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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D32525 · Issue 505468

Dirty check added to offer save/discard changes when closing tab

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

With the out-of-the-box section enabled, performing a change in the form (changing a text value, selecting a option in a dropdown, etc.) and closing the case generated an unexpected alert indicating that the case was changed and the modifications were lost. This differs from the previous behavior of showing the section pyDirtyCheckConfirm which offered the opportunity to save the work. This was a missed use case and has been resolved by updating the system to perform a check for the dirty state when closing the interaction and show a modal dialog asking the user to choose either save/discard if dirty.

SR-D32528 · Issue 502218

Reduced triggering for checkbox click calling resize

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When using Microsoft Internet Explorer, checkboxes were slow to respond. For example, when clicking two checkboxes in succession, the second checkbox did not change. This was traced to the Layout Resize function getting called numerous times by the _toDisableSlideOnTabsClick and _resizeActions functions during onload refresh. This has been resolved by updating the system so that an LG header cell item checkbox click will not trigger the resize.

SR-D32637 · Issue 504120

Added minification for out-of-the-box javascript files

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Several out-of-the-box javascript files were not being compacted/minified as expected. This has been resolved.

SR-D33008 · Issue 505865

Added handling for 'Safari version is not a number' error on mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When using a browser on mobile, the error "Safari version is not a number" appeared intermittently in the logs. This was traced to the code "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1" returning the wrong value for the above user agent string because "Mobile/" was present in between Version/ and Safari/. This has been resolved by updating the file to handle these cases.

SR-D33096 · Issue 502742

pzGetURLHashes returns proper content-type

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When using an environment set with X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff, the response from pzGetURLHashes was returned with text/html response type and the mashup would not load due to browser exception "MIME Type ('text/html')is not excutable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled." In order to support CORB mitigation in the browser, the javascript content type will be set in the response header for pzGetURLHashes call.

SR-D33329 · Issue 502012

FormatType reset added to ensure accurate DateTimes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Read-only Date Time fields in the Case Information screen were displaying just the Date in Review Harness mode but displaying Date and Time properly in perform mode of the case. This was traced to a scenario where if any section which had only a date property was rendered in non-template, then 'pyFormatType' was being set as 'date' in tools and not reset afterwards. That meant any datetime type property rendered after this date property was rendered without a timestamp. This has been corrected.

SR-D33421 · Issue 501115

DX API - Field values for placeholder text localized

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

While using DX API, it was observed that if a field value was used for displaying placeholder text, the field value rule was not resolved. Instead, the name of the field value rule was passed in JSON as text and not the actual value. This has been corrected by adding pyNoSelectionText to specifically localize the placeholder text for dropdown.

SR-D33445 · Issue 505995

Handling added for context switching with Ajax container in Timeline

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When using Interaction Portal -> Overview -> Timeline and opening a case that uses an AjaxContainer, clicking on an icon in the Timeline without having first clicked anywhere in the document was generating an exception. If there was a click in the document body first, clicking on the icon worked as expected. This has been resolved by adding a parameter to registerContextSwitching method to handle customeDOMEvents along with a condition to check if pega.u.d.isAjaxContinerExists is a function, which will register the Context if 'true'.

SR-D33966 · Issue 504608

Corrected accessibility error after resize

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

From within a Case and on a screen displaying the Information and Audit tabs in a Layout group, it was possible to use a series of sequences that included resizing the browser and opening Audit to cause the information tab to no longer be accessible. This has been resolved by setting the transform value to 0 after completing the resize.

SR-D34824 · Issue 508211

Support added for non-decimal currency notation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Previously in the pxCurrency control, the options allowed either specifying Decimal places (2 by default) or using the locale to decide decimal places when "Use currency standard" was selected (creating the default for 2 for en_US, 0 for jp_JP and 3 for ar_JO.) However, this did not account for currencies like JPY, TWD, and HUF, which do not use decimal precision. In order to support these currencies, handling has been added to formatNumaber js and pxFormatNumber for locales which do not have decimal precision in their currency.

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