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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C68500 · Issue 411294

Node ID correctly transmitted for PEGA0066 Alerts

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

The PEGA0066 alert containing information about synchronization errors or connection lost did not contain the correct value in the Node ID field, causing PDC to not be able to handle the alerts on mobile. This has been corrected.

SR-C68682 · Issue 412925

Layout Groups Accordion Styles modified to use refresh on change

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

After updating Layout Groups Accordion styles in a skin rule and saving and checking in the rule, re-opening the skin rule showed that the changes had not been saved. Investigation revealed that in accordion format, the font section is being rendered for the "header" and "tabs" of the of layout group but the third tab was not visible to accordion format. To resolve this, pyComponentDetails of Embed-skin-component-layoutGroup has been modified to use on onchange refresh section instead of "Run visibility condition on client".

SR-C68750 · Issue 407492

PEGA0066 alert sends data needed for MyAlerts use

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

In order to facilitate the use of products like the MyAlerts application, the following data will be provided to PDC from PEGA0066 alerts to generate proper diagnostics information and propose solutions for issues with mobile client connections:pxClientErrorCode pxDeviceManufacturer pxDeviceModel pxOSName pxOSVersion pxHybridClientVersion pxInstallationId pxSynchronizationId pxSynchronizationTimestamp pxEnd The whitelisted parameters can be seen on the Alert Summary page in PDC.

SR-C69302 · Issue 407178

Support added for local datacenter only keyspaces for Cassandra

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

In order to support multi-datacenter system (one Pega system) that spans two data centers but avoids the latency of attempting to connect from a node in data center 1 to a Cassandra node in data center 2, an enhancement has been added by way of the system setting dnode/cassandra_local_datacenter_keyspaces which allows specifying only local datacenter keyspaces as comma separated string. The default behavior is not changed.

SR-C70639 · Issue 409665

Node ID correctly transmitted for PEGA0066 Alerts

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

The PEGA0066 alert containing information about synchronization errors or connection lost did not contain the correct value in the Node ID field, causing PDC to not be able to handle the alerts on mobile. This has been corrected.

SR-C72568 · Issue 410838

Corrected underscores removed from attached filenames

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

As an inadvertent side effect of work done to handle thumbnail image generation for file attachments with special characters, underscores were being removed from the names of all files attached to work objects. To correct this, the code has been refined to remove special characters from the parameter passed to generate thumbnail activity. Special characters will not be removed from the filename.

SR-C70146 · Issue 407968

Corrected SAML SSO logout error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

When performing a SAML SSO Logout, an error appeared indicating some artifacts were missing. This was traced to an incorrect NameQualifier being generated with IDP in the logoff request, and has been fixed by modifying the code to include an SPNameQualifier attribute for the NameID element in the logout request. Namespace has been added for logout requests at the parent level instead adding it at each node element.

SR-C70757 · Issue 411814

Added null check to resolve error when using datapage as dropdown source

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

The user application was hanging with the browser console error "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input" when using Dropdown controls with Datapage as a source in conjunction with parameterized datapages to create a cascading second dropdown. This did not happen when using any other data sources for the same control dropdown. This has been resolved by adding a null check at the reloadcell response.

SR-C71037 · Issue 413294

LegacyToReduxConverter modified to resolve readonly error for hybrid data pages

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

When a clipboard page or page list was added to data page backed by RD, the data page was becoming read only and not allowing pyRowsSelected to be modified. The issue was in redux design. If a datapage source was configured as a report definition, the resultant page was a flat data provider in redux design. Therefore the pyRowSelected setting was allowed even if the data page was readonly. But when in post load activity a normal page or page list was added to the data page, the structure of the data page did not remain as a flat data provider, it became a hybrid structure and the entire property became readonly and thereafter did not allow setting pyRowSelected to the data page. To resolve this, the class LegacyToReduxConverter has been modified to handle the case when a page or page list is added to flat data providers.

SR-C71043 · Issue 411255

pzSendEmail returned to previous behavior of sending separate emails to work parties

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.2

After upgrade, a change in behavior was seen when using the pzSendEmail activity. When pzSendEmail was called to send emails to work parties, a single email is sent to all recipients instead of separate emails to each recipient as it did in earlier versions. The SendSimpleEmail activity accepts a SendDiscreteMails parameter, the pzSendEmail activity has 'Pass current parameter page' checked so the default value for the SendDiscreteMails parameter was not used. This was a backwards compatibility error, and has been corrected by setting the SendDiscreteMails parameter to true by default in the pzSendEmail activity.

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