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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C95187 · Issue 433825

IO exception logging enhanced

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

In order to improve diagnosing problems such as DDS nodes not joining a cluster despite Cassandra nodes being run successfully, logging enhancements have been added that include details about IO exceptions.

SR-C95253 · Issue 435788

Custom datetime controls correctly appended to Excel export

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

The timezone was not being appended to datetime when exporting to Excel if a custom control was used. This has been corrected.

SR-C95532 · Issue 435981

Improved handling for deleting dedicated index instances

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

If the dedicated index instance was deleted from the ‘Custom search properties’ tab rather than from the dedicated tab of the search tab, then that instance was unexpectedly deleted from the instances of custom search properties and resulted in a blank row with the re-index button disabled and delete button enabled. This was a missed usecase related to handling the deletion of a dedicated index created from D-CP-S on a class whose immediate parent class is an abstract class or class that doesn't have a dedicated index, and has been resolved by setting the pySaveFromUI Flag when delete is invoked from the Data-CustomProperties-Search instance.

SR-C95667 · Issue 438855

Corrected UI distortion for the errors container format

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

After upgrade, using pydisplay to case stages in a harness resulted in misalignment issues in the UI. Investigation showed that this issue was due to an incorrect margin value for the errors container format following recent redesign work in the UI Kit, and has been resolved by correcting the value.

SR-C95840 · Issue 434791

Independent query logic inserted for non-resolved rules to avoid non-applicable columns

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

Nothing was displayed under "Revalidate and save" for Rule-Ruleset-Name and Rule-Ruleset-Version. In Tracer there was an error message saying that "There was a problem getting a list: code: 207 SQLState: S0001 Message: Invalid column name 'pyRuleAvailable'. " Investigation showed that because the system was using the same logic for resolved and non-resolved rules, Rule-Ruleset-Name and Rule-Ruleset-Version were looking for the column pyRuleAvailable which was not applicable because non-resolved rules don't have this column. To resolve this issue, a separate query executor has been added for non-resolved rules as there are a few columns related to resolved rules that are not applicable for those that are not resolved.

SR-C96001 · Issue 436369

Independent query logic inserted for non-resolved rules to avoid non-applicable columns

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

Nothing was displayed under "Revalidate and save" for Rule-Ruleset-Name and Rule-Ruleset-Version. In Tracer there was an error message saying that "There was a problem getting a list: code: 207 SQLState: S0001 Message: Invalid column name 'pyRuleAvailable'. " Investigation showed that because the system was using the same logic for resolved and non-resolved rules, Rule-Ruleset-Name and Rule-Ruleset-Version were looking for the column pyRuleAvailable which was not applicable because non-resolved rules don't have this column. To resolve this issue, a separate query executor has been added for non-resolved rules as there are a few columns related to resolved rules that are not applicable for those that are not resolved.

SR-C96035 · Issue 434732

Write and Delete restrictions added to the RoboticAdministrator role

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

The security configuration for the PegaRULES:RoboticAdministrator role has been updated with the 'when' rule condition pzModifyAllowed for Write and Delete access.

SR-C96230 · Issue 434679

Opening WO from another workpool maintains the original access group and pool

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

Opening work objects from another workpool permanently switched the pool of the requestor to the other access and work group if the requestor had permissions for it. This has been corrected.

SR-C96291 · Issue 435844

ADM initialization modified to eliminate unnecessary keyspace creation triggers

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

On startup, ADM issues a Cassandra query to create one of its keyspaces if it doesn't already exist. To do this, it was set to require creation level permissions whether it created the keyspace or not, but those permissions may be considered a potential security violation if the Cassandra instance is shared with other teams. If permissions were restricted to only below key spaces used by Pega, then the ADM node would not start up. To resolve this, the way ADM initializes its keyspaces and tables has been modified so that queries requiring 'create keyspace' permissions are not triggered if the keyspace already exists. These changes also include code that ensures that keyspace and table creation can only happen on one node in the cluster at a time.

SR-C96406 · Issue 434637

Corrected default parameter passing to fetch childcases audit details

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.5

After upgrade, Child case audit details in a Parent Case were not visible even after checking the Show Subcases option. This was traced to refactoring work done in an earlier version; in earlier releases, the parameter ShowSubCases defaulted to true if it was not already present. Later during refactoring, a call to pzFetchCaseStatusUpdate was added but did not include support for passing the parameter page if the parameter had been set by default instead of explicitly being included. Since the parameter was missed, the subcase audit details would not be fetched. This has been corrected so the parameter needed will be passed and fetch the subcases.

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