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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C70146 · Issue 407966

Corrected SAML SSO logout error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

When performing a SAML SSO Logout, an error appeared indicating some artifacts were missing. This was traced to an incorrect NameQualifier being generated with IDP in the logoff request, and has been fixed by modifying the code to include an SPNameQualifier attribute for the NameID element in the logout request. Namespace has been added for logout requests at the parent level instead adding it at each node element.

SR-C68682 · Issue 409608

Layout Groups Accordion Styles modified to use refresh on change

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

After updating Layout Groups Accordion styles in a skin rule and saving and checking in the rule, re-opening the skin rule showed that the changes had not been saved. Investigation revealed that in accordion format, the font section is being rendered for the "header" and "tabs" of the of layout group but the third tab was not visible to accordion format. To resolve this, pyComponentDetails of Embed-skin-component-layoutGroup has been modified to use on onchange refresh section instead of "Run visibility condition on client".

SR-C74954 · Issue 411757

Fixed column search function for Report Browser Data Explorer

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Searching/filtering for columns in the Data Explorer in the Report Browser was not filtering the tabs by the search string. This was an error caused by the unique ID changes for controls, and has been fixed by updating the getSearchTextElement() function in pega_report_events.js to use the name attribute rather than the ID attribute to identify the search bar. The tabClickCallback() has also been updated to not rely on window.event as it was causing discrepancies in Safari.

SR-C74201 · Issue 412425

Fixed pyMemo overwriting set values with null

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

The titles for correspondence and URL attachments were empty due to pyDefault setting pyMemo to "", overwriting the value that was previously set. This was caused by the Link-Object java generation code first setting the properties and later applying the DT. To fix this, the pyDefault DT will be applied for the Link-Attachment instance in activities Work-.AttachURL amd Work-.CorrAttach.

SR-C74858 · Issue 413603

Updates to controls and labels

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Issue 413604:When configuring a button with a disable condition, the condition was not returned in the readonly field. The PegaAPI has now been updated to support "disable". Issue 413597 / 413598: While calling the API to get the view of the screen as a JSON format, button type controls were not returning the label of the field using the OOB pxButton control. This has been fixed. Issue 413625: The PegaAPI section was missing when using clipboard page or data page with the rest method. To correct this, support for Embedded page has been added in the pyWorkPage for PegaAPI.

SR-C71037 · Issue 413293

LegacyToReduxConverter modified to resolve readonly error for hybrid data pages

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

When a clipboard page or page list was added to data page backed by RD, the data page was becoming read only and not allowing pyRowsSelected to be modified. The issue was in redux design. If a datapage source was configured as a report definition, the resultant page was a flat data provider in redux design. Therefore the pyRowSelected setting was allowed even if the data page was readonly. But when in post load activity a normal page or page list was added to the data page, the structure of the data page did not remain as a flat data provider, it became a hybrid structure and the entire property became readonly and thereafter did not allow setting pyRowSelected to the data page. To resolve this, the class LegacyToReduxConverter has been modified to handle the case when a page or page list is added to flat data providers.

SR-C77088 · Issue 415532

Updates to controls and labels

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Issue 413604:When configuring a button with a disable condition, the condition was not returned in the readonly field. The PegaAPI has now been updated to support "disable". Issue 413597 / 413598: While calling the API to get the view of the screen as a JSON format, button type controls were not returning the label of the field using the OOB pxButton control. This has been fixed. Issue 413625: The PegaAPI section was missing when using clipboard page or data page with the rest method. To correct this, support for Embedded page has been added in the pyWorkPage for PegaAPI. Issue 415532 / 415533: When using the Pega API to get action details applied to an assignment (using the API GET {{url}}/assignments/assignmentID/actions/actionID), the control format value was not returned by the API for pxButton controls and other non input type controls like pxLink. It did work for input type controls like Text Input and Dropdown. This has been fixed by adding support to the control format for modes(1) and modes(2).

SR-C73425 · Issue 413722

Fixed error when trying to discard a circumstanced Report Definition rule

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

Attempting to discard and delete a circumstanced Report Definition rule resulted in an error on screen, in the tracer, and in the log file. This was caused by the system being unable to identify a reserved property when circumstanced on an embedded page or primary page. To correct this, the saveCircumstanceIndex rule of Rule- activity's first step has been modified to get the circumstanced property for this use.

SR-C70602 · Issue 415502

Changed async loading when attaching Files with PegaCloudFileStorage to address 3rd party PEGA0046 error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

When using PegaCloudFileStorage, a PEGA046 alert was observed when attaching a file to a work object. This was a cosmetic issue that did not affect functionality, and was traced to the use of an external logging system that is not part of the standard system development for Pega. In order to remove this alert, Step-5 (Load-DataPage) of Data-WorkAttach-File.pzSaveToRepository activity has been removed as asynchronous loading of D_pxNewFile data page is not required.

SR-C77072 · Issue 415541

Title of Repeating Layout is passed correctly with ViewAPI

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2

When using a section with a repeating dynamic layout and a header (title) set with a property that had value, using the view API displayed a title which showed the property name instead of the value. To correct this, RDL has been updated to use a title and include support for text/property/fv and localization.

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