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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D520 · Issue 435485

Wait corrected for sub case after reopening

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

A re-opened parent case was not waiting for the sub case when a sub case was reopened, but it did wait if there was no sub case on the reopened parent case. This has been resolved by enhancing the system to better handle the reopen of activator and dependent work objects by checking the reopen time: - pzGetAllStatusforDepClass activity: added step 2 to consider activator reopen time - pzGetMessageKeysForFlowDependencies list view: added criteria to filter on reopen time

SR-C95727 · Issue 435551

Enhancement added to automatically manage runtime context for background processing

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

After creating a dedicated queue processor in a branch ruleset, the processor was not showing up in the queue processor list in Admin Studio. Attempting to queue something to this queue processor with a correct access group pointing to an application with access to the branch ruleset resulted in the error "Unable to find queue processor instance in memory". Moving the queue processor to a ruleset other than the branch worked as expected. This was traced to an issue with context management. In order to improve this process, an enhancement has been added for automatic management of the runtime context for the Background Processing mechanism. This will use system runtime context to discover queue processors and job schedulers that need to be run, and the context will automatically maintained by the platform when Applications are created, deleted, saved or imported. The system administrator is able to use a portal (studio) to manually modify the system runtime context by adding, reordering, removing Applications and changing the application version. To use this automatic management, check the "Include in background processing" checkbox on the application rule form (Advanced section): when checked, the application is placed on the list of System Runtime Context during application rule save (which happens e.g. during application import, migration, etc). If the background processing checkbox is not set, the runtime context of the background processing will continue to require manual management, but that management will now be in System Runtime Context instead in the previously used ASYNCPROCESSOR requestor type, which has been deprecated.

SR-C89504 · Issue 435565

Multi-Select values visible in read-only

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

The Selected Multi-Select values were not seen on the read-only review screen. This has been corrected.

SR-C87873 · Issue 435585

Race condition handling added to resolve stuck class loader threads

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

A JVM became unresponsive after new JVM traffic was brought in. In reviewing the threaddump, there were hundreds of threads that originated from PRClassLoaderDB.getDefinitionForName or PRClassLoaderDB.getorCreateDefinitionForName found in a "stuck" state waiting on a condition. Investigation showed there was a thread deadlock caused by the system loading class definitions while an external resource was asking for a snapshot of the resources being loaded. This has been resolved by adding handling for the race condition.

SR-C97772 · Issue 435629

Fixed Export to PDF page formatting

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

A formatting issue was seen when using export to PDF; the first page contained only the title of the report as well as the filter, the generated date, and the number of records, and the exported data was included only from the 2nd page onwards. This has been corrected, and some performance improvements for the generation time were added.

SR-C92363 · Issue 435674

Removed duplicated cross-site scripting filtering

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Some specific special characters ( "(" , ")", "%" , "&" ) in Delegated View of Data Type rules are not displayed properly in Edit view. Investigation showed the parameter value was subject to multiple passes of cross-site filtering, and the unneeded cross-site scripting filters have been removed.

SR-C98214 · Issue 435683

Decision Table keeps proper values when a column is deleted

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When the first column in a Decision Table was deleted and the rule saved, the value that was in the second column was replaced in the first row. This has been corrected.

SR-C89985 · Issue 435723

pzEmailActions button colors correctly reflect styling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

The default Styling for the buttons defined in pzEmailActions was not taking effect as expected to show an "APPROVE" button as green and a "REJECT" button as red in an email body with attachments. This was traced to the 'if' condition not being satisfied for the color change due to the UIkit handling the evaluation via the pyApproveInternal flow action instead of pzApproveInternal. This has been corrected.

SR-C96703 · Issue 435741

CMIS Timestamp function updated to support more timezones

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When trying to edit any attachment , a null pointer exception was generated from the out of the box activity pygetobjectfromAPPCMISConnector by the pzFormatCMISTimestamp function in the class This was traced to CMIS using a library that did not support all the possible timezones for a timestamp. To resolve this, the RUF pzFormatCMISTimestamp has been updated to use java.text.SimpleDateFormat as it currently supports the highest number of timezones and permutations in the CMIS timestamp format. A check has also been added so that if a timezone cannot be found, the date is simply not converted and a warning is logged.

SR-C97207 · Issue 435771

ModalCancelAction activity clipboard removal updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Clicking on the jump/when button on the activity step and then trying to expand any step in the Rule-Obj-Activity.pyModalCancelAction activity was resulting in the error "The property RH_1.pyTempModalPage was of mode String while adoptDictionaryDefinition(ImmutablePropertyInfo, boolean, boolean) was expecting Page mode. Details: the mode has been reset to match the property's definition." This has been corrected by modifying the code to use property-remove instead of property-set to remove the clipboard page.

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