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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-211417 · Issue 711610

Updated URL construction for inline images for better performance

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

System slowness was seen, and inline images were not getting displayed when the case was opened. This has been resolved by modifying pyExtractHtmlFromAttachment to ensure the image source URL is built in a consistent way whether or not there is a cache to call from.

INC-212549 · Issue 706073

HTML attachments conditionally shown in email listener cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

When Rich text/html (non-plain text) emails were ingested in email, the original mail was not getting added to the case. Investigation showed that the pzCreateTriageWork activity had an explicit delete step to remove any attachment that started with 'email-content'. Since the HTML attachment name starts with 'email-content', it was deleted in above activity. This has been resolved by adding a when rule named 'pyLinkEmailTriageContentHTML' which will conditionally show email-content.html.

INC-212966 · Issue 713955

Support added for email attachments stored in repositories

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Attachments sent through email were received as corrupted. To resolve this, support has been added for retrieving content attachment file content from external repositories using data page D_pzGetExtStorageContent[ContentLocation:.pyContentLocation,RepositoryName:.pyStoredInRepository].pyFileSource

INC-214294 · Issue 710827

PopulateEmailClientWorkFilter correctly resolves field value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The first item in the Email manager queue selection dropdown was 'DefaultWorklist', instead of 'Default worklist' or other formatted text. Investigation showed the New Page was not created for the temp results in pzPopulateEmailClientWorkFilter Activity, preventing it from resolving the customized/available field values, and this has been resolved.

INC-193485 · Issue 695640

REST authentication settings use fully qualified name for resolution

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The application setting used in REST connectors for authentication was resolving to similarly-named rules instead of matching the exact name of the rule. This has been resolved by enhancing pzGetSettingID to use both parts of the fully qualified name (name and category) provided by the pzSettingsORA control when determining which setting from the report to return.

INC-197479 · Issue 705111

ClusterAndDBCleaner updated to with with Oracle query limits

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The pzClusterAndDBCleaner job scheduler was not able to cleanup data in pr_op_data session table due to the delete query formed to clean up this table throwing "ora-01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 oracle 19c" exception. This has been resolved by splitting requestor IDs into batches of 1000.

INC-199192 · Issue 689037

Check added to ensure StepPage generation for Top keyword

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

A ClassCastException was thrown when top page is used, indicating " cannot be cast to". This has been resolved by adding a check which will generate a myStepPage for Keyword "Top" as necessary.

INC-202183 · Issue 710296

ClusterAndDBCleaner updated to with with Oracle query limits

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The pzClusterAndDBCleaner job scheduler was not able to cleanup data in pr_op_data session table due to the delete query formed to clean up this table throwing "ora-01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 oracle 19c" exception. This has been resolved by splitting requestor IDs into batches of 1000.

INC-204998 · Issue 705629

Data page definition reload made more robust

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The data page was intermittently being removed from the cache. This was traced to the use of a thread from ThreadContainer to reload the data page definition: a null thread could be returned if the request came from a master agent, which would then cause the definition reload to fail. This has been resolved by updating the system to use the current thread in context to reload the data page definition.

INC-207009 · Issue 701555

Explicit expiration added to avoid searching for expired requestor

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

A login page was taking long time to display. This was traced to pre-authentication cookie in the browser pointing to the requestor object on the server which triggered a lookup across the entire cluster of servers to find the requestor. This was not only taking time, but the attempt to find the requestor in the cluster would always fail to return results as the requestor was not passivated but instead removed after two minutes. To resolve this, an expiration has been added to the Pega-RULES cookie when the value is pre-authenticated. The time to expire is derived based on the short-lived requestor time for unauthenticated requestors + 1 minute, and will be 2 minutes by default. This will avoid searching for a requestor across all nodes in cluster when the requestor has already timed out and been destroyed by server.

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