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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D54594 · Issue 521635

Enhancement added to customize the clearing of error messages when performing modal actions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Opening any modal dialog, for example adding a row in Table/Grid layout, cleared any existing validation error messages on UI screen. In order to make this behavior customizable, a flag has been introduced to control the clearing of error messages from primary pages on grid actions. Updates have been made in the ui_grid, ui_grid_dragdrop and ui_repeatlayout JS files to include this flag in activity parameters and the pzdoGridAction activity has been modified to consider the flag.

SR-D54785 · Issue 524804

Corrected grey area seen when dragging tabbed layout Smartinfo scroll

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When using Show Smartinfo in a tabbed layout group, a grey area was seen in the harness while scrolling. Scrolling up so that Smartinfo was out of view port caused another scroll bar to seen: one scrollbar was attached to the workarea div and the other to the body, and the gray area issue was only reproducible when explicitly dragging the (second) scrollbar attached to the body. To resolve this, if the popup is below the viewport using Smartinfo and the height calculated is negative, then the popup's height will be set to 0px.

SR-D54920 · Issue 518274

Extra checks added for pasting Excel content to RTE

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Copying content from Excel into RTE pasted an image of the content either instead of the actual content or in addition to the actual content. This was traced to the handling of the isHTML flag: the flag should be set to true when there is HTML content in the datatransfer item or while pasting images (!isHTML is the condition in if). However, the sequence of the data items in the datatransfer can change depending on the browser/OS, causing isHTML to sometimes not be set to true before it is used in the condition while pasting images. To resolve this, changes have been made to the pasteHandler in the pzpega_ckeditor_extras file so proper checks are made to figure out the type of data from the clipboard that is being pasted.

SR-D55233 · Issue 520721

AJAX container handling updated to use Harness context API

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

After creating a service case and adding a task to the case, a button configured to refresh the section on a condition worked correctly the first time but did not respond to a second click. This was traced to the tasks being located in two different Ajax containers: in this usecase the condition evaluation logic related to actions was still using the regular DOM API and using the context from the first AJAX container. To resolve this, the system has been updated to use the harness context API pega.ctx.dom.getElementsByName instead of DOM API to resolve the necessary elements from the correct AJAX container.

SR-D55461 · Issue 523176

Corrected modal timing issue when deleting Data Transform or Property rules

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When deleting Data Transform or Property rules, there were times when the deletion modal only appeared briefly and then the web page turned white, the message "No stream to display" appeared at the top of the web page, and all other content disappeared. This was more frequent when the requestor had been idle, but occurred under other situations as well. This was traced to a timing issue: once the modal action (localaction -modal or flowinmodal) is triggered the event queue should be paused, but in some cases the system was executing the next action in the queue and causing the no Stream to Display error. To resolve this, pega.u.d.bModalDialogOpen will be set to true in the prerender callback instead of success callback. This will set the flag in the pre-rendering logic so that correct modal status will be known to the action processor.

SR-D55972 · Issue 518645

SmartInfo disappears if cell clicked

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

After configuring a smart info on a table cell on hover where the table cell was also clickable to open a case, the smart info remained on the screen when the cell was clicked until the mouse was moved. This was opposite of the expectation that the smart info would disappear on click in this scenario. Analysis showed that the overlay event was not being dismissed if its associated element was removed/hidden, and this has been corrected.

SR-D56038 · Issue 518033

Corrected top row focus on scroll up for paginated table

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When loading results in a table with progressive pagination, scrolling down and waiting for data to load and then scrolling back up resulted in the focus being set on the second row instead of the first as expected. This was due to an incorrect calculation for Scrolltop, which has been corrected.

SR-D56373 · Issue 518885

Mutiselect can localize "Use"

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Localization has been added for the value "Use" in the multiselect control.

SR-D56490 · Issue 518806

Resolved Sporadic ControlBuild error in sections

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

After upgrade, a sporadic error was seen with sections of a VTable after a server restart where a portion would not load and the error "com.pegarules.generated.html_property.ra_stream_pxtextinput_1786000787_default incompatible with" was seen. This issue was traced to invalid generation of an assembly parameter map for random sections the first time the table was called after restart. To resolve this, the system will now allow assembly parameter generation for a second time when they are empty, and the assembly parameters preparation will be handled as a synchronous process.

SR-D56836 · Issue 518011

Includes() function changed for Microsoft Internet Explorer compatiblity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

The complete screen was not loading due to "includes()" not being supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer, resulting in a console error and the flow breaking. To resolve this, ".includes()" has been changed to indeOf.

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