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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-224726 · Issue 730543

Resolved drag and drop duplicate entries

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Including files with Drag and Drop control was resulting in duplicate file entries. This was traced to run visibility on client being enabled by default on layout in the section pzAttachContentScreen, and has been resolved by modifying the default to be that run visibility on client is disabled on layout in this section when pyDescription is null.

INC-226400 · Issue 731712

Adhoc case creation repaired

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Adhoc case creation was not working. The adhoc case creation flow action uses a page called "newWorkPage" for case creation: this parameter page which is used by the pySaveAdHocCase activity in the pyCreateAdhocCase flow action has a naming conflict with page name in activity pzShowConflicts, resulting in the system removing both the pages in step 11 of pzShowConflicts activity. To resolve this, the page created and used in pzShowConflicts has been renamed from newWorkPage to showConflictsWorkPage.

INC-228513 · Issue 736683

Operator ID recorded in pxStageHistory

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

In order to support capturing, reporting, and extracting the operator ID of the users starting and completing the stages and steps in the case lifecycle, an update has been made which will store the operator ID in pxStageHistory.

INC-230662 · Issue 738959

Security updated for AttachmentInnerDetails

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for AttachmentInnerDetails.

INC-230826 · Issue 733552

Legacy hardcoded WorkPage removed from ReassignAssignment

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When there was a child case Task available, attempting to transfer the case caused the system to update the Parent case .pxFlow(CreateTask) instead of the Task case .pxFlow(CreateTask). This was traced to the pyReassignAssignment activity having a legacy hardcoded page pyWorkPage defined, and this hardcoded page has been removed to resolve this issue.

INC-202004 · Issue 692353

Hotfix documentation updated to point to Hotfix Manager page

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The readme file attached to hotfix downloads contained an outdated reference to use "PRPC Hotfix Installer on the Update Manager landing page." This has been updated to point to the Hotfix Manager landing page.

INC-205453 · Issue 706569

Pega Keystore supported for hotfix signature verification

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

In order to support custom trust managers which require an alternate method for supplying the root certificate via a platform trust store, an enhancement has been added to allow Pega Keystore to be used as a hotfix verification source. Detailed information on this can be found in

INC-208516 · Issue 705098

Patchdate values made unique

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The hotfix manager was incorrectly indicating that a previous hotfix was not installed or was partially installed and should be reinstated. This scenario was created during security updates where the missing/incomplete hotfix had been deliberately deleted from the database, and has been resolved by adding an update which will force patchdate to be unique when adding duplicate code resources during tests.

INC-209435 · Issue 707374

Column population error downgraded to warning

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

A Column Population job run after deployment for some classes was logging the error "Class does not exist", but no property was identified and no impact to the system was seen. This error has been downgraded to a warning.

INC-210513 · Issue 710344

Added handling for clustered index on the pr4_rule table during migration

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When attempting to migrate the rules schema to RULES85 and temp data schema DATA85, the upgrade was becoming stuck in a loop while working to generate declarative indexes for Rule-HTML-Paragraph. Investigation showed the infinite looping happened only for classes mapped to the pr4_rule and with instance count of more than (num of threads * batch size). This was due to the presence of a clustered index on the pr4_rule table causing the resultset to return an infinite number of records in SQLServer, and has been resolved with an update to leverage the total record count to iterate the resultset instead of depending on the

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