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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C62504 · Issue 402955

Corrected PushLogUsage data integrity error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

PushLogUsage was correctly sending usage data every day at 1:30AM GMT for all usage between 0000 GMT previous day and 0000 current day, but a few minutes later an unknown process was running that corrupted the previous day's information. This was traced to an error in the daily push and has been corrected.

SR-C62607 · Issue 404668

Corrected cache error with multiselects sourced from report definitions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

Certain multiselects sourced from a clipboard page or report definition would work correctly the first time they were displayed in the dropdown, but if no value was selected the dropdown disappeared on subsequent clicks. Multiselects sourced from a data page worked as expected. This was caused by an error in the cache process which was not correctly updating the data, and has been fixed.

SR-C63228 · Issue 402935

Profiler Landing Page and Snapshot Viewer enhancements

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

The following enhancements have been made to the Profiler Landing Page and Snapshot Viewer: - Decision Profiler now supports multiple nodes for a single profile event. Click 'Start profiling', enter a session name, and all available nodes in the cluster will be listed in the modal dialog with their node ID and IP address. The current working node will be marked out and selected by default. - Filenames are in the format sessionName/sampleType/nodeId, and the snapshot zip file contains results from all nodes involved in the profile. - Only one profiling session cluster wide is allowed. The Start button is disabled and Stop button enabled if at least one node has profiling session running. - If a session cannot be started for whatever reason on one or multiple nodes, the reason will be indicted on the corresponding nodes and the session will be canceled. - Performance snapshots are recorded on every node, regardless of where the session originally started, allowing them to be opened / downloaded from every involved node. - A snapshot can be removed from the landing page via a delete icon.

SR-C64292 · Issue 405249

Corrected multiselect dropdown event handling for IE11

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

When using IE, multiselect dropdowns would work correctly the first time they were displayed, but disappeared on subsequent clicks. This has been fixed by correcting the event handling for IE11.

SR-C65417 · Issue 406208

Autocomplete control corrected for dynamic index section

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

When section was defined on the static index of pagelist (i.e. pagelist(1) ), the value selected in autocomplete was being set properly but when section was defined on dynamic index of pagelist (i.e. pagelist() ), the value selected in autocomplete was not being set. This was traced to LAST and FIRST predicates not being correctly resolved in templating. To correct this, while rendering auto complete with pzpega_ui_template_autocomplete.js file, the system will resolve predicates using the currentContext.resolvePredicates API.

SR-C65791 · Issue 404437

database connection leak resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

A database connection leak was traced to the resultset package not being closed if an exception occurred while executing the query. A try/catch has been added to the database.list method so that in the case of an exception, the ResultSetPackager (which was created in the line above the database.list call) will be properly closed. Additional error logging has also been added.

SR-C66639 · Issue 406176

Localization added to "Text" in Themes page

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

The header "Text" in the Themes page was not localized properly due to the field value created in the wrong applies-to class . There is a field value in @baseclass but is in Pega- DecisionArchitect ruleset might not have been considered while exporting rules for translation . Will create another one in @baseclass /Pega-EndUserUI

SR-C67164 · Issue 406358

Operator security bypass now available to multitenancy environments

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

In Pega 8.1, whenever operator records are imported via a RAP file they are disabled by default for the purpose of increased security. When performing this operation there is an option to bypass this feature so that operators are not disabled upon import, but that bypass was not available in multitenancy environments. To allow or that use, this release includes an enhancement to expose a parameter on PegaRULESMove_Zip_To_DB to support bypassing operator security.

SR- · Issue 403102

Links updated for Security Checklist rule documentation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

The links for the following tasks in the documentation for the Security Checklist rule have been updated: "Secure web.xml"; "Appropriately encrypt data"; and "Define appropriate access control for client personal info subject to regulations like EU GDPR". In addition, the task "Configure Dynamic System Settings for production" has been renamed to"Define appropriate Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) settings" and is linked to the CSRF landing page.

SR- · Issue 404593

Thread name implementation fixed for FCM use with micro DC

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.1

When attempting to invoke a remote case in the Interaction Manager portal via FCM with the Customer Service for Insurance application which uses micro DC, the case was not invoked and an empty screen was displayed. Invoking the case from the interaction portal resulted in a JavaScript error. Invoking the case from a WSS or directly from the Create button in Designer Studio worked correctly. This was traced to a recent change to the implementation for generating the thread name. Because of this, CRM apps could not load the Federated cases via micro DC. This has been fixed through changes in "pzFCMMashupGadget" to replace the slash with underscore for the FCM thread.

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