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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D88376 · Issue 548336

SQL query handling added for case-sensitive DBs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

An Email Listener in RUNNING state was not picking up the emails as expected. This was traced to the column names (pr_log_service_email) being defined in lower case for native SQL queries: since MS SQL server db is case sensitive, it was not able to detect these column names and therefore failed to save the message stub. This has been resolved by adding the necessary handling.

SR-D88997 · Issue 548897

Improved accessibility for labels and instructions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

In order to improve accessibility, a label has been added to the delegation filter input and a search input box has been added to pzRecordsEditorWrapper along with the ability to use the 'Cell read-write classes' option to hide it in the UI.

SR-D56148 · Issue 537406

Corrected map zoom issue with iOS13

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

After including a map control with markers in an application for iOS13, viewing via a mobile app and zooming introduces a gray bar across the map. This has been resolved by setting transform translateZ to the div of address map.

SR-D68572 · Issue 543005

Added check for duplicate attachment names with S3

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

S3 Storage does not allow duplicate file names, but the AttachContent function was allowing duplicate file attachments. Due to this, the sync was failing to attach on the server and the message was never communicated to the client. This has been resolved by adding a check for duplicate file names when the storage is repository.

SR-D73237 · Issue 539127

Pagination updated to resolve repeating Pulse notes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

After adding a case and entering 15 Pulse notes, scrolling down resulted in the notes being duplicated. Investigation traced this to entering more than 10 posts in a single interaction on a previously empty case when "Progressive pagination" was enabled for the repeating dynamic layout. On Private Edit, if the pagination was changed to "NONE" then the issue was resolved. Pagination depends on the pzPagingStartDateTime property, which is set on D_pzFeedParams, but since there were no results in this scenario this property was not being set. To resolve this, an update has been made so that pzPagingStartDateTime will be set if it is empty.

SR-D74839 · Issue 537323

Corrected map zoom issue with iOS13

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

After including a map control with markers in an application for iOS13, viewing via a mobile app and zooming introduces a gray bar across the map. This has been resolved by setting transform translateZ to the div of address map.

SR-D76620 · Issue 544578

Resolved touch events issue with updated Google Chrome

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

After upgrading Google Chrome, touch events on a flow action under the Action Button in a case or on the application under "Launch web interface" were not reacting and the flow actions were not accessed. Investigation showed that Google Chrome's latest upgrade (79.0.3945.130) removed the ontouchstart property in the window, causing the isTouchable capability identification method to fail. This has been resolved by adding a check for navigator.maxTouchPoints to identify for Google Chrome whether the device involved has a touchscreen.

SR-D76927 · Issue 541424

VirusCheck added to all Pulse uploads

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

The upload file activity has been updated to invoke VirusCheckActivity for all Pulse uploads.

SR-D77268 · Issue 542339

Updated URL opening for iOS 12 & 13

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Attempting to open a URL did not work on iPad/iPhone with iOS 12 and 13 and PIMC version 8.3.500. This has been resolved by updating previewPIMCAttachmentOnline function to handle URL opening by using the application.openurl function.

SR-D81859 · Issue 543766

Maps and signatures inside layout groups scroll correctly

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

A map configured in the screen was getting grayed out while scrolling horizontally. Analysis showed that when an address map is inside a layout group, the layout group swipe was triggered instead of scrolling. To resolve this, the target parent now has the data attribute "data-nogestures" = true so the layout group swipe will not be triggered. This will also prevent swipe on signature while scrolling horizontally.

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