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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D74704 · Issue 535943

Section and navigation rule localization added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Localization has been added for sections and navigation rules that include some of the out-of-the-box rules like Locked and Get help.

SR-D76178 · Issue 538602

Corrected Cosmos dropdown positioning in right-to-left locales

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When using the Arabic locale with the Cosmos UI, the dropdown was located on the right side of the field instead of the left side. This has been corrected.

SR-D36319 · Issue 507362

Pulse mention emails correctly sent for Japanese locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When an operator with Japanese locale (ja_JP) was mentioned in a Pulse comment, email notifications were not being sent. This was working as expected for other operators in different locales. Tracing the pyProcessNotification Queue Processor revealed issues with the pySendNotification context that caused D_pyPulsePostDetails to not load. This has been corrected with modifications to the correspondence rule pyAddUserMentionedPost in the PegaSocial_ja 08-01-01 ruleset.

SR-D44769 · Issue 531441

Resolved non-template harness stale reference for navigation menu

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Post upgrade, the navigation menu was initially present but disappeared on click of a menu item. This issue was seen only when the harness was non-template and SPA was enabled on the dynamic container: when launch harness was done on the same harness, change tracker created a new thread object but the client cache was holding the stale reference. When using template harness, mergeBigData adds all the new details into the stale object, preventing this issue. To resolve this issue for non-template harnesses, initChangeTracker in pzpega_ui_doc_lifecycle file has been updated.

SR-D57629 · Issue 536628

Navigation sub menu shows all options

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

The switch app menu was running off the bottom of the screen, and using arrow keys to navigate it caused the whole portal to jump up. This was traced to the sub-menu style attribute 'top' being changed to '0' if it was given a negative value. To resolve this, a condition was added to check whether the rendering sub-menu height is greater than viewport, and adjust the top attribute value accordingly.

SR-D58868 · Issue 531801

Check added for unicode calendar values

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

After creating a repeating grid section for work report definition with enabled filter option, running the section and giving the filter value in unicode calendar form such as 2019/11/12 did not pass validation. This has been resolved by adding a check for unicode values.

SR-D61560 · Issue 539475

Support added for multiselect control with SmartTip for iPad

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When using a multiselect list control to a lproperty with Smart Tip configured, choosing one item on an iPad and then trying to tap or drag down the vertical scrollbar caused all listed items to disappear. To resolve this, the multiselect control has been updated to handle the popover exit on smart popover hover along with arrow key navigation support for tablets.

SR-D62732 · Issue 527695

V-Scroll bar retained after dirty modal check return

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

A modal dialog of a repeating grid with 'flexible' and numbers of field items that required a v-scroll bar with auto-size layout (Standard layout) had the scroll bar disappear after returning from pyDirtyCheckConfirm /Cancel. This was traced to the dirty modal setting some inline styles to modal, and has been resolved by updating Dirty modal to clean up any styles set on modal once it is closed.

SR-D64244 · Issue 532984

Support added for recording with sIngle-option radio button inside a repeating grid

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Recording a test case was not working when a single option radio button (i.e., radio button control with property of type boolean) was configured inside a repeating grid. In this case, it was found that the Radio button markup did not have a data-test-id attribute for non-template single option; this has been added.

SR-D64667 · Issue 531808

Cursor issue resolved for tab within expandable row

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When pressing the “Tab” key on an expanded row, the cursor was not moving inside the expanded part. This has been fixed by adding a check to get the correct first focusable element.

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