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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D85848 · Issue 551849

Improved accessibility for tab key navigation in tables

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

When using the tab key to navigate to the first cell in a table, the cell itself was taking focus instead of the link and the link did not open when 'enter' was hit. Instead, hitting tab a second time opened the link. By default, the standard was to have tabIndex set on the first cell of every row for accessibility so the link inside the cell gets the next level of focus. To resolve the navigation issue and avoid user confusion, while adding `tabIndex` to first cell of every row, the system will check for focusable content and avoid adding `tabIndex` to `td`.

SR-D86274 · Issue 552510

Resolved validation conflict with error message display

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

Error messages set through property-set- messages or edit validate were disappearing when out of focus from the date field if the field had a mandatory condition. This was traced to an edge condition where required validation was conflicting with another error message, and has been resolved by modifying the code so the system will not validate required on blur if the input has another error message.

SR-D86429 · Issue 551373

Badge text Control Format supports declare expression target

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

In the user screen, some properties are shown in 'Text' control with 'Badge text' control format. When the value of this property was set in Data Transform, it appeared correctly. When the property value was set in Declare Expression, no background color was set. This was traced to a missed use case in the implementation work for vtable, which resulted in the control format mentioned in presentation tab of control not being applied on markup when the property was a declare expression target. This has been corrected.

SR-D87019 · Issue 561909

Required attribute of the layout label considered for displaying "*" on the button

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

After upgrade, radio buttons with a “required” when condition did not have that condition triggered. This was traced to validation only being applied to the first row when using a repeating dynamic layout. Because of this, if the first row 'when' rule is false and subsequent rows 'when' rule is true, the validationType='' attribute is stamped for all rows as first row when rule is false. To resolve this, logic updates have been made which will stamp a button's required attribute for showing the '*' symbol based on the required attribute of the layout label.

SR-D87203 · Issue 550996

Required field accessibility improved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

In some instances, there is no non-visual indicator that a field is required. Because the asterisk character is commonly ignored by screen readers, the attribute or should be used so that non-sighted users have explicit information about the required status of the field. To enable this, when client-side validations are disabled on the harness and clientValidation attributes are absent, the system will run an additional check so that aria-required is added.

SR-D89242 · Issue 555590

Corrected layout refresh for grid state page

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

When the condition builder had an empty row, on submit an error was displayed as expected. However, attempting to delete the empty row resulted in an exception. Investigation showed that the layout refresh was causing the grid state page to get deleted upon submission of the modal. This has been resolved.

SR-D89672 · Issue 550527

Custom error label styles work for 'required'

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

When using the default 'required' error message, the class "labelError" is added when the required field is empty. However, when the default 'required' is replaced by a custom error message, a UI error was seen because the class "labelError" was not added when the field was empty. This was traced to an error in the non-template to template code transform, and has been resolved by updating webwb_pzpega_ui_dlcelltemplate_js to add the labelError class based on the presence of an error message.

SR-D90711 · Issue 553092

Portal harness maintained when opening email link

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

When an email link was opened (pxOpenAssignmentLink), the portal harness was replaced with the case Perform harness. This has been resolved by ensuring the 'flex' CSS class is added for the portal harness div when using pyMobileSnapStart and a top navigation portal.

SR-D91344 · Issue 560628

Resolved PageCannotBeSerializedForPassivationException in logs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

The exception "One or more properties could not be serialized during passivation and have therefore been lost. They will not be available on activation. Please ensure that all property data is Serializable" was observed in the logs. Investigation showed there was an HTML fragment in 'pzGridOpenAction' that was adding non-serializable properties to the clip board. This did not cause a functional issue, but has been resolved by modifying the way the system obtains and reuses the class definition.

SR-D91656 · Issue 556864

Close button added to runtime exception error message display for non-tabbed layout

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

While running the case through manager/user portal, a runtime exception caused the screen to reload with a GeneralFail harness to show the error and the stacktrace through the section GeneralFailDetails. Since the tabbed layout was not supported, it was not possible to close or cancel this case / case-id. This has been resolved by adding a close button to close the exception window.

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