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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-173193 · Issue 660938

Resolved exception from isArchived

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

After update, the message "ERROR - Could not retrieve the database time" was seen. This was traced to the interactions of the isArchived API with a version of Oracle, and has been resolved by adding code to skip the isArchived() API call if pzIsPegaCloud is set to false.

INC-178990 · Issue 663786

Added handling for reloading portal while ChatBot is active

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

An issue was seen with UI rendering when a customer tried to reload the portal where the chatbot is deployed. Investigation showed that this was caused by the screen going to pyCreate harness instead of ChatPerform harness due tot he unexpected refresh, and has been resolved by updating the handling for the Chat Work page and the business case so that pyWorkPage is always Work-Channel-Chat.

INC-179722 · Issue 659283

Added handling for legacy HTML formatting in Email Manager Bot

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

When implementing Email Manager Bot features, pyBody fields were removing the additional spaces and causing the NLP model to not extract the correct data. Investigation showed HTML formatting from older version of Microsoft Outlook created nbsp; instead of space. This has been resolved by ensuring nbsp is replaced with spaces before calling JSoup clean.

INC-179888 · Issue 663844

Training data correctly added to model

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Negative training data was not getting added to the entity model. This was traced to logic used to remove consecutive spaces which was incorrectly removing new lines and leading to entity detection of entities such as address line. This logic has now been removed.

INC-158018 · Issue 633374

Archiving updated to include pxobjclass in CTE column list

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

After enabling the case archival feature on a casetype, cases were getting stuck in the Archive-Ready state while being archived, and a 'column not found' error was seen. Investigation showed that the generated SQL statement used to retrieve the resolved case instances used a common table expression (CTE) whose columns were inskey, insclass, and parentinskey, and the query that referenced the CTE was attempting to compare the column pxobjclass when pxobjclass did not exist in the CTE's column list. To resolve this, the CTE column list has been updated to pzinskey, pxobjclass, and parentinskey to prevent the 'column not found error' from occurring, and the query that referenced the CTE was also updated to use the correct column names and aliases.

INC-159244 · Issue 627864

Bulk actions check in preserves declare expression legacy setting

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

When a declare expression was saved in legacy mode with "Whenever used" selected in change tracking, performing a bulk check-in of the rule caused the expression to default to the new forward chaining method. This did not occur when using a direct check-in. Investigation showed this was caused by the check-in page holding a legacy value before the step execution, and has been resolved by adding a pre-save activity before the validation activity that will restore the .pyIsLegacy value from .pyExpressionTypeSelector, if set.

INC-162262 · Issue 654964

Query added to find time zone for MSSQL database

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

The exception " xp_regread() returned error 5, 'Access is denied.'" was generated when the AES agent PushDBSizeInfo was being run. This was traced to the GetDBInfo activity trying to retrieve the time zone of the MSSQL database by executing a query that used a Microsoft SQL routine to read the windows registry to get the current time zone. The error was not due to security within the SQL Server, but instead was caused by Microsoft Windows security related to the permissions on the registry keys for the users under which specific SQL Server processes were running. To resolve this, an update has been made to call a different query which will get the time zone for the SQL Server.

INC-162262 · Issue 658949

AES call to mbean disabled

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Under certain conditions, the AESRemote 'push memory' agent call to the legacy memory management mbean caused unexpected behavior in declarative rules for work running in data flows and queue processors. This has been resolved at this time by overriding the push memory usage agent activity to skip mbean and connect REST.

INC-169116 · Issue 654255

Correct time zone chosen for fr_Fr appointment function

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

When using the "fr_Fr" location and and "Europe/Paris" time zone for appointments, a null pointer exception was seen related to the function getStartOrEndDateTime. Investigation showed that the incorrect time zone was being picked from the fr_FR.xml file when parsing the date. To resolve this, 4 letter time zone codes have been moved above the 3 letter time zone codes.

INC-170551 · Issue 656558

Rule Assembly update for pxTextInput and pxDisplayText

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

After the application restart, multiple rule assembly alerts were seen for pxTextInput and pxDisplayText . During first access, Assembly is done and container is cached in VTable; investigation showed that in this case, the Load class without the package name had a class not found issue, and then subsequent access tried to use the container from cache and assembly was not done. To prevent this, an update has been made to perform the class lookup using the package name and class name.

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