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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D2796 · Issue 438393

Corrected Recents list resize issue in IE

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

When using IE, opening the Pega Developer Studio to the landing page correctly resized the Recents list unless another tab was open. If there is another tab, the the resizing did not work and the scroll bar only allowed movement to the left. This has been corrected by setting the position to absolute for iframe(designer studio tabs) for IE.

SR-C92171 · Issue 445300

Updated unique ID hashing to account for extended class names

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

Multiple history classes were pointing to one database table because the historical hash method only used the the first 32 characters of a class name to create a unique identifier. This created duplicates if the class extended past this limit. To correct this, the unique ID hashing has updated in SQLGenerator to account for long identifier names: if the supplied name is greater than 32 chars, the system will hash the entire name to create a unique identifier.

SR-C89985 · Issue 435724

pzEmailActions button colors correctly reflect styling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

The default Styling for the buttons defined in pzEmailActions was not taking effect as expected to show an "APPROVE" button as green and a "REJECT" button as red in an email body with attachments. This was traced to the 'if' condition not being satisfied for the color change due to the UIkit handling the evaluation via the pyApproveInternal flow action instead of pzApproveInternal. This has been corrected.

SR-D564 · Issue 438146

Removed job for column population when it is not needed

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

While optimizing the data type class properties, the column population job failed with the exception "ERROR - Exception in column population ... column pc1.pzinskey does not exist". Although there was no impact from this error, the SQL exceptions in logs could cause confusion. This has been resolved by updating the system so that if the table has no pzinskey or stream columns, no job will be queued for column population.

SR-D2286 · Issue 439251

UIKit 12 updated to ensure data pages are cleared when switching applications

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

When using UIKit 12, switching applications without logging off resulted in the 'Recent reports' list and Public Category containing reports and folders that belonged to the previous application. Investigation showed that the pyCMReportBrowserHeader function in UIKit 12 did not include the custom control "pzRBIncludes7", which clears the data pages. This has now been added to ensure that report browser data pages are now automatically cleared on app switch.

SR-C95667 · Issue 438854

Corrected UI distortion for the errors container format

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

After upgrade, using pydisplay to case stages in a harness resulted in misalignment issues in the UI. Investigation showed that this issue was due to an incorrect margin value for the errors container format following recent redesign work in the UI Kit, and has been resolved by correcting the value.

SR-D3598 · Issue 439125

CSS updated to correct Microsoft Internet Explorer issues with Flexbox

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

After launching a user portal from Dev Studio in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, the screen appeared blank. Each table column was stretched out, and a horizontal scroll bar appeared at the bottom of the screen that scrolled infinitely. Investigation revealed that this issue was caused by Internet Explorer not completely supporting FLEX containers. To resolve this, the CSS code for the screen layout region content has been updated to compensate and properly display in IE.

SR-C93726 · Issue 435286

Work status icons work correctly when using localization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

The pyWorkAssignmentStatus control was not displaying the status flags/icons for localized work status values due to a match failure caused by the system using the localized text for the pyAssignmentStatus to perform a string comparison against the hard-coded English values. To correct this, the control pyWorkAssignmentStatus has been modified to run the comparisons with the new string "assignmentStatus" instead of with the localized text.

SR-D392 · Issue 438872

Behavior reset for using getLocalizedValue with an input string containing parentheses

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

After upgrade, the getLocalizedValue function was not returning any value if the input string contained parentheses. This was a difference in behavior caused by a missed use case when correcting another issue, and has been resolved by resetting the system to the previous behavior of getLocalizedValue returning a localized string in cases where a Field value/Rule message is present, or otherwise returning the exact input string.

SR-C91264 · Issue 433439

Localization fixed for dropdown sourced with pystate

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

When pystate was used to source a dropdown, the options were all uppercase but in the review harness used lower case for IN and OR. This difference caused a failure in localization. This was caused by the Field value instance being defined in lowercase in PyCaption while the UI was treating the active value as an instance of pyCaption, leading to instances of both "in" and "IN" being present. This has been resolved by consolidating the field value to use a single case in the pega-eventprocessing ruleset.

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