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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C63394 · Issue 402617

Human and robot assignments workflow access differentiated and separated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Previously, the "Access When" rule did not differentiate between human or robotic operator and each was able to work on assignments intended for the other. When a case was routed to a robotic work queue (and also when the robot VM had already picked up the work and was processing it), the assignment could still be picked up from the Review Harness and moved downstream by a human operator. To resolve this, the property pxAssigneeType has been created in AddAssign (Workbasket and Work List) to hold information about whether it is a human or robotic assignment, and canPerform(Work List & WorkBasket) has been modified to account for the operator type and assignment type. The error "You are not authorized to perform this assignment." will appear when an assignment routed to a robotic queue is accessed by a human. However, if the access group is administrator, the human operator can still progress the robotic assignment without any error.

SR-C64292 · Issue 405248

Corrected multiselect dropdown event handling for IE11

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

When using IE, multiselect dropdowns would work correctly the first time they were displayed, but disappeared on subsequent clicks. This has been fixed by correcting the event handling for IE11.

SR-C60591 · Issue 402457

Spring Framework updated to latest version

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

In order to provide improved security, Spring framework has been updated to v.4.3.19.

SR-C60129 · Issue 401825

Removed default height from pzTimeline_PresentationTab

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

When using Timeline Control, the Default Height in the presentation tab was not being removed when it was changed to be blank and saved. When the control was opened the next time, it defaulted to show Height 300px and remained at that value despite repeated attempts to blank it. This was traced to a default height in the "pzTimeline_PresentationTab" section, and this default has now been removed.

SR-C61479 · Issue 403398

Bix extract performance improved by only checking cipher type for encrypted properties

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Previously, if no cipher was configured in extract Rules the cipher type defaulted to null and wasn't cached. This caused performance issues when running against the database. In order to improve performance, the code has been modified to only check for cipher type if the property is encrypted.

SR-C71527 · Issue 413129

Added ignorecase to correct authorization issue for username in all capitals

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

It was not possible to delete a case note or attachment while logged in with a user ID containing all capital letters. This has been corrected by changing the equals comparison of .pxCreateOperator and pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier to equalsIgnoreCase in CanDeleteAttachments access whens, HaveAttachmentDeletePrivileges when rule, pxHaveAttachmentSpecificAccess RUF, and HaveAttachmentSpecificAccess RUF.

SR-C61154 · Issue 411073

Improved DB stability and retry for issues with RetryContext$ExceptionForDatabase

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

The agent was crashing when there was a report using a pr_read_from_stream for the 'where' clause combined with a postgres version with 'on pr_read_from_stream'. This has been addressed by improving the stability of the database and adding code to better handle reconnect and retry when there is a database problem.

SR-C44836 · Issue 410367

Drag and drop fixed for report editor

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

An issue where it was not possible to drag properties to the report columns or filters in the report editor was traced to the HTML fragment RRBodyDiv outputting values from the paging settings in an unsafe manner, causing synactically invalid JavaScript to be generated when the "Previous and next only" paging option was used. To correct this, RRBodyDiv has been updated to generate valid JavaScript even if some paging settings are blank.

SR-C73608 · Issue 415510

Updates to controls and labels

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Issue 413604:When configuring a button with a disable condition, the condition was not returned in the readonly field. The PegaAPI has now been updated to support "disable". Issue 413597 / 413598: While calling the API to get the view of the screen as a JSON format, button type controls were not returning the label of the field using the OOB pxButton control. This has been fixed. Issue 413625: The PegaAPI section was missing when using clipboard page or data page with the rest method. To correct this, support for Embedded page has been added in the pyWorkPage for PegaAPI.

SR-C53759 · Issue 404973

Corrected revalidate and save of Service REST rule after upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

After upgrade, opening an existing Service REST rule and trying to save it in a higher ruleset using the revalidate and save tool resulted in the error "pyResourcePathParams.pyParameterName : This field should not be blank". This was caused by the Service REST xml not getting updated and has been corrected by adding UpgradeOnOpen to the process.

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