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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C71070 · Issue 417206

UI-Toolkit updated to resolve issue with fields overlap in dynamic layout collapse header

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

The UI-Toolkit has been updated to resolve an issue with Dynamic layout where using a Collapsible Header that has multiple fields to be displayed resulted in the fields overlapping or being mis-aligned.

SR-C74047 · Issue 416352

Automatic Cloud Terminations updated with retry logic and exception handling for nodes being disconnected while in use

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Agents were being disabled when a node was about to be shut down and the lock operation timed out. This was traced to an issue where the Hazelcast operation timed out trying to communicate with a node that had not yet dropped out of the cluster but did shortly after, and was due to the refactored code around delegating to a cluster component missing a lock method. In order to ensure the cluster component handles such exceptions gracefully, the lock operation now contains retry logic along with exception handling that will return 'false' instead of raising an exception.

SR-C76394 · Issue 417568

Support added for parameterized localized strings for headers

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Support has been added for parameterized localized strings in headers by way of getLocalizedTextForParameterizedString. This can be used for the field values of LABEL and header text.

SR-C78352 · Issue 417617

Transform on an onclick event refresh added to DT

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

When calling the refresh method, the transform on a onclick event refresh was not invoked. Support for this refreshSection action has been added for running data transform and activity.

SR-C78362 · Issue 415981

Preprocessing added to GET assignments and cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

When the /assignments/{ID}/actions/{actionID} API was called, the result of the flow action did not include either the data transform nor the activity from the preprocessing section. The system has now been updated to run preprocessing for GET /assignments/{ID}/actions/{ID} and GET /cases/{ID}/actions/{ID}.

SR-C77100 · Issue 417036

Flow actions with validation errors are correctly populated to embedded page

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

After upgrade, a pyFlowData page was not populating an embedded pyFlowActionsInError page with the list of flow actions with validation errors. This led to the AddRuntimeInfo activity (called from step 8 of GetFlowData activity) to fail in setting the correct step status (pyStatus) as “error”(under pySteps embeded pages of pyFlowData page). Any additional logic based on this status value then failed because of the incorrect status. This was traced to a missing call to the researchPropertyReference API in pzGetActiveValue RUF.changes, and has been corrected.

SR-C77459 · Issue 416897

Report tab names are correctly maintained after refresh

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

When multiple reports are opened and the browser is refreshed, the tab names/labels failed to show up on reload. This was caused by an error in the method used to set the tab label, and has been corrected.

SR-C75930 · Issue 416830

Security Event log enhanced to use 24-hour format for timestamps

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Previously, the Security Event log used timestamps in the 12-hour format. An enhancement has now been added to use the 24-hour format to clarify the timing of events.

SR-C77625 · Issue 414765

Improvements made for the stability and reliability of the stream tier

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Several enhancements and fixes have been made to improve the stability and reliability of the stream tier with a focus on rolling restart. Issue 410567: When a stream node shuts down, it takes up to a minute for all client nodes to recognize the event and failover to other nodes due to large default timeouts. Timeouts have now been reduced to allow nodes to failover much earlier. Issue 413375: When a stream node shuts down, other stream nodes are notified and attempt to discover the new cluster topology. Since the cluster is still in flux, this operation may take a long time blocking all producers until a new topology is determined. This procedure has been changed to be less heavy and make the discovery only if required. Issue 401326: Kafka (running as a separate process as part of the Stream services) generates log files, but does not use log rotation with a maximum amount of log files. This means that the log files will eventually fill up the disk, leading to failures of the service and PRPC instance running on the same disk. To resolve this, the system will now limit number of generated log files to prevent high disk usage by using the parameters of file size = 2 MB and a max nr of size = 10. Issue 410280: A large number of ""Processing override for entityPath"" entries were seen in the Kafka logs. This has been addressed by ensuring is set to equal to In addition, the system will properly compare the Kafka Configuration created for the entire topic and the configuration retrieved for Partitions so the configuration is not unnecessarily updated. Issue 414765: During stream node restart, decision hub nodes may block for 15-30 seconds when writing to a stream data under certain conditions. This can cause high response times for a small period. This has been addressed by updating stream dataset logic to handle stream tier restarts properly and not cause response time degradation. Issue 401093: HttpMessageDecoder was throwing an exception regarding “TooLongFrameException” causing a 502 on HTTP stream tier requests going over 8192. The default max header size used by stream data set REST service was 8KB. In this particular case, the HTTP header contains a lot of cookies and other meta-info and exceeds 8KB. To resolve this, the default max header size has been increased to 16KB. A new prconfig setting to control max header size has also been introduced.

SR-C75099 · Issue 413375

Improvements made for the stability and reliability of the stream tier

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Several enhancements and fixes have been made to improve the stability and reliability of the stream tier with a focus on rolling restart. Issue 410567: When a stream node shuts down, it takes up to a minute for all client nodes to recognize the event and failover to other nodes due to large default timeouts. Timeouts have now been reduced to allow nodes to failover much earlier. Issue 413375: When a stream node shuts down, other stream nodes are notified and attempt to discover the new cluster topology. Since the cluster is still in flux, this operation may take a long time blocking all producers until a new topology is determined. This procedure has been changed to be less heavy and make the discovery only if required. Issue 401326: Kafka (running as a separate process as part of the Stream services) generates log files, but does not use log rotation with a maximum amount of log files. This means that the log files will eventually fill up the disk, leading to failures of the service and PRPC instance running on the same disk. To resolve this, the system will now limit number of generated log files to prevent high disk usage by using the parameters of file size = 2 MB and a max nr of size = 10. Issue 410280: A large number of ""Processing override for entityPath"" entries were seen in the Kafka logs. This has been addressed by ensuring is set to equal to In addition, the system will properly compare the Kafka Configuration created for the entire topic and the configuration retrieved for Partitions so the configuration is not unnecessarily updated. Issue 414765: During stream node restart, decision hub nodes may block for 15-30 seconds when writing to a stream data under certain conditions. This can cause high response times for a small period. This has been addressed by updating stream dataset logic to handle stream tier restarts properly and not cause response time degradation. Issue 401093: HttpMessageDecoder was throwing an exception regarding “TooLongFrameException” causing a 502 on HTTP stream tier requests going over 8192. The default max header size used by stream data set REST service was 8KB. In this particular case, the HTTP header contains a lot of cookies and other meta-info and exceeds 8KB. To resolve this, the default max header size has been increased to 16KB. A new prconfig setting to control max header size has also been introduced.

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