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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D44943 · Issue 527919

Handling added for mousdown triggers in Firefox dropdown and sutocomplete controls

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After recording a test case that includes entering data into an autocomplete, the data was not actually entered into the autocomplete when the test was executed but the test step was marked as successfully executed. Other tests for other similar autocompletes appeared to execute as expected. This was due to a mismatch between the sequences of events that are fired in the Google Chrome and Firefox browsers: the system is listening for a mousedown event to record a new step, but the browser-specific behavior is different. Google Chrome: mousedown focus click change Firefox: mousedown focus mousedown change As this difference in events order is browser behavior, code has been added that will handle the specific Firefox case where mousedown triggers on invalid target elements related to dropdown and autocomplete controls.

SR-D45101 · Issue 512527

Added support for Helper Text Question Mark with visibility condition

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

The Helper Text Question Mark was not displaying if the control was configured with "Help icon with overlay on hover" combined with a visibility condition. This was a missed use case, and the expression visibility support for controls.changes have now been added in the pzpega_ui_DLCellTemplate.js file.

SR-D45736 · Issue 512895

Parameter field value correctly resolved for radio button rendering

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After creating a section that held a Radio button field that used the field label as a parameter from another section, at run time the radio button displayed the parameter name on the screen rather than its value and the radio buttons did not appear. Investigation showed that when rendering the section, the was not resolved and the control was not rendering. To resolve this, the DLCellTemplate.js has been updated to display the localized value in the Label, and DLCellTemplateMetadata and RunTimeUtil have been modified to include the parameter reference in the current context.

SR-D45828 · Issue 519351

Added variable null check to resolve refresh condition on dynamic layout not working

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Given a setup where a parent section had several section includes, one of which had a property that was set to refresh and disable another section when the property changed, on changethe refresh action was not working and hence the disabling did not work. Refreshing the browser corrected the behavior. Javascript errors were noted on the console. This has been resolved by adding a null check on the variable to avoid exceptions.

SR-D45848 · Issue 515523

Added toggle to hold radio button value during multiple service case creation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When a field was implemented with a radio button control in the service case screen, starting two cases of the same or different case type (with the same property and control) resulted in the selected value not sticking in the first case when selections were made for the second case. This was traced to multiple radio buttons with the same name in the dom for different AJAX containers: as per radio buttons behavior, only one could be selected if they have the same name. To correct this issue, updates have been made to change the name on radio buttons which are inside the hidden AJAX container and toggle the changes when the buttons should be shown.

SR-D46543 · Issue 516181

Error messages made more accessible

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

In order to improve the accessibility of error messages, an aria-describedby attribute will be placed on the input that will link to the error message. To further support screen reader users, the focus will be moved to the first input field with an error after the user clicks submit.

SR-D47344 · Issue 519890

Single quotes escaped in RTE title field value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

A JSON parse error was caused by single quotes not being escaped in the RTE title field value. This has been corrected.

SR-D47401 · Issue 512616

Corrected multiplying errors on dirty flag

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

The error message "Value cannot be blank" was appended on the screen every time the browser gave a dirty flag and OK was clicked. This was due to the context for the error message not being set correctly after toggleErrorMessage, and has been corrected. In addition, due to Context being incorrect when there was a check on the errors on the element, further work has been added to set the correct context before checking if errors exist.

SR-D47583 · Issue 518039

IsMobile 'when' configurations are properly displayed in mashup preview

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Given two layouts configured based on the 'when' rule pyIsMobile, the mashup preview did not work in the mobile form factor. This was only an issue with App Studio preview of a mashup and did not have an impact on the enduser use of the mashup, and the same mashup code viewed on mobile/desktop worked as expected. Investigation showed that the 'when' rule was evaluated correctly for the application level, but in mashup it was evaluated to false even when opened in mobile view from App studio. The Rule-Utility-Function checks to see if an overridden useragent has been specified and if it has, then it uses it for the preview in App Studio, however in mashup the userAgentDetails did not contain any of the satisfying conditions under which the condition might be returned as false. The issue in this case was traced to the Rule-Utility-Function needing to handle the scenario of Mashup Preview by checking if the thread was from the mashup preview, and that has been implemented.

SR-D47886 · Issue 514778

Home icon retains correct color after refresh

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

By default, the home icon is a svg tag with dark or white filling (based whether it is selected or not), however if another tab was selected and the page refreshed, the icon went black and became a svg img tag. This has been corrected.

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