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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C86589 · Issue 436265

Added explicit thread cleanup to resolve case worker portal UI rendering problem

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Creating a case in the case worker portal was resulting in the respective screen being rendered with a distorted UI. This was traced to an issue in topnavigation where the thread was being changed to a base thread and skipping the FlowModalProcess thread removal when the new DC action was triggered. To resolve this, the system has been modified to append "$FlowModalProcess" in harnessOnBeforeUnload if it is missing to make sure the FlowModalProcess thread is removed.

SR-C90457 · Issue 436282

Handling added for deleting a temp file when pyTranslationFileName is blank

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

The Localization wizard was generating a file delete error when attempting to delete a temporary folder. To resolve this, an "if" condition has been added to PegaAccel-Task-Localize.pzResetExportDetails to handle file deletion scenarios where the pyTranslationFileName is blank.

SR-C94914 · Issue 436300

Cursor position retained after password field refresh

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

If a section was created which contained a Password control with an "Any Key" event that included "Post value" and "Refresh-Other section" actions, the cursor always stayed at the beginning of the line. This has been resolved by adding code to ensure the caret position is retained after a refresh for the password field.

SR-C96456 · Issue 436306

Autocomplete grid scroll bar fixed for large DataPage results

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When autocomplete (default setting) was present inside a grid and the result popup had < 20 results, the scrollbar was not coming up in Google Chrome. This has been resolved by modifying the fixGridWidthIfRequired API to set set vertical scroll to auto.

SR-C96001 · Issue 436367

Independent query logic inserted for non-resolved rules to avoid non-applicable columns

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Nothing was displayed under "Revalidate and save" for Rule-Ruleset-Name and Rule-Ruleset-Version. In Tracer there was an error message saying that "There was a problem getting a list: code: 207 SQLState: S0001 Message: Invalid column name 'pyRuleAvailable'. " Investigation showed that because the system was using the same logic for resolved and non-resolved rules, Rule-Ruleset-Name and Rule-Ruleset-Version were looking for the column pyRuleAvailable which was not applicable because non-resolved rules don't have this column. To resolve this issue, a separate query executor has been added for non-resolved rules as there are a few columns related to resolved rules that are not applicable for those that are not resolved.

SR-C93873 · Issue 436423

BigDecimal division API updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

A difference in strategy output was seen after upgrade due to a particular HFix regarding decimal values in strategy calculations not being previously installed on the system. To resolve this, updates have been made to the BigDecimal division API that specifically addresses Group By shape.

SR-C86607 · Issue 436440

getProperty API updated to use the pega.ctx.dom API for get element by name

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When multiple tasks (S- Cases) were added from an interaction (I- Case) and the Service Cases had three auto complete controls which were sourced by parameterized data pages, it was expected that upon selection of the first auto complete, the second and third auto complete values would be populated. However, parameters passed to the Data Pages from the second and third S- Cases, had the same value as the first S- Case even though the clipboard was correct. Investigation showed that with MDC, the pega.util.dom API was failing to get the correct dom element and the needed data pages were not called. This has been corrected by updating the getProperty API to use the pega.ctx.dom API instead of the ega.util.dom API to get element byname.

SR-D190 · Issue 436866

Job Scheduler History correctly displays pyPerformer

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

After upgrade, the pxcreate operator value for work objects was blank when the objects were created via job schedulers, leading to the History not displaying the pyPerformer. Investigation showed that the user details in the requestor page were not being set correctly by the agent used to populate the details due to a lack of agent parity. This has been resolved by ensuring the userName and userIdentitfier properties are populated in the requestor page.

SR-D2296 · Issue 436876

Enhancement added to support multiple security certificates

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When importing IDP metadata, the only the last verification certificate was imported if there were multiple certificates. This caused SAML SSO signing failures in some cases. Support has now been added for importing multiple certificates to enhance encryption security.

SR-C92826 · Issue 436919

Chart fixes for localization and filtering

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

A problem was seen with a chart where the column was a date and its labels were not localized even though the values were displayed in the data grid correctly. This was resolved by updating the pzMultiSeriesData XML Stream to generate the series name attribute with the localized value. An issue with a drill down report pulling the data for entire criteria on click of specific set even though the summary view or clicking on the report data worked correctly has been fixed by adding an enhancement for using the aggregate column as a filter on drilldown with "Is not null". Additional work was also done to resolve an issue of a broken case causing the chart not to render when the aggregates were in an unexpected order.

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