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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C81410 · Issue 422138

Radiobutton aria-label enhanced to retrieve localized field value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

Localization code has been added to the pzpega_ui_template_radiogroup file to support using RadioButton aria-labels for Field value.

SR-C81855 · Issue 421404

Check added to format simplified Chinese date generation to match system expectations

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

When the browser language was set to Chinese (simplified) and a template was used for an application, an invalid date exception was generated. This was caused by a difference in handling between the moment.js function used to format the datetime, and Pega. The moment javascript formats dates with the below 6 meridiem for Chinese locales (zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw):凌晨 - Early morning 早上 - morning 上午 - morning (AM) 中午 - noon 下午 - in the afternoon (PM) 晚上 - at night But the Pega server only accepts two standard meridiem i.e. 上午 - morning (AM) and 下午 - in the afternoon (PM). Due to this, using an unsupported setting resulted in an error. To resolve this, a check has been added for the Chinese locales (zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw) that will adjust the non-supported formats to be either 上午 - morning (AM) or 下午 - in the afternoon (PM).

SR-C82254 · Issue 421057

Support added for saving draft survey flows in production level 5

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

With production level set to 5, creation of a survey was generating two errors: in UI, "Default survey flow creation failed", and in trace, "Update record failed: .pyDraftModeON". Because in most cases Survey authoring would be done in a system with a lower production level where users would not see any issues, the code did not include support for saving draft mode flows when the system was set to production level 5. This ability has now been added to support this use.

SR-C82549 · Issue 422848

Check added to getRuleNameFromInsKey to clip version name from rulseset name in the dataflow

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

After changes were pushed to the datasets, dataflows were failing on a DT2 environment with an error related to rule resolution and a failure to find a specific property. The dataflows did not fail on a DT1 environment. Investigation showed that if the ruleset name was empty and the ins key was used to get the rulesetname, a mismatch occurred with the returned value due to the version information being included in the name. To resolve this, when a rule name is retrieved by getRuleNameFromInsKey, the system will check if aObjClass is Rule-RuleSet-Version. If so, the version part will be trimmed.

SR-C83050 · Issue 422978

IE width calculation fixed for imported built-on with dymanic layout

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

After upgrade, the Built On input for the application screen in Designer Studio was not rendering in the Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 browser if dynamic layout was used. This was caused by a browser-specific issue with width calculation for pzDefinition, and code has been added to handle this issue.

SR-C83058 · Issue 424155

Assertion parse rule XML regenerated to resolve data mapping issue

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

The parse-xml rule(NS-366601360 • Assertion) has been regenerated to resolve an assembler issue with mapping data to properties.

SR-C83468 · Issue 424951

Legacy multipart upload support added for very large hotfix catalogs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

After a package containing 100+ hotfixes was installed, the fixes were not visible in the Hotfix Manager page even though the database status showed them as "Installed". Investigation showed that performing a system scan on the catalog upload was resulting in thread dumps while decoding the request URL due to the control used for catalog upload posting the entire content in form data rather than sending a multi-part request. To unblock this use case for catalogs with huge data, the system has been updated to perform a legacy upload where a form submit is used with content-type as "multipart/form-data" rather than sending the entire data in the request header.

SR-C83615 · Issue 424947

Support added for hiding unwanted category reports

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

After upgrade, a customization used to hide unwanted out-of-the-box category reports was not working. This was due to the pyServiceLevelPerformance and pxSimulations category rules not being included as part of the pyOOTBVisibleInBrowser 'when' rule that is specified for Display in the report browser 'when' setting. These two category rules - pxSimulations and pyServiceLevelPerformance - have now been modified to reference the 'when' rule pyOOTBVisibleInBrowser so categories may be hidden as desired.

SR-C83899 · Issue 421069

Alternate RD added for sub class union that will skip blob open

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

The screen load was taking 4 seconds or more to load when a parent case had 500+ child cases, leading to timeouts and issues with case processing. This was caused by the system performing a database open of all the child work items for building the tree: because different child items are mapped to different work tables, a single RD would not suffice for fetching all child items. This meant a work record was opened and child inskeys grouped into different groups based on table mappings, then the RD was called multiple times to fetch the details. To resolve this and avoid blob open, a report definition that performs a union on all sub classes has now been put in place. Execution is based on a parameter to avoid any backward compatibility issues. This is used by overriding the 'pyPopulateCaseContentsWrapperExtension' data transform and setting param.useOptimizedQuery to 'true' to override the database open.

SR-C84116 · Issue 423757

Added container handling to make optimized grid table visible in action top

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

After upgrade, if the Optimize code checkbox was checked on a table and visibility was applied over grid header, the table was not visible in the UI. This scenario only happened when a grid was upgraded from non-optimized to optimized with some visibility condition added, and was caused by the system not yet supporting the visibility features in action top for an optimized grid. To resolve this at this time, the system has been updated to not honor the visibility at container for an optimized grid so the table will be visible.

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