgrade, a resource missing error was shown on the mobile UI when accessing a section in an offline mobile app. This was traced to the CSS file having an incorrect path to the 'requiredstar' gif file and has been resolved by updating pzbase-form-level-elements to use webwb instead of an images path

INC-160497 · Issue 627715

Able to add missing headers from App Studio

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

A missing header in pyActionArea and pyActionAreaheader could not be added from App Studio. This was due to the sections not being built using design templates, and has been resolved by updating the section to be editable in runtime.

INC-160500 · Issue 627268

Cosmos App Studio icons have helper text

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Enhancements have been made for accessibility by adding Helper text to icons in the Cosmos theme for App Studio.

INC-161430 · Issue 627721

Accessibility Component/Widget role added to pyCaseErrorSection

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Page level errors were not accessible due to the error section being wrapped inside a dynamic layout whose contents were not readable. This has been resolved by updating dynamic layouts to use the correct accessibility roles.

INC-162692 · Issue 629637

Added primary portal navigation role

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

While in the User portal, Accessibility inspector displayed the warning "Primary Portal navigation may be missing a navigation role." This role has now been added to pzPortalNavigation.

SR-D82148 · Issue 547576

Localization improved for ToolTips

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Attempting to use the Field value to localize the tooltip for Hour and Minute resulted in the time being displayed as "tooltip: Hour". Support has been added for localizing these fields using pyTooltip. In addition, an issue with the tooltip still being displayed after switching helper text to None and saving (without manually clearing the existing text) has been resolved with an update that will clear the tooltip value when helper text is selected as 'None'.

SR-B66795 · Issue 317118

ConvertAttachmentToPDF Activity deprecated as part of PDM removal

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

As the Pega Distribution Manager is no longer offered as part of the Pega application, the "ConvertAttachmentToPDF" function previously offered as part of PDM 3.3.5 is now [Withdrawn,Deprecated] from 'Pega-ProCom' & 'Pega-ProcessEngine'

SR-B69359 · Issue 337302

Tab header value works for SSO

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

The Tab header value was not updated with the rule name or Work Object ID when SSO authentication was used with sub-domain URLs. This has been fixed.

SR-B73087 · Issue 343814

Fixed incorrect number formatting application in Spanish locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Errors were seen for fields having pxCurrency and pxNumber control when using the Spanish locale (es_CR):1. After entering an amount like 917.25 on a field which is configured to refresh section on click/on change, clicking on the field caused the decimal to move and resulted in multiplying the amount by 100 (91725.00) 2. Fields did not allow entering a comma as a decimal delimiter or were stripping the comma. This has been fixed by modifying pzGenerateTextinput assembly to not apply formatting for numbers in some specific locales.

SR-B74459 · Issue 329573

Corrected additional Fork connector

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

When using a Fork decision shape configured to skip assignment conditionally, an extra connector link appeared in the screen flow. This has been fixed.

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