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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-172546 · Issue 652878

Resolved classcast exception with assembled HTML controls

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

A classcast exception was being generated on login. Investigation showed the Static Assembler was unexpectedly using a different Assembler to assemble the Html control rule. Standard behavior is that StreamBuilderAssembler assembles controls of type StreamBuilder and ControlAssemblerForVTable assembles controls of type ControlBuilder. In this case, static assembly for HTML controls using VTable was performed using StreamBuilderAssembler, causing a classcast exception when using VTable because the instance of the generated.html class was incorrectly inheriting from StreamBuilder (the parent class of ControlBuilder) instead of ControlBuilder which is the specified interface in the generated.html Java code. This has been resolved by updating the system to skip rules of type 'Rule-HTML-Property'(control) during Static Assembly.

INC-172675 · Issue 649454

Configuration added for extending queue processor timeout

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Alerts for queue processor (QP) items which took more than 15 minutes to run could result in the system marking the node as 'unhealthy'. In environments with Pega Health Check enabled, this would shut down the node gracefully. It was not possible to change this default as it was hardcoded. In order to support systems that may have custom processes that run beyond 15 minutes, a a new setting has been exposed that allows configuration of the interval after which a node with long-running queue processor is marked as unhealthy and is restarted. By default this remains 900000 milliseconds / 900 seconds / 15 minutes, but it may be adjusted up to 24 hours to avoid premature node shutdown. The stale thread detection mechanism will take that setting into account and use the provided value or default to 15 minutes if the value was not provided. In addition, the threshold's units in the UI have been changed from ms to seconds.

INC-172692 · Issue 650614

InsID will be derived from handle if null for upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Upgrade from Pega 7.2.x to Pega 8.4.x failed with a null pointer exception in the “Upgrade Context” target. This was traced to a rule where the pxInsID was null. To resolve this, an update has been made to derive the InsID from handle when needed.

INC-174296 · Issue 650755

Delayed JS/DF initialization failures will trigger alert

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

In order to ensure better cluster monitoring, a PEGA0102 alert has been added for job registration failure that will be triggered if there are startup issues. The logging will include the JOB_NAME for improved troubleshooting.

INC-175205 · Issue 652529

Agent restart made more resilient

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

During a timeout outage, agents intermittently encountered a NoClassDefFound error and were disabled. After the database connection was restored, the agents were not automatically restarting. This has been resolved by making the code more resilient to errors; agent will be restarted when a temporary issue is detected, and the restart will be immune to most exceptions.

INC-179861 · Issue 658948

AES call to mbean disabled

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Under certain conditions, the AESRemote 'push memory' agent call to the legacy memory management mbean caused unexpected behavior in declarative rules for work running in data flows and queue processors. This has been resolved at this time by overriding the push memory usage agent activity to skip mbean and connect REST.

INC-180207 · Issue 659097

Corrected race condition that caused JobScheduler error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

A race condition between the pzInitializeQueueProcessors and pyPersistNodeState job schedulers that both run at platform's start was causing a null pointer exception with the error "com.pega.platform.executor.jobscheduler.scheduler.JobExecutionException: Activity execution failed with [PRRuntimeException]". This has been resolved by moving the QueueProcessor initialization process from JobScheduler to StartupTask.

INC-150395 · Issue 625068

Tokenizer updated to handle commas

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

The Text Analyzer was not working as expected in cases where the number was combined with a comma (,) with it but was working when a space was used between the number and the comma. This was traced to the tokenizer not correctly processing and splitting the input text when there was a special character before or after the token. This has been resolved by updating the tokenizer logic.

INC-150873 · Issue 612896

Performance improvement for saving ADM model rule

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Saving an ADM model rule generated a heap dump. The stack trace from the heap dump showed a thread consuming the maximum memory (4.7 GB of memory). Configurations on all factories are updated when a model rule is saved, but at the time of development it was not expected that there would be a lot of factories in a Dev environment so the system was loading all existing factories simultaneously into memory and updating configurations on them. To improve performance, an update has been made which will now sequentially load factories and update the configuration.

INC-156818 · Issue 628465

Materialization uses time limit boundary for query

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

After turning on Materialization for pyIHSummary and OfferOutcomesForPast45Days datasets, an SQL query was taking an excessive amount of time and causing multiple alerts in the logs. Investigation traced the issue to database partitioning, specifically that running a query where the pyOutcomeTime range spanned multiple partitions was causing the indexes for all partitions in the range to be opened. To resolve this, the query has been updated with a DSS to support a partition size of min(pxOutcomeTime) to limit the time range to querying day by day, or hour by hour, or any other chronology unit specified. If there are no records for the current limit, then it will look at the next partition. This should prevent the query from needing to open more than 1 or 2 partitions.

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