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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C66283 · Issue 411634

Report Usage updated to always fully populate statistics regardless of page source

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

After creating a report under the Log-ReportStatistics class, it was seen that reports under report usage were not reflecting the exact data. The inconsistency observed with embedded reports was due to grids being sourced by virtual RD, for which the report page had already been loaded elsewhere. In this case it was assumed that the statistics were already populated because the report page was already loaded. To ensure that reports are consistently accurate, pxRetrieveReportData has been updated to always call pzPopulateStatisticsInfo.

SR-C66624 · Issue 406226

Case type validation localized

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

Localization has been added to the Case type validation description.

SR-C66627 · Issue 412779

Reject step placeholder text localized

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

Localization has been added to the placeholder text of the approval reject step.

SR-C66633 · Issue 408774

Corrected DADT mapping for PegaDATA tables during upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

After upgrading, old data tables being upgraded to new data tables (local storage) had the DADT table mapping changed from PegaDATA to CustomerDATA schema even though the tables themselves remained in PegaDATA format. This was traced to a missed use case in an enhancement that allowed creating a data type only in a CustomerData data base. To resolve this issue, the validation for restriction of PegaDATA has been removed and the param.nonPegatable will be set to false in cases where the database type is PegaDATA in pzCreateLocalDataStorage.

SR-C66654 · Issue 406218

Pulse App Studio localization added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

Localization has been added to the Developer collaboration text in Pulse App Studio.

SR-C66998 · Issue 404593

Thread name implementation fixed for FCM use with micro DC

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

When attempting to invoke a remote case in the Interaction Manager portal via FCM with the Customer Service for Insurance application which uses micro DC, the case was not invoked and an empty screen was displayed. Invoking the case from the interaction portal resulted in a JavaScript error. Invoking the case from a WSS or directly from the Create button in Designer Studio worked correctly. This was traced to a recent change to the implementation for generating the thread name. Because of this, CRM apps could not load the Federated cases via micro DC. This has been fixed through changes in "pzFCMMashupGadget" to replace the slash with underscore for the FCM thread. In addition, a modification was made to use the pega:onlyonce tag so mashup scripts are not loaded multiple times and will maintain their unique data-pega-gadgetname attribute values.

SR-C67376 · Issue 406719

SOAP Connector Wizard 'Create' button conditionally accessible

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

Previously, the 'create' button in the SOAP Connector Wizard was disabled if the application was password protected. As an enhancement, the create button is now accessible if the existing ruleset and version is selected.

SR-C67870 · Issue 407164

Added evaluation client thread name check to Change Tracker

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

The Change Tracker was intermittently not working as expected between main DC and micro DC div when trying to use a change in microdc context (specifically an update to D_Interaction.InteractionHeaderRefreshDateTime) to refresh the document in the main DC. In order to ensure consistent updating, a check has been added for the current thread name while executing evaluate client conditions.

SR-C69567 · Issue 409192

ICMP ping flag enabled and Hazelcast alerts/info messages added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

Hazelcast Professional Services recommends enabling ICMP ping as a method to detect network failures more quickly. This can also help to determine whether a failure is due to a network outage: if the ICMP ping is successful but the heartbeat timed out, that may be an indication of a unresponsive (GC pause, long running process, etc.) node. To facilitate this use, the ICMP ping flag can now be used in conjunction with enabling ICMP ping on EC2 through the security group and enabling ICMP in the Hazelcast configuration. In order to facilitate determining root causes for Hazelcast errors in the logs, the following alerts and info messages have been added: Actionable Events (Alerts): Each of these events is worth noting an alert for. An action may be necessary. - [Partition] Lost - A partition was lost. Possible data loss has occurred - [Lifecycle] Merge Failed - A member’s attempt to merge with the cluster has failed - [Migration] Migration Failed - A partition migration has failed Non-Actionable Events (Info): These events are of interest but don’t require any actions. - [Membership] Added - A new member was added to the cluster - [Membership] Removed - An existing member has left the cluster - [Lifecycle] Merging - A member is merging with the cluster - [Migration] Started - A partition migration has started - [Migration] Completed - A partition migration has completed - [Lifecycle] Shutting Down - A member is shutting down

SR-C68443 · Issue 410237

Changed French locale to use getshortmonths to discriminate between June and July in datepicker

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

When using the French locale, there was a problem selecting the month of July from the date picker because the three-letter abbreviations of June and July are the same in French. To resolve this, the system will now use the Java API getShortMonths in the French locale which gives 4 characters for the months.

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