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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D3371 · Issue 439507

Association Resolver updated to handle filters created on secured properties

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

After creating a Report Definition in a class (Example Class A) that had an Association in that report with Class B, no results were generated from the report when an Access Control Policy and Access Control Policy Condition were created for Class A and Class B where the Class B had an ACPC with a Value field that referred to a Data Page or clipboard page property. Investigation showed the system was not able to resolve the actual value of the datapage property in the generated SQL query due to Association Resolver resetting the filter value (the Page reference in this case) of a filter that is created on a secured property. This has been corrected by updating Association Resolver to not reset the right operand for a filter that is created on a secured property.

SR-D19491 · Issue 489903

Export to Excel formats the DateTime filter for localized values

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When exporting to Excel, filter criteria were given in GMT rather than the localized timezone. This was caused by the implementation of localizeDateTimeString method not formatting the output string for the locale/timezone during export to Excel, and has been corrected to display the localized filter values when the filter values include DateTimes.

SR-D13388 · Issue 485168

Handling added for minor case creation errors

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When creating a case, if any step status failed due to a non-critical reason which did not impact case creation (for example, a mandatory parameter was missing from the data page), that failure state was propagated to SaveNew and ultimately to the case creation API. As a result of this failure report, no case ID information would be reported back to the requestor even though the case was created, and the API responded with status 500 - internal service error. This has been resolved by removing the StepStatusFail check from pzCreateCaseInternal so that non-breaking errors will not result in a 500 error, and a check has been added for page messages in svcAddWorkObject and svcPerformFlowAction so that validation messages are returned.

SR-D15822 · Issue 485163

PageList under PageGroup Repeating Layout corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

An issue with the PageList under PageGroup Repeating Layout not working has been resolved by modifying the system so the initial "." will not be removed when using a page from a property. In addition, the newRow functionality has been updated to support the use of an embedded pagelist in a page list.

SR-D20791 · Issue 489024

Support added for section completion of nested page list/groups in DX API

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When using DX API and submitting a screen from the front end which was in an embedded section, "Pega_API_001" errors appeared. An enhancement has now been added to support completing the fields in an embedded section by updating the system to handle nested page lists/groups and updates to "newRow" for nested page lists/groups.

SR-D21569 · Issue 491704

PUT and WHEN support added for REST

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Data layer rules in Pega were not getting generated through the Wizard- ‘Create Rest Integration’ when invoking the Rest service though the PUT method. This has been resolved by adding support for PUT and DELETE in pypresentdatapageoptions.

SR-D21493 · Issue 490306

Corrected revision management with decision data rules

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When a new version of a decision data rule was created in dev studio and new propositions were imported or existing ones modified, the typical behavior was for the system to also automatically create a new version of the "pyEditElement" section even if the form was not changed. If this is done from revision management, the revision automatically creates a branch in the overlay application. If the revision contains a decision data rule, the branch contains an instance of the decision data rule and also an instance of the pyeditelement section, but when the revision was submitted, the generated package only contained the decision data rule and skipped the pyeditelement rule. This was traced to the pyEditElement section of the decision data rule not getting packaged because the package flag was not set to the section, and has been resolved by fixing the withdraw and reject scenarios by modifying the package flag in pyRemoveDDRules activity.

SR-D11312 · Issue 484682

CKEditor table-related plugins updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

In order to successfully put a copy of previous correspondence below the auto email template, gaps had to be explicitly left below the auto email template before pasting the previous email correspondence. Otherwise the auto template disappeared and left only the previous email correspondence on the auto template. This was traced to issues with the CKEditor plugins, and has been resolved by updating to the latest table plugins from CKEditor (table,tabletools,showborders,tableresize,tableselection).

SR-D17694 · Issue 487183

Hidden filters will not be shown on the resulting report

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

After setting up a Report Definition to be visible in report browser with all filters hidden, editing and saving the report resulted in the filter values being visible on the report. This has been resolved by modifying pzResolveCopyFilters activity so that If the filter view option is "Read only, allow no changes" and "Filter not visible in Viewer", it will skip copying the filter values on to the report definition page.

SR-D21618 · Issue 492938

Stories Word doc includes uploaded images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When trying to generate a Word document for the user stories by going to the Options menu and using the 'Document' option, there were images within the user story description that were not rendered in the Word document. Investigation showed that images would show up in the Word document if the images were dragged and dropped or copied and pasted into the description field instead of using the image uploader button. This was because the image was stored in a separate folder when the upload button was used and only a link to the attachment location was added to the description vs using copy/paste or drag and drop directly stored the attachment content in the description. An enhancement has been added to handle the upload use case so the images will appear in the Word document.

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