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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D90528 · Issue 550665

Localization added to File upload alerts

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

When uploading files as part of adding attachments, error and warning messages were displayed as alerts in English despite using localization. This was traced to the pzMultiDragDropControlStandard control rule having the HTML alert messages hard coded instead of using field values which could be localized. To resolve this, field values have been created for the messages related to DragDropMaxSize, FileNotExistMessage, FileUploadSupportMessage, and UnableToLoadFileMessage.

SR-D84754 · Issue 548163

Resolved erroneous problem assignment error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

If a user processed a work item while the SLA agent was also attempting to process it, it sometimes resulted in an assignment with the error: "Error: Flow Not At Task." In this scenario, an error message was displayed stating that "Assignment already completed" even though the assignment was not yet finished, causing confusion. Investigation showed that in cases where the success indicator was -28, the assignment was marked as problem assignment even though it was processed. To resolve this, the system has been updated to skip marking the assignment as a problem when the success indicator is -28.

SR-D87898 · Issue 552588

SaveAttachment Activity in Data-WorkAttach-URL updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

A 'when' condition was not properly evaluated for Activity SaveAttachment (CL:Data-WorkAttach-URL ), causing the Next assignment screen to not be displayed. This has been resolved by modifying the handling of Page Names used as activity parameters to remove the use of the specific PageName "pyAttachmentPage" in the operation and make it generic to Primary in the SaveAttachment Activity of CL: Data-WorkAttach-URL.

SR-D68235 · Issue 534781

Stale WorkSearchPreference data cleared when switching apps

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

The D_pyWorkSearchPreferences data page data was not refreshing while switching between apps, causing stale data to be populated under the case search dropdown for all the applications after switching the application from one to another. This has been resolved by removing the D_pyWorkSearchPreferences data page as part of pzProcessApplicationSwitch.

SR-D88141 · Issue 550008

TemplateButton field correctly set read-only

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

When a control was added to a section using the DX API, a pyTemplateButton field was added to the XML definition of the section with read-only set to 'false'. This has been corrected so the pyTemplate Button field does not allow input.

SR-D76291 · Issue 547839

Updated retry logic for S3 AddAttachmentFromEmail

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

When using the AddAttachmentFromEmail activity with S3 repositories, performing an obj-save on the data-workattach-file page executes a deferred save while also saving the file into the repository. if the data was inserted into S3 successfully but encountered an issue when saving the related data-work-attach-file page, the system was trying to call the save operation again. This tried to insert the duplicate attachment again to S3, causing an error on that side of the process. To resolve this, the duplicate Obj-Save functionality in AddAttachmentFromMail Activity has been removed.

SR-D92158 · Issue 555083

App Studio performance improvements

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

In order to improve performance for opening data models, submitting changes, and opening views in App Studio, pzShowDataTypeInExpress has been modified to remove a readonly condition that caused a database query for every row.

SR-D87188 · Issue 551349

Mentioned user in Pulse correctly converted to hyperlink

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

In the Interaction portal, mentioning a user in Pulse using @ was not converting the name to the user name with hyperlink for Email Interactions. @ mentions were working as as expected in Phone Interactions. This problem was introduced as part of using OWASP to sanitize HTML user input in Rich Text support, and was due to OWASP converting @ to an HTML entity. To resolve this, the @ will be excepted from HTML conversion.

SR-D92688 · Issue 551339

Optional feature to improve pxETReport performance

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

Poor performance was seen when using pxETReport. This was caused by the system loading the recent cases widget by looking up all the ET cases within last 30 days, opening each ET case to check if it is from the same pyFrom email address, and then if yes, opening its related service case. On a complex system, this was potentially a slow process. To improve performance, the "Related cases" feature can now be disabled through an overridable 'when' rule.

SR-D63638 · Issue 544015

Performance improvements for opening cases with embedded images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

Opening cases containing email interactions was taking an excessive amount of time. This was traced to the use of embedded images, icons, etc, in the message body and signature, and was caused by the pyGetAttachmentsbyCID activity running multiple times due to discussion threads that were duplicated over and over. In some cases, more than 360 calls to the database were seen. This has been resolved by shifting some case opening processes to executing when the listener thread gets the mail, and storing the results in a .pynote property, and a URL will be used to get images instead of embedding them directly to the HTML. If preferred, this can be reverted to the previous behavior by changing the when rule (pyUseCachedHtmlForDisplay) to false.

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