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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D8467 · Issue 456412

Resolved false alarm exception for Cloud BIX extraction

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

BIX Extraction on Cloud was intermittently throwing an exception even though the BIX Extraction was successful. This false alarm was triggered by inconsistencies in an API within the BIX extraction module used to determine if files existed on a Cloud S3 location post-extraction, and has been resolved by removing the file check.

SR-C89954 · Issue 431931

Rule-Connect-SOAP error fixed for WAS/JBOSS environments

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

After upgrade, SOAP webservice was failing with the error “Couldn't create OMElement from string value for the activity InvokeAxis2 in class Rule-Connect-SOAP". This occurred on sites using a WebSphere/JBoss environment, and was traced to an issue where the WAS classloader was loading its default jar at the same time the Pega classloader was loading the same jar into JVM. This has been resolved.

SR-C93572 · Issue 440079

Search initialization logic updated to ensure consistent node member information

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

The search function was intermittently failing across nodes after restart. Investigation showed that this was due to inconsistent results from search initialization cluster logic using Hazelcast APIs to tell whether or not a given node was part of a Pega cluster. To resolve this, the logic has been updated to rely on ES APIs instead of Hazelcast cluster membership to determine offline nodes.

SR-D9242 · Issue 483173

Security improved for DownloadFromServiceExport

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

In order to improve security, the activity “DownloadFromServiceExport” now requires authentication and explicitly blocks attempts to traverse up directories.

SR-D7427 · Issue 444636

Stack overflow error resolved for pxObjClass returned as declarative target

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

After installation, logging in for the first time as [email protected] with the temporary password was generating an exception. Investigation showed that the system was attempting to obtain the class name of page containing a declarative target and ended up in recursion due to pxObjClass, which was read while getting class name, being returned as a declarative target from the conclusion cache. To avoid this, the code has been modified to ensure that pxObjClass can never be a declarative target.

SR-C94047 · Issue 432968

Updated Static Progress Bar Control to resolve parse error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

When configured in a section with no parameters, the Static Progress Bar control was refreshing every second. After 5-10 seconds, a parse error appeared. This has been resolved by updating the value of bUseProcess to check for both string and boolean.

SR-D520 · Issue 435486

Wait corrected for sub case after reopening

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

A re-opened parent case was not waiting for the sub case when a sub case was reopened, but it did wait if there was no sub case on the reopened parent case. This has been resolved by enhancing the system to better handle the reopen of activator and dependent work objects by checking the reopen time: - pzGetAllStatusforDepClass activity: added step 2 to consider activator reopen time - pzGetMessageKeysForFlowDependencies list view: added criteria to filter on reopen time

SR-C91370 · Issue 429579

System updated to jackson-databind-2.9.8.jar

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

The jackson-databind jar has been upgraded to v2.9.8.

SR-C86138 · Issue 431776

Security updates for avatar upload function

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

Updates have been made to enhance security around the avatar upload function.

SR-C80129 · Issue 425387

Enhancement added to hide class join warning from end user

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

An enhancement has been added to hide the joined class warning message at the end user portal if the section pzManageRecords is delegated to the user. This is done by by checking pxLimitedAccess on the pxThread clipboard page.

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