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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-D80149 · Issue 545604

Correct very large decimal number rounding error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

Rounding errors were seen in a text input field for decimal property configured to round to 2 decimal places and format with comma group separators if more than 15 digits were entered. The first time the focus moved out of the field, the rounding was correct. After clicking save, which performed a reloadSection with activity SaveAndContinue (form save), the value was rounded incorrectly. This was an issue with the ability of javascript to handle large decimal numbers as type number, and has been resolved by changing the handling to be of type string.

SR-D80798 · Issue 545241

Updated attachment popover handling for IE

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

After configuring a button consisting of two events, 1. On click --> View Attachment and 2. Hover --> Show Smart info, an attachment popup opened whenever the button was clicked, and moving the cursor out minimized the attachment. To resolve this, dismiss callback logic has been added in popover close for use with IE.

SR-D81341 · Issue 546006

Scroll bar scrolls to element automatically with Set Focus

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

An issue with the Scroll bar not scrolling automatically to the correct element when using Set Focus has been resolved by including element select logic in settimeout.

SR-D86937 · Issue 546935

Cross-site scripting protection added to ClientDynamicData

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

Cross-site scripting protection has been added to the "DesignViewIframe" & "pzHarnessID" parameters in the pzClientDynamicData HTML rule.

SR-D39264 · Issue 518839

Multiple files uploaded using "select file" will be handled asynchronously

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

In order to resolve an intermittent error when uploading multiple files using the "select file" button, each file will be uploaded asynchronously to avoid overloading the browser threshold.

SR-D47018 · Issue 517031

Corrected parameter being encrypted during change portal configuration

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After configuring a changePortalLayout control using .pyDescription as property, trying to switch the portal was throwing a error page. The same configuration worked in earlier platform versions. This was traced to recent updates where the activity parameter ended up being encrypted along with the activity name, and has been resolved by removing the parameter from encryption input and adding it to encryption output.

SR-D47146 · Issue 515646

Pick Values modal updated for deprecated list view handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Pick values were not displaying in the menus below Case Management-> Tools -> My Work, including "Work entered by me", "Work by workbasket", and "Work resolved by me recently". This was due to the use of deprecated list views: the pick values modal was failing to show and hide the busy indicator because the indicator now uses jQuery, but list view does not include jQuery. In order to resolve this, the equivalent Report Definition pyEnteredByMe has now been added under the navigation rule : pzProcessAndCaseRulesMainMenu.

SR-D51535 · Issue 519474

Enhanced discrimination for tasks in MyPega spaces

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When using My Pega for spaces and tasks, using drag and drop to move many cases around quickly resulted in tasks intermittently ending up in a state where they could not be updated further and became unusable. Analysis showed that because the milliseconds part of the update time was rounded, the logic of comparing for value between 0 and 1000 failed when the comparison returned -ve value. To resolve this, the comparison has been modified to !=0 and the 'when' rule pyContinueTaskProcessing has been added as an extension along with the appropriate usage guide to restrict processing. By default, the system will consider task name, description, due date, assignee, and rank properties; if more properties are needed to evaluate, this when rule can help.

SR-D54200 · Issue 516775

Custom attachment category parameter passed to dropdown

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Attempting to use the out-of-the-box “Attachments control” which was configured at design time to use a custom category where both the custom category and the section class were in the same work class resulted in the attachment category dropdown defaulting to “File” instead of the custom category. Investigation showed that the custom attachment category name configured on the control was missing in one of the pre-processing activities sequence. To resolve this, the activity Work-.pzInitAttachContent and the initAttachmentPage activity have been updated to pass the custom attachment category parameter.

SR-D59504 · Issue 524640

Attachment drag drop searches only current Ajax context

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When the Interaction for customer service was open and more than 1 task from the sidebar was open, the drag and drop zone was missing on any subsequent Task/Cases past the first. In an Ajax container scenario, getElementByID js was searching in all the containers because they were present in DOM, and it was losing context. To resolve this, the code has been updated to only search in the current context when using an Ajax container.

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