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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C89716 · Issue 431990

Rule-Connect-SOAP error fixed for WAS/JBOSS environments

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

After upgrade, SOAP webservice was failing with the error “Couldn't create OMElement from string value for the activity InvokeAxis2 in class Rule-Connect-SOAP". This occurred on sites using a WebSphere/JBoss environment, and was traced to an issue where the WAS classloader was loading its default jar at the same time the Pega classloader was loading the same jar into JVM. This has been resolved.

SR-C89677 · Issue 432537

Optimation added for Oracle queries

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Certain versions of Oracle may suffer from sporadic poor performance with all_constraints queries. To alleviate this, Pega has been updated to provide some processing optimization where possible in the TableInformationMapImpl function. Additional timing alert and debugging logic has also been added in this class for all platforms, especially for lookupForeignKey.

SR-C87463 · Issue 432613

Required image replacing Mandatory Asterisk displays correctly

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

After creating a mandatory text input field in a section and uploading the required image in place of the default image, the previous default image was still displayed in the portal even after clearing the browser cache and /temp folder on the app server. This was caused by the CSS rule 'pzbase-div-layouts' using specific selectors that had a hard-coded content hash for the image, which has been corrected.

SR-C92060 · Issue 432775

Null check added to resolve issue with manipulating operator access group list

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When using an operator access group list where there were multiple access groups already listed, picking any one of them except the last and clicking '+' (Add item) to create new line item or clicking on the delete icon to delete the row was generating a Pega busy indicator which never resolved. This was traced to the value label.prop("tagName") being returned as undefined, and has been resolved by adding a null check.

SR-C94047 · Issue 432967

Updated Static Progress Bar Control to resolve parse error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When configured in a section with no parameters, the Static Progress Bar control was refreshing every second. After 5-10 seconds, a parse error appeared. This has been resolved by updating the value of bUseProcess to check for both string and boolean.

SR-C94950 · Issue 433174

Rule lock is released after alternate approved operator rejects it

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When using the rule check-in approval process, if a rule check-in candidate was rejected by an approved operator other than the one who checked it in, the lock on the original rule was not released. This has been corrected so the lock is released after the rule is rejected in the case worker portal.

SR-C90358 · Issue 433295

Updated Attach Content Control for use in repeat grid

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When using Attach Content Control in a repeat grid, selecting a file via attachcontent control and submitting the page resulted in the message "The operation completed successfully, but returned no content". This was traced to the newassignPage being removed after closing the modal, causing finishassignment to fail. To resolve this, the Attach Content Control function has been modified to set the needed grid attributes for desktop implementation to ensure newAssignPage will be available to the attach content modal action.

SR-C96362 · Issue 433331

cross-site scripting filter added to API form handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

An cross-site scripting filter has been added for properties that can be changed via API.

SR-C96153 · Issue 433373

Repository Delete API updated for better use with cloud storage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Previously, the Repository Delete API immediately checked if a file existed after attempting to delete it. When deleting files in S3, the file may not be immediately removed: due to S3's eventual consistency policy, the file could still exist at the time Pega was attempting to verify the deletion but be "deleted" according to Amazon. This caused a false alert that the file deletion was unsuccessful, leading to alert emails being sent and the Manifest file not being created, and in some cases generating an exception. To resolve this issue, the logic in Repository Delete that checked if file existed after attempting to delete it has been removed.

SR-C91264 · Issue 433438

Localization fixed for dropdown sourced with pystate

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When pystate was used to source a dropdown, the options were all uppercase but in the review harness used lower case for IN and OR. This difference caused a failure in localization. This was caused by the Field value instance being defined in lowercase in PyCaption while the UI was treating the active value as an instance of pyCaption, leading to instances of both "in" and "IN" being present. This has been resolved by consolidating the field value to use a single case in the pega-eventprocessing ruleset.

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