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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-146057 · Issue 599806

Secure access for Activities

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

Authentication requirements have been added to Standard activities.

INC-146123 · Issue 601119

SOAP service exception resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

A SOAP service created using the Service wizard resulted in a "Caught exception building SOAP request envelope" error when attempting to invoke the generated service/WSDL from the Soap integration wizard or SOAPUI. This was traced to an unexpected conflict with work done earlier in around name case matching and certain methods in XSDTreeViewUtils used to generate the attribute text "name" during SOAP service WSDL generation, and has been resolved.

INC-146610 · Issue 614423

MimeTypeHandler added for cloud downloads on mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

When using the Pega cloud storage repository (Application -> Integration -> Content Storage) with the Google Chrome browser on an android device, it was possible to upload attachments but re-downloading the attachments failed. Investigation showed that this was due to the content-type appearing as application/* so Google Chrome on mobile was not able to identify the file type. This was a missed use-case for returnFileForDownload(), and has been resolved by setting the system to use MimeTypeHandler for getting the content type.

INC-146752 · Issue 602934

File Listener made more resilient

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

When file listener encountered a FileNotFoundException as a consequence of sporadic AmazonS3Exceptions, the listener was disabled and no retries were made. In order to make the file listener more resilient, FileMatchConcentrator has been updated. While file listener is running and trying to get the next set of files, if the isDirectory() method returns false due to a non-existent directory or some other intermittent issues, instead of throwing an exception and shutting down the file listener, the system will now log the exception and continue.

INC-147140 · Issue 604370

Email listener update for Microsoft Exchange server

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

After upgrade, TooManyObjectsOpenedException/MapiExceptionSessionLimit errors were seen when starting the email listener. Investigation showed that when the listener was started, two sessions were getting opened and then not closed properly. This was a method originally intended to allow the system to re-use the session to minimize performance overhead, but it is not well-suited for use with Microsoft exchange server as the Exchange server is unable to cleanup idle sessions. As a result, too many MAPI sessions were opened and led to an authentication exception while opening additional sessions. To resolve this, an update has been made so the system will close the session while the listener sleeps. This stop, restart and graceful shutdown scenario for single threaded email listener scenarios will create a new session every time and close it properly.

INC-147156 · Issue 605664

Struts references removed

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

Struts dependency references have been removed due to Secure Mobile Architecture (SMA) being deprecated.

INC-147669 · Issue 614882

Enhanced logging added to REDUX query references

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

Diagnostic logging has been added to REDUX query references which will capture information about exceptions that cause the system to fallback to generating legacy references.

INC-147716 · Issue 603239

Warning added to indicate if QP/JS have been disabled via DASS

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

Search was not working, and the error “The Flow Action pre-processing activity pzLPSearchManagerMainActivityWrapper failed: java.lang.NullPointerException” appeared in the search landing page. Investigation showed that the environment was configured with disabled BackgroundProcessing, which prevented the QueueProcessor framework from working. There was no notice in the UI of this condition. This has been resolved by adding a warning that will appear if background processing is disabled.

INC-148414 · Issue 615593

Date field correctly extracted for IMAP inbound email

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

After upgrade, email-sourced cases were not being created correctly. Tracer showed the date field was blank, causing an error which was traced to the getReceivedDate being returned as null for the JavaMail AP even though the IMAP protocol was being used. This was an unintended side effect of work done to handle a throttling exception in the IMAP inbound email flow, and has been resolved by updating the system so that if the getReceivedDate is null, the date will be extracted from the mail header while processing dates in EmailMessageInfo class.

INC-148544 · Issue 606250

Handling added for unclosed bracket in getLocalizedText

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

A StringIndexOutOfBoundsException error was occurring when using the getLocalizedText method of ClipboardProperty class if the property's value included an unclosed bracket. E.g.: property value is "(123456". This has been resolved by adding handling in for this scenario.

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