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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-174933 · Issue 651827

Special characters escaped for use in "is in List" lookups

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After creating a specific criterion on any proposition using a string property, the "Is In List" operator, and a customer list with one value containing a "$", clicking save or check in resulted in the exception error "Problem invoking function: pega_decisionengine_propositionfilterfua.pzPropositionFilterMethodBody--(PublicAPI,ClipboardPage) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal group reference at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement( ". This has been resolved by escaping regular expression control characters in string replacement, which will allow the use of characters such as the $ sign for "is in List" lookups.

INC-162881 · Issue 636993

Decision Table check-in warnings supported for large tables

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After adding an empty row in the middle of Decision Table rows and checking in, the Decision table rule's CheckIn form shows a functionality warning about a conflict in decision table ("This rule contains 1 logic conflict(s). Click the 'Show Conflicts' button for more details."). However, this behavior did not occur as expected if the decision table had more than 500 cells in it, and has now been resolved.

INC-163970 · Issue 636137

Expression Builder updated for special character handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

If a modulo operator (%) was used in expression builder, the expression showed the correct value when it was submitted (closed) but on reopen the expression was changed and not calculated correctly. If the expression was not reopened then it calculated the value properly. This issue was traced to a server call to pzEvaluatePegaExpression which treated certain values as containing special characters, and has been resolved by updating the handling for this scenario.

INC-164002 · Issue 639913

Decision table null input handling updated for backward compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After upgrade, any null values as inputs in the decision tables were skipped if "Allow Missing properties" was not checked. This behavior was different from previous versions. In order to improve backward compatibility, the new function pxEvaluateDecisionTable has been added which has an additional parameter to set AllowMissingProperties, and the older function logic has been modified to take the parameter value from the parameter page.

INC-164171 · Issue 635868

Support added for connect-SOAP run in parallel mode

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

When connect-SOAP was configured to use the “run in parallel” mode, application settings derived through a datapage had incorrect values. While running the connect-SOAP through an activity, all the values were derived incorrectly. This has been resolved by adding a synchronization enhancement to support parallel run connect.SOAP.

INC-164944 · Issue 636292

Logic updated to handle decision trees over 64k

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

Logic updated to handle decision trees over 64kAn exception was thrown when decision trees reached the 64K size limit. This has been resolved by modifying the logic in the DecisiontableMethodBody Rule-Utility-Function where the split size nPropRowLimit is based on the number of columns.

INC-168094 · Issue 642627

Security updated for help URL infrastructure

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

Cross site scripting protections have been added to the help URL infrastructure.

INC-155640 · Issue 622978

Mobile logging updated for data page required parameters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After upgrade, the number of warnings increased substantially in the mobile app log file for D_Pages, specifying "Required parameter X for data page X cannot be blank." This was traced to the forced logging related to missing required parameters for Parameterized DataPages during DeltaSyncs. In order to increase the value of the logging, the process has been moved from being called before packaging the Data Page to being printed later in packaging code and set to warn only about any unsupported data page configuration with required parameters.

INC-157217 · Issue 631970

Field Service mobile refresh timing updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

A configuration in the Field Service mobile app used to select and map data from a modal section to a wrapper section used "pega.fsm.mobileutil.reloadSection" to refresh the wrapper section and make the data visible after the mapping. If the refresh was performed after the initial login, the refresh was done on only a portion of the screen and resulted in incorrect data being shown to the user. However, continuing to fill in the section and then saving and reopening the task displayed the correct results. The issue was reproducible only on the first attempt after clearing cache/date: subsequent uses refreshed properly. This was traced to the timing of the configured actions, which caused the refreshSection action to be triggered before the runDataTransform action execution was completed. This has been resolved by adding code that will pause the action queue until the runDataTransform action completed.

INC-157532 · Issue 631715

Corrected runtime name length check for custom fields to resolve logged error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

The error "Notification_MobilePush.Action ERROR - Can't parse JSON string to map" was being frequently logged. Investigation showed that in the Step8 activity in pySendNofication from Pega-Notification-MobilePush class, setting @String.length(customFields)>0 where customFields was a local value caused the runtime length check on customFields to fail. To resolve this, the Step8 activity in pySendNofication from Pega-Notification-MobilePush class has been modified from using @String.length(customFields)>0 to use @String.length(Local.customFields)>0.

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