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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D39547 · Issue 505859

Check added for backwards compatibility with Case Type when rules

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

After upgrade, the When rules present on case type rules (used for skipping stages or showing/hiding stage-wide or case-wide actions) were not executing at run time. This was traced to the introduction of the pySkipOrAllowType property in recent versions, and was only reproducible when the ApplicationRuleset was locked and after upgrade irrespective of whether the condition for when was true or false. To resolve this and enhance backwards capability, a check has been added for the SkipOrAllowType property being empty.

SR-D42566 · Issue 512874

Security improvements for ApplicationInventory and Delete Class

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

It was possible to call the activity "ApplicationInventory of class Rule-" by appending the activity name in the URL. To improve security, the ApplicationInventory activity and HTML rule have been removed from the system. In addition, it was possible to access the "delete class" screen and perform actions on top of it by directly appending the stream to the URL. This has been refactored so the screen will be presented only if the pzSystemOperationsAdministrator privilege is in the current access group.

SR-D28965 · Issue 501859

Repository document deletion modified for better cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

When using documents functionality, creating and uploading a document properly stored it, but deleting the document did not remove the associated files from storage. Whenever a document is created that has a file, instances Of Link-Attachment and Data-WorkAttach-File are also created. Previously, when the document was deleted, the associated instances and actual file were not deleted from the repositories but rather marked as Resolved-Withdrawn and hidden at the UI level. The system has now been updated so that when a document is deleted, the document attachment will also be deleted from all places like list, Tile, and document View, and reference instances like Link-Attachment and Data-WorkAttach-File instance will also be removed along with the actual file from the repository.

SR-C98068 · Issue 483990

Installer files updated with class loader conflict resolution assistance

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

When sending emails with attachments, errors were observed relating to a loader constraint violation indicating that when resolving interface method, the class loader of the current class and the class loader for the method's defining class had different Class objects for the type used in the signature. The resolution for this requires user configuration of the app server, and the following files for the install guide have been updated with the appropriate information:Deployment-guides-dita/install.ditamap Deployment-guides-dita/Content/Topics/app-server-config/creating-jdbc-driver-module-jboss-tsk.dita Deployment-guides-dita/Content/Topics/app-server-config/delegating-javax-activation-to-JRE-loader-tsk.dita

SR-D18879 · Issue 500642

Logic update made to PrepareColors to resolve calculation ambiguity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

When a Report Definition was summarized, the executed report showed a graph for multiple categories but generated the error "No data to display" if given a single category. This was traced to an ambiguity in the Java syntax of the Rule-Utility-Function pzPrepareColors that led to a NegativeArraySizeException on a customer's environment. To resolve this, parentheses have been placed around a ternary operator to ensure the correct order of operations.

SR-D27528 · Issue 501372

Return from drilldown in frameless portal corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

Drill up after drilling down on a dashboard chart in a frameless portal (such as Case Worker or Case Default) was throwing an exception. This was caused by the top-level page generated during drilldown not having pyRetainPage set to true, causing it to be removed from the clipboard by doUIAction. This has been resolved by updating runReport to set pyRetainPage if it needs to create the top-level page.

SR-D32222 · Issue 500901

Auto-generated controls with images supported in export to Excel

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

When attempting to display a column as an image, changing the column format to "pxCheckbox" showed an image while running the report if the value was true, but blank values were displayed when the report was exported to Excel. Investigation showed that the value was being returned as null when a boolean value was set on a column and the option for the auto control was set to show as an image due to the formatted value being returned as an HTML element instead of a boolean value. To correct this, AutoGenReportUIField has been modified so that auto-generated controls that are shown as images are converted to text upon export to Excel.

SR-D37943 · Issue 505737

Corrected Export to Excel after adding custom DateTime field

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

An issue with exporting report definition results to Excel after adding a custom date field column through the edit report option of the report in report viewer was traced to the processing of the controls backing a cell in a report when exporting to Excel. For controls like "Date Only" DateTime (non-autogenerated) control, the code was not returning a string the way it should. To resolve this, NonAutoReportUIField has been updated to always treat all Non-auto Controls as strings.

SR-D43179 · Issue 509888

Corrected viewing of sorted drill-down spreadsheet-style summary reports

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

When using a report with a summarized column and the 'Do not display group headings' grouping option checked, drill down was not working when the report was primarily sorted by default on any column other than the first one. This manifested as either no results returned by the drill down report or an error message related to invalid filter values. This was traced to the unique column ordering logic for non-spreadsheet-style summary reports being applied to the drilldown of spreadsheet-style summary reports due to the logic for creating the drilldown filters using the != operator to compare the spreadsheet flag string to the string constant "true". This previously worked as expected because this string was interned in the engine, but these string internments have since been removed. To correct this, pzPopulateReport has been updated to appropriately recognize spreadhseet-style summary reports as they used to.

SR-D39236 · Issue 508452

Corrected viewing of sorted drill-down spreadsheet-style summary reports

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

When using a report with a summarized column and the 'Do not display group headings' grouping option checked, drill down was not working when the report was primarily sorted by default on any column other than the first one. This manifested as either no results returned by the drill down report or an error message related to invalid filter values. This was traced to the unique column ordering logic for non-spreadsheet-style summary reports being applied to the drilldown of spreadsheet-style summary reports due to the logic for creating the drilldown filters using the != operator to compare the spreadsheet flag string to the string constant "true". This previously worked as expected because this string was interned in the engine, but these string internments have since been removed. To correct this, pzPopulateReport has been updated to appropriately recognize spreadhseet-style summary reports as they used to.

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