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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-150407 · Issue 605840

Validation error messages correctly cleared in nested markup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

A UI Freeze issue was seen whenever mandatory input was missed and the form was submitted. Continuing was possible after browser refresh, but a new Next>> button appeared. This was an unintended side effect of work done to correctly clear validation messages when areas had captions, and has been resolved by modifying that work so it performs as expected on nested markup.

INC-150472 · Issue 607392

Sorting works after selecting a view on GRID

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

After configuring an optimized table with personalized view, saving a view and toggling to the new view, the sorting on the grid did not work anymore. Returning to the default view did not fix the problem, but sorting was reenabled after a browser refresh. This was traced to duplicate removeinstance calls of the grid which deleted the click event listeners for sort, and has been resolved.

INC-150189 · Issue 608911

Handling added for new doc.write with Google Chrome 85

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Document.write was not working as expected on Google Chrome 85 due to the DOM elements not being updated. This has been resolved by updating the code to do doc.write by checking the if the document body has no child nodes in a time out.

INC-147873 · Issue 610865

Custom header character encoding for Subject added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Case correspondence that contained a Subject with accent characters such as "Invitation à être" was being rejected by MailJet on the basis of encoding issues on the "Thread-Topic" when using custom headers. The error "BAD HEADER SECTION, Non-encoded non-ASCII data (and not UTF-8)" was generated. This was traced to the Send Email Smart Shape handling when using custom headers, and has been resolved by encoding the Subject before appending it to the Thread-topic header while adding custom headers.

SR-B66795 · Issue 317118

ConvertAttachmentToPDF Activity deprecated as part of PDM removal

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

As the Pega Distribution Manager is no longer offered as part of the Pega application, the "ConvertAttachmentToPDF" function previously offered as part of PDM 3.3.5 is now [Withdrawn,Deprecated] from 'Pega-ProCom' & 'Pega-ProcessEngine'

SR-B69359 · Issue 337302

Tab header value works for SSO

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

The Tab header value was not updated with the rule name or Work Object ID when SSO authentication was used with sub-domain URLs. This has been fixed.

SR-B73087 · Issue 343814

Fixed incorrect number formatting application in Spanish locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

Errors were seen for fields having pxCurrency and pxNumber control when using the Spanish locale (es_CR):1. After entering an amount like 917.25 on a field which is configured to refresh section on click/on change, clicking on the field caused the decimal to move and resulted in multiplying the amount by 100 (91725.00) 2. Fields did not allow entering a comma as a decimal delimiter or were stripping the comma. This has been fixed by modifying pzGenerateTextinput assembly to not apply formatting for numbers in some specific locales.

SR-B74459 · Issue 329573

Corrected additional Fork connector

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

When using a Fork decision shape configured to skip assignment conditionally, an extra connector link appeared in the screen flow. This has been fixed.

SR-B77623 · Issue 346655

Handling added for empty queue in DeleteDeferred

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

The DeleteDeferred method was setting a step status fail after trying to delete a non-existent queue item. A catch block has been added which will back out if the SLA queue deletion fails.

SR-B78077 · Issue 364120

Documentation updated to assist in fixing UnresolvedAssemblyErrors when resolving RUF rules

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1

To address UnresolvedAssemblyErrors resolving RUF rules, the following help topics have been updated: Selecting-import-file-tsk Importing-cli-tsk Importing-cli-web-tsk To include the following cautions: * Review the archive contents to better understand which rule sets are capped and to determine the relatives risks and benefits of running uncapped rule sets. * Do not import an archive into an active runtime instance of Pega Platform because the archive can overwrite rules in use.

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