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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D40778 · Issue 512974

Asterisk symbol displayed for radio button set to required always

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When marked as required, the "Asterisk" symbol did not show up on the radio button label. This was traced to an XML cleanup issue with the pyReqRunOnClient property when required was configured as 'always' and has been corrected.

SR-D40803 · Issue 511591

JSON parsing error on export resolved by ensuring parameter encoding

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Menu items like "PDF" and "Excel" were not loading on click of the "Export" Button, and an "Exception in parsing JSON" message was logged. The export worked as expected when the menu rule actions of each menu item were modified to remove the openurlinwindow actions. This was traced to the Response JSON being broken due to a invalid format created when the "propositionName" was passed as an unencoded parameter when the report was exported. This has been resolved by ensuring the input parameters are encoded before creating the URL.

SR-D40938 · Issue 509684

Free form layout controls will be converted to dynamic layout

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After upgrade, a a pzActionDropdown control that was inside a pyActionDropdownSection was not visible anymore. Using the pzActionDropdown control directly worked as expected. Investigation showed that pyActionDropdownSection was using Freeform layout instead of the upgraded Dynamic Layout, and that the custom control was failing to generate the markup whenever drag/copy-paste was used for the control in any layout. To resolve this, the system has been updated so it will remove the control from a free form layout and use dynamic layout instead.

SR-D40941 · Issue 512591

Identifier property added for worklist with filter by format

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After configuring a Grid layout which displayed a users worklist, one of the properties representing the column in Grid had the property type as boolean. The property was derived from another report definition in the main report and a join was performed to display the property. Investigation showed that the filter for Boolean column did not show any filter values like ( [No Value, Y,N ) when run through a case Manager Portal, however the Boolean Column filter worked when run through Report Definition. Other properties from the same class that were not boolean worked with the filter. This was traced to the WorkListWidgetGridsAuto being set to Optimize code, causing filter by format to not be visible in the column properties of pxPages. To resolve this, code has been added for the identifier property

SR-D41035 · Issue 513204

Handlign added for OpenAssignment triggered from confirm harness

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Triggering openAssignment from the confirm harness was replacing the whole Ajax container DIV, leading to 'submit' no longer working. This has been corrected by adding additional handling for this usage.

SR-D41114 · Issue 508943

Localization added for 'NoResultys Found"

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

It was not possible to translate/localize the message 'No Results Found' (autocomplete) to Spanish due to auto complete not containing any property or field value corresponding to this message. This has been corrected by adding the field value and corresponding code handling needed.

SR-D41130 · Issue 510078

Handling added for precision decimals in cascading dropdown on mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

A cascading dropdown with a parameterized datapage configuration containing decimal values with precision (such as 22.3,20.000) showed the values as expected on desktop, but the values were empty on mobile. The values did show on mobile as well if precision was not used. This has been resolved by updating templateengine_context so that decimal values will not be treated as a property reference.

SR-D42583 · Issue 514485

Label of a field is correctly rendered when a section is re-used with a visiblity condition

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

The label of a field was not being rendered/visible when a section with a 'visible when' condition was re-used in different Page Contexts. The label was displayed correctly if 'Run visibility condition on client' was checked. As part of performance improvements made in a previous version, label generation was moved under the dlcellvisibility flag. Because of this, if a section was re-used at multiple places with different contexts and one place had visibility false and another had visibility true, the labels were not getting generated for the visible section. To resolve this, Label Generation has been moved out of dlcellVisibility to ensure label metadata will always be generated. Updated performance improvements have been made instead by way of a DSS setting (generateCellMetadata) so that when generateCellMetadata is true, the label generation will honor dlcellvisibility to generate the label metadata.

SR-D43740 · Issue 512181

Added support for Helper Text Question Mark with visibility condition

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

The Helper Text Question Mark was not displaying if the control was configured with "Help icon with overlay on hover" combined with a visibility condition. This was a missed use case, and the expression visibility support for controls.changes have now been added in the pzpega_ui_DLCellTemplate.js file.

SR-D44769 · Issue 531439

Resolved non-template harness stale reference for navigation menu

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Post upgrade, the navigation menu was initially present but disappeared on click of a menu item. This issue was seen only when the harness was non-template and SPA was enabled on the dynamic container: when launch harness was done on the same harness, change tracker created a new thread object but the client cache was holding the stale reference. When using template harness, mergeBigData adds all the new details into the stale object, preventing this issue. To resolve this issue for non-template harnesses, initChangeTracker in pzpega_ui_doc_lifecycle file has been updated.

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