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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-216359 · Issue 714617

Updated variable handling for filter logic to avoid reuse

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

When adding the property "ItemStatus" as a filter for a report, the validation message: "This property does not exist or has no column mapping" appeared. This was traced to an empty caption for a class join property used in the filter due to RRFilters_Logic reusing the strFieldName variable, and has been resolved by updating the variable handling to use a unique name, strPropName.

INC-217974 · Issue 715427

Handling added BIX extraction failure when called from custom activity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

After update, BIX extraction was failing but email from the schedulers indicated success. Investigation showed that when extract was called from a custom activity by calling pxExtractDataWithArgs, the stepStatusFail 'when' rule in the custom activity was not capturing all the exceptions specific to database extracts. This has been resolved by adding the necessary handling.

INC-218491 · Issue 717432

Removed ORDER BY clause duplication when using MSSQL

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

After updating from Pega 8.4 to Pega 8.7, executing the query for the report definition generated the error "SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'." Investigation showed the ORDER BY clause was added to the Native SQL query from the standard dataflow background task and from the native SQL API as well when using an MSSQL database. This has been resolved by adding changes to restrict the order by clause if the SQL query has order by clause already for MSSQL.

INC-182827 · Issue 691527

URL security updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Security has been updated for URL tampering defense and Rule Security Mode.

INC-186897 · Issue 705203

DSS DisableAutoComplete setting honored

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Setting DisableAutoComplete DSS was not working as expected. This was traced to the system not being able to read the DSS value due to timing related to database startup, and has been resolved by directing the system to read the setting in instead of from the prconfig.

INC-198571 · Issue 708633

SSO update

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

In order to ensure shared SSO direct links are used as intended, an update has been made which will explicitly require re-authentication for each use of a direct link.

INC-202702 · Issue 713724

Ruleset creation process updated to maintain thread scope

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

On creating a ruleset, the system generated the error "There has been an issue. Please consult your system administrator." If browser cookies and site settings were cleared and the browser was relaunched before logging in and creating a ruleset, the issue did not occur. Investigation showed that the Application page was at the Requestor scope for some of the threads due to handling in the ruleset creation process that removed the Application page and recreated it in the default scope of the thread with the latest state. To resolve this, the process for deleting the Application page and recreating it on the Requestor page has been removed.

INC-211426 · Issue 706060

UI and code changes to support Client Assertion in Open ID Connect

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

In order to support private_key_jwt, an enhancement has been added which will pass the “Client ID” and “Client assertion” (in the form of a signed JWT) as part of the authorization code grant flow for an IDP-initiated SSO. The Authorization Server will then authenticate Pega (the client) to verify the signature and payload of assertion by retrieving the public key via Pega’s JWKS endpoint.

INC-212265 · Issue 714013

at+jwt header type support added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

After upgrading from Pega 7 to Pega 8, using JWT validation in the REST service package with type "at+jwt" resulted in the JSON web token being rejected during signature verification with the error "header "typ" (type) "at+jwt" not allowed". Pega uses the third-party Nimbus jar to generate and verify JWT tokens, and this issue was traced to a difference in the versions of that jar: Pega 7.3 uses the nimbus-jose-jwt 5.1 version jar, while Pega 8.6+ uses the 8.20 jar version. Nimbus rejects at+jwt header types by default from the 8.0 jar version. To resolve this and improve backwards compatibility, at+jwt header type support has been added.

INC-215343 · Issue 711087

Security updates

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Security updates have been made relating to rulesets using allow lists, checks for Java code injections, SAML-based SSO code, and supporting SFTP as part of the validation in the pxValidateURL rule.

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