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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C97873 · Issue 437278

Added check to maintain key value when using collapseAllMenu in child navigation menu

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

After a navigation menu had a child added as reference navigation menu that used the function collapseAllMenus, the screen was freezing if a link was clicked in the added child navigation and a javascript error appeared on the console screen. This was traced to an improper key being set in sessionStorage object in setItem due to the nesting, and has been corrected by adding a check in sessionstorage setitem to maintain the proper key value.

SR-C84361 · Issue 437600

Added handling for better recovery and reset when using 'When' conditional row deletion

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

Given a 'When' condition configured so that a specific row could be deleted, trying to delete another row resulted in the expected error indicating it was not possible to delete that particular row. However, attempting to then delete the row with the 'When' condition caused the same failure error to appear which could not be cleared through clicking on the Refresh button for the section. In order to resolve this, handling has been added for a scenario where Obj-Delete fails and the record is marked for deferred commit. In this situation, the system will revert Obj-Delete by way of Obj-Save-Cancel in @baseclass.pzDeleteRecord so that a subsequent Obj-Delete does not pick up the previous record and fail again.

SR-C65841 · Issue 425806

Added handling for cases where Microsoft Internet Explorer causes a SAXParseException

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

Numerous SAXParseException messages were seen in the log file, and the queryString showed the pyDeleteDocumentPg being referenced. This was traced to the method used by Internet Explorer to construct an HTTP request: Microsoft Internet Explorer sends the header and body of the request in separate TCP packets, but for an unknown reason in this case the body packet goes missing. To resolve this, a toggle has been introduced which will send the pyDeleteDocumentPg request as GET if pega.u.d.GET_REQUEST_DELETEDOCUMENT is set to true in userworkform. In a normal flow without this variable, the request will pass through the normal flow.

SR-C74677 · Issue 414445

ADM pulse timing changed to inprove performance on very large clusters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

ADM uses a pulse that checks if any models need to be updated. This uses a Cassandra query which has no "where" clause, causing poor performance for very large clusters. For immediate relief of this issue, the pulse configuration has been updated to increase the timing from 30 to 300 seconds so it fires less often. Model updates typically happen every x hours and often the pulse will not detect any models that would need to be updated. Further improvements in this process will be available in a future release.

SR-C91156 · Issue 429629

Autocomplete Menu Selection for privileges tab Role updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

When a few characters were typed in the autocomplete for "Role" in the privileges tab and the desired value was selected, the selection did not stick. The second time the value was selected it was retained. Investigation showed that the post value source element had a stale reference after section reload, and this has been resolved by adding code to re-initialise the reference with the latest element.

SR-C93344 · Issue 431348

Bcrypt password hash increased to 2^12

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

Bcrypt password hashes have been increased to 2^12 iterations for new passwords.

SR-C89156 · Issue 429484

Blank paramter passed as inshandle invokes NoWorkID harness instead of exception

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

In releases prior to 8.1, the Obj-Open-By-Handle method was used to set an ActivityStepStatus error if a blank parameter was passed as inshandle. The activity step 8 would show as failed and invoke the NoWorkID harness. As of Pega 8.1, the code was refactored and modified to throw an InvalidArgumentException and quit the activity. In order to ensure better backwards compatibility, the error handling has been reset to show the NoWorkID harness when instanceHandle is empty.

SR-C93555 · Issue 431599

BulkMover updated to not treat Numerics as strings

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

When attempting to update Pega platform 8.1.1 to 8.1.3 with Oracle on a Windows machine with German locale using the out-of-place upgrade of the rules schema, the migration failed at the migration step with the error message "ORA-01722: Ungültige Zahl". This was traced to BulkMover failing when trying to convert a string to a Numeric due to the locale using commas as the decimal separator, and has been resolved by updating BulkMover to not treat Numerics as strings.

SR-C89541 · Issue 430729

Case Manager email correspondence opens when encryption and obfuscation are used

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

If the urlEncryption (true) and submitURLObfuscation(required) settings were enabled, it was not possible to open correspondence emails sent in Case Manager portal. No issue was seen when submitURLObfuscation was set to "optional" (which allows the server to accept URLS with either clear-text or obfuscated strings). Investigation showed the obfuscated values for pyActivity were not part of the HTTP request generated when the Data-Corr-Email attachment is clicked, leading to the system blocking the pop-up window request. Because bEncryptURLs, which is being set in the fragment DesktopWrapper_Variables, is not available in the harness context, the SafeURL method toURL therefore was not encrypting the URL. This has been resolved by setting both bEncryptURLs and pega.ctx.bEncryptURLs to true in the HTML fragment.

SR-C88948 · Issue 426225

Command-line BIX extract properly exits with failure status if the rule is not found

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.2

Running a BIX extract from the command line was returning 0 for both success and failure. This was caused by the error message in this scenario not properly setting the flag if an extract rule did not exist, and has been corrected to ensure the command exits with status code 1 if it is not able to get the list of extract rules.

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