SR-D18809 · Issue 490874
Localization added to SetCMISMessageWarning
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
Localization has been added to pzSetCMISManageWarning for the warning message "This attachment is locked for editing by you".
SR-D3257 · Issue 456286
Database connection retry logic to class loader
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
In order to create a more robust environment in case of connectivity issues, an enhancement has been made to add retry logic to database connections in the class loader.
SR-D28496 · Issue 499081
Corrected exceptions report appearing on user screen
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
When "Break on all exceptions" was enabled, the exceptions report was visible on the end user screen when using IE11. This has been resolved with updates to the 'pzpega_ui_dynamiccontainer' and 'pzpega_ui_doc_tabsupport.js' files.
SR-D10775 · Issue 490172
Finalluy block added to Data-COS-.COS-Print streams
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
A security scan detected a potential issue with the activity Data-COS-.COS-Print not closing the stream in a finally block. Although this activity is not in current use, a finally block has been added that will close all of the conditionally initialized streams if they are still initialized.
SR-D9161 · Issue 446524
Pega-RULES session decryption issue resolved
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
When the Pega-RULES session encryption key was updated (rotated) after 90 days by the pyValidateKMSMetadata agent, the in-memory version of the key was then corrupted leading to a failure to decrypt the session header. This had the result of preventing any users from logging into the system. Users could connect to the login page and enter their credentials, but after clicking the Login button they were redirected back to the starting login page and their credential information was cleared. This was traced to the pulse change of SystemCDK moving the encryption and decryption process to inconsistent state where the CurrentSystemEncryptKeyIDHash still contained the old CDK ID.To resolve this, the system has been updated to use only ActiveKeyID instead of the previous behavior of using both ActiveKeyID and CurrentSystemEncryptKeyIDHash.
SR-D23490 · Issue 496576
Interface changes made to avoid unexpected workitem deletions when removing stale locks
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
Attempting to delete lock instances of work objects by directly opening the lock item found through navigating to (Dev Studio) App > Classes > System-Locks actually resulted in deleting the work item instead of just the lock. This was due to System-Locks being uniquely identified by the WorkItem that they belong to rather than having their own specific key. This meant that clicking on one of the instances caused the system to respond by presenting a "default RuleFormLayout section" which included a delete button keyed to the actual workitem, but this was not made explicitly clear in the interface. In order to prevent unexpected item deletions, the table has been replaced with a link to the proper System-Lock interface, specifically the "My Locks" window.
SR-C93264 · Issue 437311
Inference engine enabled to resolve JourneyManager data flow exception
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
Customer environments were intermittently seeing an exception with the error "Could not get ultimate primary destination for data flow .DF_JourneyManager" when trying to compile an activity that ran a dataflow that ultimately called the DF_JourneyManager data flow. This error was traced to the Inference engine being in a disabled state so the system was not able to get the dataflow output class via declare expressions. The Inference engine has now been enabled to resolve this issue.
SR-D1458 · Issue 437895
Property name mapping moved to DSM side to ensure consistent results
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
If a Data Set rule was used to retrieve the records of the Data Class, the property names appeared to be changing randomly in the OperationResult Clipboard Page when the name exceeded 30 characters. This was traced to NativeSQL trimming and hashing any aliases that were longer than 30 characters, and has been resolved by moving the mapping back of property names to the DSM side.
SR-D1575 · Issue 483121
Added check for null work page in Pulse task
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
After upgrade, the message "Error in Pega Log file:Unkown Error: Error during while executing pulse task: SingleCaseMetricsManagerFlush java.lang.NullPointerException: null" appeared while executing Pulse task. This was traced to a null workObjectPage, and has been resolved by adding a check for a successfully created work page.
SR-D17907 · Issue 489174
Resubmit task now moves partitions to end state before restarting
Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6
Resubmitting a failed task did not put the partitions into an end state, resulting in queue processor failure that did not automatically restart as expected. This has been fixed by modifying the resubmit task to move partitions to end state.