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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C89541 · Issue 430730

Case Manager email correspondence opens when encryption and obfuscation are used

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

If the urlEncryption (true) and submitURLObfuscation(required) settings were enabled, it was not possible to open correspondence emails sent in Case Manager portal. No issue was seen when submitURLObfuscation was set to "optional" (which allows the server to accept URLS with either clear-text or obfuscated strings). Investigation showed the obfuscated values for pyActivity were not part of the HTTP request generated when the Data-Corr-Email attachment is clicked, leading to the system blocking the pop-up window request. Because bEncryptURLs, which is being set in the fragment DesktopWrapper_Variables, is not available in the harness context, the SafeURL method toURL therefore was not encrypting the URL. This has been resolved by setting both bEncryptURLs and pega.ctx.bEncryptURLs to true in the HTML fragment.

SR-C89619 · Issue 429575

Custom section filters retained during refresh

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

Filtered values were not retained on refresh when filtered using a custom section. This has been resolved.

SR-C89656 · Issue 426425

Case urgency value will not be reset when processing wait shapes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

When a Wait shape was configured with the ‘Users can choose to continue process’ option unchecked, the overall work object SLA urgency was overwritten to 0 when the SLA processed the Wait shape. This was due to the Wait shape using pzWaitTImer, which has all urgency values as 0. The SLA being set to 0 did not occur if ‘Users can choose to continue process’ was checked on the Wait shape because pxSystemFlow was not set to true in that case. To prevent the SLA override, a check has been added that will skip setting the urgency setting if there is a wait shape.

SR-C89675 · Issue 428598

Case name caption security inserted

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

In order to protect against the possibility of executing malicious JavaScript code by entering an appropriately modified name while adding new case type, pyCaption in menu items has been made HTMLSafe by converting JSON through the GSON library. Additional handling for Firefox has also been added to normalize tabName to properly display Recents.

SR-C89716 · Issue 431992

Rule-Connect-SOAP error fixed for WAS/JBOSS environments

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

After upgrade, SOAP webservice was failing with the error “Couldn't create OMElement from string value for the activity InvokeAxis2 in class Rule-Connect-SOAP". This occurred on sites using a WebSphere/JBoss environment, and was traced to an issue where the WAS classloader was loading its default jar at the same time the Pega classloader was loading the same jar into JVM. This has been resolved.

SR-C89783 · Issue 429588

Documentation updated for making the database driver JAR file available to Pega

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

The community guide located at has been updated to reflect the following: Make the database driver JAR file available to Pega Platform in one of the following ways: * Ensure that the database driver JAR file is on the Java class path, for example, ojdbc7.jar for Oracle, sqljdbc4.jar for MS SQL, and so on. For information about how to add the driver file to the class path, refer to your application server and development environment documentation. * Add the database/drivers setting to the prconfig.xml file. The value for the setting is a list of Java driver class names separated by a semicolon, as shown in the following example.

SR-C89954 · Issue 431932

Rule-Connect-SOAP error fixed for WAS/JBOSS environments

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

After upgrade, SOAP webservice was failing with the error “Couldn't create OMElement from string value for the activity InvokeAxis2 in class Rule-Connect-SOAP". This occurred on sites using a WebSphere/JBoss environment, and was traced to an issue where the WAS classloader was loading its default jar at the same time the Pega classloader was loading the same jar into JVM. This has been resolved.

SR-C89969 · Issue 431208

Webchat error fixed for Operator Template with User access role

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

While running Webchat in an external application where the interface had any operator selected as an "Operator Template" with a User access role, the error "The chatbot is experiencing problems; If the issue is related to your current case, you can withdraw it by typing cancel" appeared. This was traced to an issue with creating/modifying instances of the class Data-NLP-Report-Summary, which is done in the Interaction API via pxSaveNLPSummary. To resolve this, the class has been added to the PegaRULES:User4 role so that any user access group can have write access to this class.

SR-C90261 · Issue 428124

Hotfix installer updated to adhere to installorder file included in the package

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

In order to ensure hotfixes are always installed in the proper order, the installer has been updated to iterate over a set that is ordered according to the INSTALLORDER.PEGA file included in the DL file at packaging time.

SR-C90467 · Issue 429609

Validations are correctly run on rescheduled reports

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.4

When using the OOTB schedule report functionality, UI validations were bypassed if the existing schedule was deleted and the report was rescheduled. This has been corrected by updating the Review harness to display the Perform harness when clicking Update.

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