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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D45251 · Issue 523817

Harness context will be stored to handle on click executed outside of the Ajax Container

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

An exception was generated in the interaction portal on execution of a post-value action for the on-change event on a text-box in the service case: "Failed to find instance Work-Interaction-Research.EmailBodyRTE of type Rule-HTML-Section". This was traced to a condition where clicking outside of the Ajax Container context to trigger the change caused the Events code to execute the event in the active context when the active context had already been changed by clicking outside of the AC. To avoid this, the system will store the harness context in the event object using pega.ctxmgr.getContextByTarget(target) API. Additional changes were also made to handle the context switching in case of post value when the blur triggers a change in context.

SR-D45360 · Issue 510100

Support added for non-decimal currency notation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Previously in the pxCurrency control, the options allowed either specifying Decimal places (2 by default) or using the locale to decide decimal places when "Use currency standard" was selected (creating the default for 2 for en_US, 0 for jp_JP and 3 for ar_JO.) However, this did not account for currencies like JPY, TWD, and HUF, which do not use decimal precision. In order to support these currencies, handling has been added to formatNumaber js and pxFormatNumber for locales which do not have decimal precision in their currency.

SR-D45395 · Issue 524170

Check added to improve progressive scroll in dynamic layout

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

If a repeating dynamic layout was given a data page as source, selecting a pagination format that used progressive load on scroll caused the same page list value to be shown more than once. This has been resolved by adding a check based on the page size and results loaded.

SR-D45415 · Issue 510912

RemoveThreadLEvelPages modified to preserve primary page for current action

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

The Job Scheduler Executions drill down showing success/fail results was inconsistently showing results for the wrong jobs when sorting by column (job name). Unsorted, it opened the correct results. This was traced to the pyRemovethreadLevelPages activity removing all pages including datapages on doUIAction, causing any action performed on the UI after sorting the grid to open a wrong page. This was an issue for both the Job scheduler page and the Queue processor page. To resolve this, the pyRemovethreadLevelPages activity has been modified to not remove the data page if it is the primary page for the current action.

SR-D45527 · Issue 512326

Corrected comma in chat appearing as ',null,'

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When a comma was sent in chat, it appeared as ",null,". For example, " I am applying the loan now,null, thanks ". Investigation showed that this was caused by Pega code that was overriding a JSON parse native API, and it has been resolved by removing the override and handling the Pega parse via a different API.

SR-D45736 · Issue 512896

Parameter field value correctly resolved for radio button rendering

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

After creating a section that held a Radio button field that used the field label as a parameter from another section, at run time the radio button displayed the parameter name on the screen rather than its value and the radio buttons did not appear. Investigation showed that when rendering the section, the was not resolved and the control was not rendering. To resolve this, the DLCellTemplate.js has been updated to display the localized value in the Label, and DLCellTemplateMetadata and RunTimeUtil have been modified to include the parameter reference in the current context.

SR-D45828 · Issue 518021

Added variable null check to resolve refresh condition on dynamic layout not working

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Given a setup where a parent section had several section includes, one of which had a property that was set to refresh and disable another section when the property changed, on change the refresh action was not working and hence the disabling did not work. Refreshing the browser corrected the behavior. Javascript errors were noted on the console. This has been resolved by adding a null check on the variable to avoid exceptions.

SR-D45848 · Issue 515527

Added toggle to hold radio button value during multiple service case creation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When a field was implemented with a radio button control in the service case screen, starting two cases of the same or different case type (with the same property and control) resulted in the selected value not sticking in the first case when selections were made for the second case. This was traced to multiple radio buttons with the same name in the dom for different AJAX containers: as per radio buttons behavior, only one could be selected if they have the same name. To correct this issue, updates have been made to change the name on radio buttons which are inside the hidden AJAX container and toggle the changes when the buttons should be shown.

SR-D46532 · Issue 512377

Aria-label added to 'clear search option' icon

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

After applying a search in the reporting functionality, the Clear Search icon becomes active. In order to improve accessibility, an aria-label attribute for icon/image control has been added to this icon.

SR-D46542 · Issue 514152

Alt attribute removed from non-image content

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

The links under the reporting categories contained an alt attribute. As Alt attributes should only be used for images, these tags have been removed.

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