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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-157737 · Issue 631688

Added ability to support multiple domains for users

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

Previously, the DSS setting MultiTenant/CrossTenant/DomainName supported just a single domain. In order to support multiple domains for internal and external users, an enhancement has been adde so that given two domain values provided as comma-separated values in “MultiTenant/CrossTenant/DomainName” DSS setting, pzSetCrossTenantDomain will determine the correct domain value using pxRequestor.pxReqServer.

INC-157860 · Issue 633947

Corrected error message display in right-to-left locales

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

When using the standard report definition view in the Arabic (ar_AR) locale, error messages for a filter condition were displayed with an incorrect extended horizontal scroll bar with white space. This was traced to the legacy popover styling causing an issue with locales that display text from right to left, and has been resolved by setting the default overlay left to 0PX for these locales.

INC-158129 · Issue 635306

Left navigation expansion made accessible for tab/keyboard actions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

The left navigation "aside" DOM element did not expand if reached with the keyboard tab actions, but did with mouse hover. This has been resolved by updating the selectors for focus within left nav and updating the script to collapse the menu pyAutoCollapseLists section.

INC-158974 · Issue 631272

Messages cleared from WorkPage so "load more" link works as expected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After being migrated, a link button script for "load more" in a repeating dynamic layer was not rendering more data on the UI if there was an error in pyworkpage. Refreshing the UI to clear the error and clicking the "load more" link then displayed the new set of Data. If no error occurred on pyworkpage, then clicking the "load more" worked the first time. This was traced to the success handler ignoring the response if there were errors on pyWorkPage, and has been resolved by updating the pzinvokerdlpreprocessing activity to add 'Page-Clear-Messages' as the first step.

INC-159506 · Issue 635903

Corrected column alignment for Report Definition exported to PDF

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

Aggregated columns such as count were not properly aligned in the PDF when a report definition was exported. This has been resolved by adding right justification styles in pyReport_ExportToPdfStyles.css. With this change, the PDF will look similar to the report definition displayed in the UI.

INC-160130 · Issue 630960

MultiSelect control corrected for Google Chrome on Tablets

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

It was not possible to expand the multiSelect control dropdown in Google Chrome on tablets. The search worked if text was typed into it. This was due to the method isMobilePhone returning true for both mobile and tablet, causing the system thought it was mobile and stopped the normal behavior. This has been rsolved by adding a regular expression check in the pzpega_control_multiselect isMobilehone() method to check if it a tablet. The isMobilePhone() method will return false if the device is tablet so the dropdown appears as expected.

INC-160624 · Issue 633084

HTTP Strict Transport Security update

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

An update has been made to increase the max age of the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header parameter from 7 days to 1 year.

INC-160839 · Issue 643469

Session timer corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

Configuring pxsessiontimer in the Portal header to log users off after 30 minutes was not working as expected: users were still logged in the next day or after keeping the session idle for more than 30 minutes. After waking up the system, it was possible to search clicking on the search results resulted in being logged out. This was traced to the ShowLogoffTimer activity not being correctly registered, and has been resolved.

INC-160843 · Issue 631727

Performance improvements for multiple visibility expressions in repeating structures

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After upgrade, performance degradation was seen and PEGA0069 alerts appeared frequently. Investigation traced this to performance issues with the expression evaluation on the client when there were multiple visibility expressions in the repeating structures. To resolve this, updates have been made to the pzpega_ui_ExpressionEvaluator.js to reduce the number of calls to _getCtxElement( ) in side loops.

INC-161126 · Issue 631089

Edit validation message appears on Cosmos UI

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

When using a flow action in Cosmos, validation messages did not appear on the UI as expected but an error would be thrown while clicking on the submit. This was traced to an unneeded visibility condition present on the section "pyCaseActionArea" when "pyCaseErrorSection" was included, and has been resolved.

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