SR-D3034 · Issue 439707
Corrected reference to Hierarchical table in tree grid modal section
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
Given a table on which row editing opened a modal dialog containing a section with a Hierarchial table, after the modal dialog window was opened and closed without changes, attempting to open it again produced a blank screen. The error "The reference PackagesPage.Packages(2)(1) is not valid. Reason: unexpected character '(' at position 24, expected dot" was logged. This was an edge case where a grid was opened in a modal dialogue from a tree grid. In this case, the parameters passed from the parent grid corrupted the logic to calculate the Automation ID and caused the reference page to be constructed incorrectly. To resolve this, a try catch block has been added to read the reference from 'tools.getActiveName()'.
SR-D6555 · Issue 453265
Access When check added for pyStartCase privilege
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
If a privilege was defined in the pyStartCase flow rule and the access role to object assigned a privilege based on 'Access When' (not production level), the user was not able to start a case. This was traced to the havePrivileges RUF passing an incorrect primary page to evaluate the privileges in combination with the 'access when'. To resolve this, the engine API will call tools.getAuthorizationHandle().havePrivilege for each privilege until it finds a match.
SR-D5413 · Issue 484330
Enhanced returned value handling for using Expand when in collapsible dynamic layout
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
After configuring an 'expand when' condition with the intention that the dynamic layout expands when the user doesn't enter the required field(@hasMessages(Primary)), the dynamic layout was expanded by default even though the "Expanded on load" was not enabled. This was traced to 'expand when' not getting set on refresh due to a different returned value for the condition, and has been corrected.
SR-D5126 · Issue 487185
Corrected active state selector for IOS devices
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
When scrolling RDL, gray artifacts were observed which did not always disappear from the UI. This was traced to the background color being applied wrongly due to an incorrect selector for active state in the layout that resulted in the gray region being visible. To resolve this, the selector has been updated to target only non-IOS devices for active state.
SR-D24900 · Issue 497772
Security update for RequestMap error logging
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
In HttpAPI, the RequestMap contains Cookie information. In error conditions, this map gets logged. An update has been made to ensure that the Cookie value is not logged if there is an error.
SR-D24318 · Issue 494057
Dom API updated to resolve IE11 not loading async data with refresh when
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
The browser was continuously showing "loading" if IE11 was used for a section which was sourced from a data page and configured to load the data asynchronously from a external service while calling an activity and using a 'refresh when' rule to refresh the section if a property changed. Investigation showed that the initial data load was successful and the section with the data was visible, but if the property changed and the section loaded once again due to the 'refresh when' condition, the browser was unable to render the defer loaded section case because the dom returned had the wrong value. To resolve this, the API used to check for the dom element has been updated.
SR-D24880 · Issue 494172
CEP bucket size increased to 1 minute
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
Frequent DSM Data Flow Errors were observed in production nodes with very high event rates. This was traced to the default bucket size for CEP being 1 second for a 31 day window, which was not sufficient to handle high volume use which may create an event strategy window large enough to hit the Cassandra column size limit. In order to resolve this, the default bucket size has been increased from 1 second to 1 minute.
SR-D23992 · Issue 494758
Null check added to handle portal refresh when first launched
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
After configuring a button / dropdown in caseworker portal header with 'Refresh current action' onclick or onchange action, an exception appeared if the refresh harness was triggered and the Refresh did not happen. This was traced to the refresh harness happening after portal launch and before any DC action occurred. The portal 'history.state' is null at launch, meaning there was nothing to refresh. To handle this corner case, a null check has been added for the history state to avoid console errors.
SR-D23490 · Issue 496575
Interface changes made to avoid unexpected workitem deletions when removing stale locks
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
Attempting to delete lock instances of work objects by directly opening the lock item found through navigating to (Dev Studio) App > Classes > System-Locks actually resulted in deleting the work item instead of just the lock. This was due to System-Locks being uniquely identified by the WorkItem that they belong to rather than having their own specific key. This meant that clicking on one of the instances caused the system to respond by presenting a "default RuleFormLayout section" which included a delete button keyed to the actual workitem, but this was not made explicitly clear in the interface. In order to prevent unexpected item deletions, the table has been replaced with a link to the proper System-Lock interface, specifically the "My Locks" window.
SR-D26589 · Issue 496720
Logic updated to populate pagelist data on uploaded multi-sheet Excel files
Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3
When trying to use the activity pxParseExcelFile on an Excel file containing three sheets where each sheet had a different pagelist, the properties mentioned in sheet 1 were populated on upload but the remaining sheets only showed the error message "Could not get clipboard property for reference Work Queues.". This was caused by an error in Row index handling for the additional sheets, and has been resolved by updating the logic to populate the data in the clipboard.