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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C90418 · Issue 436017

Exception handling improved for pxAdjustSLA, pxAdjustSLATimes, and pzAdjustSLATimesInBulk functions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

If the SLA Deadline days were updated from 0 to 1, the SLA agent did not trigger the deadline escalation activity and the error " Instance of class Queue not found: SYSTEM-QUEUE-SERVICELEVEL.SYSTEM-QUEUE-SERVICELEVEL" was generated. This has been resolved with the addition of better failure handling to the pxAdjustSLA, pxAdjustSLATimes, and pzAdjustSLATimesInBulk functions for cases where an exception is generated.

SR-D3767 · Issue 438200

Enhancement added to track list based report definitions for statistics

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

In order to expand the use of pyDefaultReport for Log-ReportStatistics, an enhancement has been added to pzPopulateListReport to call the pzPopulateStatisticsInfo activity with the required parameters to enable tracking of list based report definitions so they can be included in the report statistics table.

SR-C97772 · Issue 435630

Fixed Export to PDF page formatting

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

A formatting issue was seen when using export to PDF; the first page contained only the title of the report as well as the filter, the generated date, and the number of records, and the exported data was included only from the 2nd page onwards. This has been corrected.

SR-D3788 · Issue 437779

Corrected temp page reference for save-as in CreateAndManageWorkFromEmail

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

Attempting to save-as pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail was failing due to a missing reference to TempCurrentPage in Pages and Classes. This has been corrected.

SR-D3405 · Issue 439259

URL construction logic updated for Tracer

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

When trying to trace a requestor from the requestor management landing page, a 400 bad request error was generated. Investigation showed that when forming the tracer URL, the pxRequestor.pxRequestorPathInfoInReal property was being appended to it. Because the property contained unencoded characters([), the request was not being processed. To resolve this, the URL construction logic has been changed to use pxThread.pxReqBaseURI.

SR-C89040 · Issue 438828

Calling flow correctly resumed after sub-process completes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

If a case was processed via Operator1 and passed as an assignment to a workbasket where Operator2 picked it up and performed a Reject case on it, the process in Flow1 correctly called Flow2, but once Flow2 was processed Flow1 was not resumed. If Operator2 only performed the Reject processing, Flow1 was resumed. To to ensure the correct flow resumption, the location of the pyFirstRun setting in flowMethodBody FUA has been updated.

SR-C88178 · Issue 429526

docx4j jar updated for compatibility with Office365

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

After generating a docx file with Office365, an error appeared indicating the document had invalid XML data and couldn't be opened. Once the error message was dismissed, the file could be opened normally. This was caused by an incompatibility between Office365 and the Plutext docx4j jar, and the Plutext jar has now been updated to version 6.1.1 to resolve this issue.

SR-D2796 · Issue 438393

Corrected Recents list resize issue in IE

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

When using IE, opening the Pega Developer Studio to the landing page correctly resized the Recents list unless another tab was open. If there is another tab, the the resizing did not work and the scroll bar only allowed movement to the left. This has been corrected by setting the position to absolute for iframe(designer studio tabs) for IE.

SR-C92171 · Issue 445300

Updated unique ID hashing to account for extended class names

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

Multiple history classes were pointing to one database table because the historical hash method only used the the first 32 characters of a class name to create a unique identifier. This created duplicates if the class extended past this limit. To correct this, the unique ID hashing has updated in SQLGenerator to account for long identifier names: if the supplied name is greater than 32 chars, the system will hash the entire name to create a unique identifier.

SR-C89985 · Issue 435724

pzEmailActions button colors correctly reflect styling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

The default Styling for the buttons defined in pzEmailActions was not taking effect as expected to show an "APPROVE" button as green and a "REJECT" button as red in an email body with attachments. This was traced to the 'if' condition not being satisfied for the color change due to the UIkit handling the evaluation via the pyApproveInternal flow action instead of pzApproveInternal. This has been corrected.

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