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Resolved Issues

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NOTE: Enter just the Case ID number (SR or INC) in order to find the associated Support Request.

Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-D6721 · Issue 488973

Updated report widget drilldown logic for better non-ASCII character support

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

When a report in the report widget had a drilldown chart with a parameter containing certain non-ASCII characters, no entries for the drilldown filter were shown even when there was data that matched that filter. This was traced to the drilldown JavaScript for dashboard report widgets encoding the drilldown parameter twice, causing characters that were Unicode but not ASCII to be corrupted. This has been resolved by updating the logic for pzpega_chart_legacydrilldown.js and pzpega_control_actions_reportdefinition.js to ensure the parameter is not encoded twice.

SR-D8390 · Issue 488003

Handling added for runtime exception on upgrade due to inaccessible external schema mapping

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

If a system used external schema mapping, attempts to upgrade were failing with the error "Caused by: Unable to obtain data source "java:comp/env/jdbc/PegaRULES", as it is undefined". This was traced to configuring external DADNs which were not accessible from the server where the upgrade was being run: an upgrade will fail if it cannot connect to an external datasource even if no changes need to be made to that datasource. However, because a PRRuntimeException was unexpectedly being thrown instead of a Database Exception, the exception was not properly caught and handled. This has been corrected.

SR-D9142 · Issue 482314

Support added for custom JVC arguments for Cassandra

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.6

An enhancement has been added to support specifying custom JVM arguments for Cassandra. This allows uses such as enabling GC logging for cloud deployments, or to increase the native transport queue size for read-heavy deployments.

INC-166995 · Issue 642440

DeleteDocumentPg added to allow list

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

During performance testing with CSRF settings enabled, a '403 Forbidden' error was seen in the network trace when FinishAssignment called pyActivity=pyDeleteDocument on close action. This has been resolved by adding pyDeleteDocumentPg to the list of allowed activities.

SR-D47018 · Issue 517032

Corrected parameter being encrypted during change portal configuration

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

After configuring a changePortalLayout control using .pyDescription as property, trying to switch the portal was throwing a error page. The same configuration worked in earlier platform versions. This was traced to recent updates where the activity parameter ended up being encrypted along with the activity name, and has been resolved by removing the parameter from encryption input and adding it to encryption output.

SR-D5904 · Issue 511600

Discard changes dialog now showing for local actions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

After having modified case data without saving and clicking on a menu entry (left menu, search, ...), the system shows a dialog box to ask the user to confirm it is ok to discard changes. However, this confirmation dialog did not work with local actions, leading users to lose their work without any warning nor any way to step back. This was traced to a difference in the dirty form check, which was not present when launching a local action from a case. An enhancement has now been added to the handleMenuAction js function in pypega_ui_harnessactions.js which will perform a dirty form check with a prompt.

SR-D24527 · Issue 504402

Improved requestor cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

Batch- and Browser-type Requestors were building up over time in both the Admin Studio and in the PegaRULES log and not removed until the system was restarted. This has been resolved by adding two extra cleanupRequestor calls to the Email Listener implementation.

SR-D29034 · Issue 500681

Added support for JSON mapping of deep nested pagelist objects

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

An exception occurred when using a JSON data transform in the service activity to map the clipboard data to JSON on the third level of a structure formed as Pagelist-->page-->pagelist. To resolve this, support has been added for nested pagelist mapping with deep nesting of objects (configured for one sided actions) and arrays.

SR-D33003 · Issue 511230

Queue Batch activity correctly passes chlld process access group

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

When users attempted to create an index using the schema tools landing page, an error displayed in the table history stating "Create index failed". Investigation showed that this happened when a user was authenticated without the PegaRULES:DatabaseAdministrator role and then switched to an Access Group with the PegaRULES:DatabaseAdministrator role. The issue was traced to the activity that launched the batch requestor missing the parameter pzUseCurrentAccessGroupForChild due to the Queue Batch activity only passing the default access group authorization. This has been resolved by adding code to pass the additional authorization which will allow users to create an index in this scenario.

SR-D33214 · Issue 514023

Added safeURL encoding for Japanese characters in attached filenames

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

It was not possible to preview a Japanese-titled PDF file attached on a work object. Investigation showed that in case of Japanese characters, file names were not being correctly encoded during the fetch request when JBoss was used. The retrieval worked correctly under Tomcat. In order to ensure consistent encoding, the safeURL API will be used for constructing the URL and for the activities DisplayAttachFile and pzDownloadFromRepository which add the ContentDisposition header.

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