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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D2400 · Issue 438741

Security for ExporttoPDF tool process improved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

In order to increase system security, the tool process around iframe HTML tags used in generating a PDF with chart image data has been improved.

SR-D26190 · Issue 496521

Corrected decimal format for Export to Excel and removed null values inserted in empty columns

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When viewing a report in the viewer or exporting it to Excel, cells that did not have a value in them appeared empty. However, pulling the report into a third-party tool generated an error related to the apparently empty cells. This was caused by the system being set to populate the excel cell with empty string values in cases where there was no value present in the property, causing the error with the third-party tool. To resolve this, the export to Excel code has been modified so that it does not generate anything for cells that have null/empty value. In addition, exported reports containing decimal columns were displayed in an incorrect format, using '0.' instead of '0' . This has also been corrected.

SR-D26815 · Issue 500191

Updated support for numeric values in text columns during Excel export

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

After creating a report definition that included currency and percentage as a columns, the currency, percentage, and number format were not shown as expected for the locale when the report was exported to Excel. This was an inadvertent side effect of work performed to resolve issues for text columns formatted by non-numeric controls, and has been resolved by moving the support for numeric values in Text columns from ReportUIField to NumericReportUIField.

SR-D27687 · Issue 500053

Mashup Export to Excel works on first use

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

If a report was opened from Mashup and exported to Excel, only one record was given regardless of the actual size of the report. If the mashup main page was refreshed, the open and export process worked correctly. This has been corrected by adding a call to pzSetQueryDefaults in pzRDExportWrapper when the requestor is initialized for Mashup.

SR-D27994 · Issue 498437

Chart fixes for localization and filtering

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

A problem was seen with a chart where the column was a date and its labels were not localized even though the values were displayed in the data grid correctly. This was resolved by updating the pzMultiSeriesData XML Stream to generate the series name attribute with the localized value. An issue with a drill down report pulling the data for entire criteria on click of specific set even though the summary view or clicking on the report data worked correctly has been fixed by adding an enhancement for using the aggregate column as a filter on drilldown with "Is not null". Additional work was also done to resolve an issue of a broken case causing the chart not to render when the aggregates were in an unexpected order.

SR-D15895 · Issue 486594

Strict checking inserted to better handle DB keywords in string constant

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

After upgrade, a report was failing with the message "Rule Alias Function cannot reference a SQL function that performs a subquery." This was traced to the report having a function alias used in the columns which compared two strings and returned another string (constant - static value) if the condition was met. However, in two of the returned string constants there was the word "select", which is a keyword in all database languages. Even though the word "select" was a referred part of a string constant, the system treated it as a keyword and tried to perform a subquery within the Function Alias because ABAC was enabled. The report only exhibited this behavior post-upgrade because while ABAC defaulted to disabled in previous versions, it was changed to default to being enabled beginning with v8.1. To resolve this and create more robust backwards compatibility, a more strict check for subquery validation will be performed when ABAC is enabled which will parse and check whether the Rule-Admin-Function has the standard 'select from' clause syntax of SQL.

SR-D20763 · Issue 500405

DASS added to allow toggle of indexpurpose filter in declare index join

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

A performance issue was seen when using a declare index join to add a pxIndexPurpose filter to a very large index_workparty table, either taking a long time to process a search request or intermittently timing out. This was traced to recent modifications in the DeclareIndex Join filter conditions to better handle multiple declare index rules pointing to the same index table, As a result, doing a declare index join on one of the declare indexes returned results that included those that corresponded to other declare index rules. To resolve this, a DASS has been provided to toggle the inclusion of the indexpurpose filter in a declare index join to allow for better customization.

SR-D3371 · Issue 439507

Association Resolver updated to handle filters created on secured properties

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

After creating a Report Definition in a class (Example Class A) that had an Association in that report with Class B, no results were generated from the report when an Access Control Policy and Access Control Policy Condition were created for Class A and Class B where the Class B had an ACPC with a Value field that referred to a Data Page or clipboard page property. Investigation showed the system was not able to resolve the actual value of the datapage property in the generated SQL query due to Association Resolver resetting the filter value (the Page reference in this case) of a filter that is created on a secured property. This has been corrected by updating Association Resolver to not reset the right operand for a filter that is created on a secured property.

SR-D19491 · Issue 489903

Export to Excel formats the DateTime filter for localized values

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When exporting to Excel, filter criteria were given in GMT rather than the localized timezone. This was caused by the implementation of localizeDateTimeString method not formatting the output string for the locale/timezone during export to Excel, and has been corrected to display the localized filter values when the filter values include DateTimes.

SR-D13388 · Issue 485168

Handling added for minor case creation errors

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When creating a case, if any step status failed due to a non-critical reason which did not impact case creation (for example, a mandatory parameter was missing from the data page), that failure state was propagated to SaveNew and ultimately to the case creation API. As a result of this failure report, no case ID information would be reported back to the requestor even though the case was created, and the API responded with status 500 - internal service error. This has been resolved by removing the StepStatusFail check from pzCreateCaseInternal so that non-breaking errors will not result in a 500 error, and a check has been added for page messages in svcAddWorkObject and svcPerformFlowAction so that validation messages are returned.

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