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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D81924 · Issue 548651

Resolved Ajax and autocomplete errors in mobile offline

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When logging into the app for the first time on a new session to navigate to scheduled contacts and reschedule one, clicking the right or left arrow icons to move through dates resulted in an "AJAX request failed" error. POST 500 errors were also logged in the Developer Tools console with every click of the icon. It was possible to close the error and continue, and navigating to another screen and returning or leaving the app and restarting it resolved the issue. This has been resolved by adding dataOnly for getParentWorkItem to support a Parent online and child offline scenario. In addition, an issue with console errors caused by a popup when autocomplete did not have any results has been corrected with the addition of a null check to clear the results div only if it exists.

SR-D82148 · Issue 546763

Localization improved for ToolTips

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Attempting to use the Field value to localize the tooltip for Hour and Minute resulted in the time being displayed as "tooltip: Hour". Support has been added for localizing these fields using pyTooltip. In addition, an issue with the tooltip still being displayed after switching helper text to None and saving (without manually clearing the existing text) has been resolved with an update that will clear the tooltip value when helper text is selected as 'None'.

SR-D83931 · Issue 545874

Header style inheritance corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When a header style for a container was explicitly set, any layout underneath inherited that style when using container formats set to 'Use Skin Base Settings'. This has been resolved by increasing specificity for the header title.

SR-D84180 · Issue 550231

Resolved tab appearance issues related to resolution support

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When trying to add multiple tabs on larger screens, once the first row was filled with tabs then new tabs began appearing at the bottom of the layout group. The layout group worked as expected with the tab overflow having the right and left arrows with the dropdown on smaller screens. In addition, @1440px the overflow arrow on the right side was not working correctly, showing as grayed out even though focus was not on the last tab. These issues were traced to taboverflow with add icon not working correctly at certain resolutions. To resolve this, the todisableslide function has been updated to consider add icon width and layoutgroup has been updated to consider parent width.

SR-D84436 · Issue 546249

Popup position calculation check added for frameless portals

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When trying to select any node under the agent, the complete section was scrolling up to the top. This issue was observed in frameless portals when the user scrolled down and launched the popup, and was the result of the the parent div's scrollTop value being added to the popup's "top" value. To resolve this, an additional check has been added for frameless portals (document.body.scrollTop) while calculating the popup's position.

SR-D85228 · Issue 548201

Focus retained after cascading dropdown selection in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Given two DropDown fields sourced with data pages where the first dropdown value was passed as a parameter to the second dropdown source data page, at run time using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, If the first dropdown field value was selected using the tab key, the focus shifted to the second drop down field and was immediately lost. Pressing the tab key again set focus to the top of the window. This has been resolved by updating the system to retain focus upon cascading dropdown refresh when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.

SR-D85339 · Issue 548183

Calendar AM/PM corrected for Chinese locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When using the Chinese locale (zh_CN), opening a calendar control in the Report definition to select filter values resulted in the Calendar tab dropdown showing "上午" (AM) when the system time was in "下午" (PM). Investigation showed that when generating a non-auto date time control, ampm text (i.e. string value) was compared with the generated select component using locale specific values which did not match any time, so AM was always selected as it was the first value in the dropdown. To resolve this, the system has been updated to use the locale specific AM PM values for non-auto-generated date time control.

SR-D85400 · Issue 549062

Reset focus to rich-text editor after Spellchecker use

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

After correcting the misspelled words as suggested by SpellChecker, the corrected words were not reflected in the email. This was traced to a focus issue in rich-text editor, and has been resolved by ensuring the focus is returned to rich-text editor once the suggested corrections are accepted.

SR-D86200 · Issue 549034

Resolved tab appearance issues related to resolution support

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When trying to add multiple tabs on larger screens, once the first row was filled with tabs then new tabs began appearing at the bottom of the layout group. The layout group worked as expected with the tab overflow having the right and left arrows with the dropdown on smaller screens. In addition, @1440px the overflow arrow on the right side was not working correctly, showing as grayed out even though focus was not on the last tab. These issues were traced to taboverflow with add icon not working correctly at certain resolutions. To resolve this, the todisableslide function has been updated to consider add icon width and layoutgroup has been updated to consider parent width.

SR-D86360 · Issue 548572

Handling added for declare expression targets when harnessid is null

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Client expression calculation was not happening in Perform harness. Research showed that whenever text input calculations happened, the expression_calculation js setTargetValuesSuccess function was called but the elementList parameter was passed as null due to the inputHarnessId parameter being undefined. This has been resolved.

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