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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D21332 · Issue 494518

Handling added for exceptions related to Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 grid cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Numerous exceptions generated from Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 related to pzPega_ui_grid were traced to a browser difference in timing logic related to grid cleanup. This has been resolved by adding a check to determine whether the grid is inside a defer-loaded section.

SR-D24083 · Issue 498488

Guardrail warning removed for setting filter by format on RD sourced grid

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

After upgrade, use of the 'filter by format' (Configuration on table layout column) for grids sourced with report definition caused confusion in that the option now exists to either to see the value or the formatted value in the filter panel. Previously, a grid layout would show a date format in both the column of a grid and the filter of that column, but the filter changes produced a date format on the column within the grid but the date time format applied on filter of the column. This behavior change will be reflected in updated documentation. In addition, there is a workaround to recreate the old behavior by changing the column 'Date assigned' from a filter by value to format, but a moderate guardrail warning was created when filter by format was set on any column of a grid sourced to a report definition. This has been removed: when filter by format is selected, no guardrail warning will be displayed in design time.

SR-D25012 · Issue 499853

Column filtering updated to better handle merged columns

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When filters were applied to a grid containing merged columns, the columns next to the merged columns did not have the filter class applied. This was traced to a calculation of the index in getFilteredColumnIndex function which did not consider the merge columns use case, and the uigrid js file has been updated to correct this issue.

SR-D5404 · Issue 446468

Support added for nested grids with child categorization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Show Details and Expand All were not working as expected in a repeat grid with a nested grid scenario where the parent grid had Show Details enabled and the child grid had categorization enabled with one column selected for categorizing. Investigation showed that a null page was being passed (final @baseclass pzGridSortPaginate activity) due to a lack of support for considering page lists that are embedded in a page different than the step page. To add this support, the activity has been modified to use tools.getProperty(...) instead of myStepPage.getProperty(...) if the data source page list is not an embedded property in the parent row page.

SR-D7798 · Issue 463292

Grid reordering has correct row numbers in embedded panes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When using an expand pane grid with row numbering and row reordering enabled, normally reordering any rows handled the row numbers as expected. After a new record was added in the Embedded Pane and the rows were interchanged/reordered, the row numbers were not reordered with respect to the numbers. Expanding a row and reordering it with the previous row resulted in the numbers being correct and swapped, but collapsing that expanded row then showed its old number. Attempting to expand the above collapsed row/wrong number row instead expanded the previous row. To resolve this, the performModalAction function in ui_grid JS has been updated so the row page and primary page will be recalculated even for single expand reordering case.

SR-D9610 · Issue 476235

Check added for null values in boolean filter of column properties

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Null values in the filter were showing as "NO" when 'Filter by Format' was enabled for filtering a boolean property (Checkbox) in the Column Properties of the table. This has been resolved by adding a check for empty values.

SR-C97399 · Issue 439743

Button type added to allow grid expand in Edge

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When using an expand pane grid in a modal with the Edge browser, clicking on the expand icon using the enter key was throwing an error in new window. This was traced to an issue with a hidden non-auto-generated button in the pzModalHelp control not having a default type, and has been resolved by adding type="button" in the control so Edge will treat it as a submit button.

SR-D12530 · Issue 482722

Spinner wheel dom correctly cleared after incomplete case closure

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

Incorrect behavior of the spinner wheel during a case search following the browser being closed while a case was open has been resolved by updating pzpega_ui_doc_actionRouter to ensure the wheel dom is correctly cleared.

SR-D18960 · Issue 499911

Logic updated to resolve busy indicator delay

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

On click of submit in the main interaction flow, the busy indicator was not getting displayed or was displayed after a delay whenever there were a series of Ajax requests being made. The logic has been updated to resolve this issue.

SR-D23700 · Issue 497920

Repaired setValue(Boolean) clipboard mapping

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

A Set Value for an Hidden Control associated property was not mapped to clipboard as expected. This was an unintended side-effect of work done to resolve an alert generated while attempting to post a feed even though there was no Pulse gadget used in the work object, and was due to the read-only option being considered for hidden input in spite of no design time configuration. A hidden field check has been added so that by default it will be readonly false irrespective of editable and non-editable.

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