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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D79909 · Issue 542243

DDS added for automated dataflow run cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

During a recent upgrade it was seen that there were in excess of 20k dataflow runs, some 2 years old, which slowed down the migration significantly. In order to resolve this, an automated process has been added. This clean-up procedure deletes all the single case, batch, and real time runs older than 30 days which are in the final state - Completed, Completed with Failures, or Failed, and batch and real time runs which are in the Stopped state. The DDS Pega-DecisionEngine.dataflow/run/maxDaysToKeepRuns.should be used configure the retention period. Note that the retention period is calculated since the last processed message and not the creation time of the run.

SR-D82895 · Issue 543605

Restart issue on dataflow service nodes resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

A high percentage of rolling restarts were failing for nodes hosting dataflow services due to prolonged restart times. To resolve this, the system has been updated so Cloud services will not try to recover the node state in case of a restart, since nodeIDs are always new and not reused.

SR-D40662 · Issue 511396

OpenRuleAdvanced updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After upgrade, the Update Page and Append and Map to step in Data transform was generating the error "No Server connection while giving page name to Target and Source". This was traced to the OpenRuleAdvanced_OverLabel control, and investigation showed that a variable was not being resolved when invoking pzEncryptURLActionString. This has been resolved by updating OpenRuleAdvanced and reimplementing two parameters as well as moving the call of these variables to the beginning of the script. Security has also been improved by moving some of the encryption to SafeUrls.

SR-D41636 · Issue 521731

Route to configuration in the approval flow accepts Specific User parameters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Route to configuration in the approval flow was not accepting a parameter value/property value when select Specific User option from drop down was chosen. This was traced to unique ID change work done in the 8.2 release: the pzSimpleApproval section has two controls (DropDown for Participant & AutoComplete for Operator) configured on same property pyOperatorToAssign with "run visibility on client configuration), and when the control value was being changed in the AutoComplete control, the empty value of DropDown control was being posted to the clipboard. To correct this, the section Work-.pzSimpleApproval has been modified to remove performing run-visibility conditions at client side. Instead, the system will use the ".pyApproverType Changes" condition to refresh the wrapper DL which contains the routeTo type Operator/WB/Participant property controls.

SR-D42566 · Issue 512871

ApplicationInventory function deleted

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

It was possible to call the activity "ApplicationInventory of class Rule-" by appending the activity name in the URL. To improve security, the ApplicationInventory activity and HTML rule have been removed from the system.

SR-D44942 · Issue 518352

Guided tour popups handling added for right-to-left language locales

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Guided Tour Popups were still appearing in the default EN location after switching to the ar_AR locale. This was traced to a missed use case for locales using a right-to-left mode such as Arabic or Hebrew, and has been resolved by updating the guided tour engine openPopOver function to account for the HTML tag dir attribute for value of "rtl". This will anchor the pop over to rightBottom / and display the arrow on the rightTop instead of leftBottom / leftTop.

SR-D47975 · Issue 514012

OpenRuleAdvanced updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After upgrade, the Update Page and Append and Map to step in Data transform was generating the error "No Server connection while giving page name to Target and Source". This was traced to the OpenRuleAdvanced_OverLabel control, and investigation showed that a variable was not being resolved when invoking pzEncryptURLActionString. This has been resolved by updating OpenRuleAdvanced and reimplementing two parameters as well as moving the call of these variables to the beginning of the script. Security has also been improved by moving some of the encryption to SafeUrls.

SR-D48248 · Issue 517237

cross-site scripting filtering added to URLs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Cross-site scripting filtering has been added to prevent the injection of a script into a URL using ViewXML.

SR-D48751 · Issue 515537

Pega unit for case type records user inputs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When creating a Pega unit for the case type by selecting Actions -> Record test case for Case, the user inputs were not recorded for embedded page properties. This has been corrected.

SR-D52138 · Issue 537504

Property setting corrected for On Join and Exclusion shapes in Expression Builder

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

The properties for the defined page did not appear when using the type-ahead feature to select properties for the On Data Join and Exclusion shapes in Expression Builder. This was an issue related to the property being referenced for setting the context in the expression builder, and has been corrected.

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